Examples of the the word, peg , in a Sentence Context

The word ( peg ), is the 8971 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are no bomb pieces: bombs are set using peg s placed on a touch-sensitive ", peg ,board" that is closed from view prior to the start of the game. Hence, it is
  2. Detailed analyses of many other games and puzzles, such as the SOMA cube, peg ,solitaire, and Conway's soldiers. He came up with the angel problem, which was
  3. The Netherlands, where his right leg was amputated and replaced with a wooden, peg , Supposedly, Stuyvesant was given the nickname" Old Silver Leg" because he
  4. Batterer" ), and thrust it even further into the ground as an anchoring, peg , Henri reacted violently; he opened his jaws very widely, and tried to bite
  5. Children. These small colorful beads can be placed on a solid plastic-backed, peg ,array to form designs and then melted together with a clothes iron;
  6. A—and is one octave above the cello. Each string of a viola is wrapped around a, peg ,near the scroll and is tuned by turning the peg . Tightening the string raises
  7. Rim, the short string usually led through a tube in the neck so that the tuning, peg ,could be mounted on the peg head. They were often made by builders who used
  8. Including initially the conventional peg in the sixties, regular crawling, peg ,in the seventies and the eighties and crawling bands in the nineties. Over that
  9. Only 1 percent in 2004,compared with 2.2 percent in 2003),due to the fixed, peg ,of the Djibouti franc to the US dollar. However, as mentioned above
  10. He buried the 5th string in the neck after the 5th fret so to put the tuning, peg ,on the peg -head rather than in the neck. Gibson lays claim to perfecting the
  11. In 2007),reflecting the impact of a fixed exchange rate policy (100 % hard, peg ,to the euro, in preparation for currency changeover) and lingering price
  12. The Roman Empire. However, the general form of the calendar suggests the public, peg ,calendars (or para peg mata) found throughout the Greek and Roman world. There
  13. To mention pin and hair-pin making, the needle and fishhook industries, nail, peg , and rivet making, and carding machinery; indeed there are few industries into
  14. Or decreased by the player applying appropriate pressure along the axis of the, peg ,while turning it. Strings were first made of sheep gut (commonly known
  15. Including varieties that glow in the dark or have internal glitter;, peg ,boards come in various shapes and several geometric patterns. Manufacturing
  16. Already in the head. For a right-handed bowler," forehand draw" or" finger, peg ," is initially aimed to the right of the jack, and curves in to the left. The
  17. Led through a tube in the neck so that the tuning peg could be mounted on the, peg ,head. They were often made by builders who used guitar tuners that came in
  18. Of a viola is wrapped around a peg near the scroll and is tuned by turning the, peg , Tightening the string raises the pitch; loosening the string lowers the pitch.
  19. Montreal Convention, and other treaties also uses SARS in this way.; Currency, peg ,: The IMF says," the SDR may not be any country’s optimal basket ", This is a
  20. In to the left. The same bowler can deliver a" backhand draw" or" thumb, peg ," by turning the bowl over in his hand and curving it the opposite way, from
  21. Investment due to its stability. Within the EU several currencies have a, peg ,to the euro, in most instances as a precondition to joining the eurozone. The
  22. If at the end game your score is more than the points remaining you cannot, peg ,out and must wait to score lower (for example if you have 54, and you score 8
  23. Was formerly peg ged to the Deutsche Mark, other EU member states have a direct, peg ,due to ERM II: the Danish krone, the Lithuanian pitas and the Latvian lats. In
  24. S economic and military dependence on the Soviet Union—as the most convenient, peg ,on which to hang a revolution introduced through a military coup that had
  25. There was a further 12 % devaluation in May 2005 and the policy of a" Crawling, peg ," was adopted. The recently established Non-Bank Financial Institutions
  26. The poor movie going public's desire to see the rich upper class brought down a, peg , By contrast, when lower-class people attempt to pass themselves off as
  27. Prime Minister. In 1991,markka was peg ged to the currency basket ECU, but the, peg ,had to be withdrawn after two months with a devaluation of 12 %. In 1992
  28. Sang (flying coffin),Fall fighter (falling fighter) and Enamel (tent, peg , literally" ground nail" ). Standoff and his deputy Gunther All noted that
  29. The six hoops are arranged three at each end of the court, with a center, peg , In association croquet one side takes the black and blue balls, the other
  30. Trade regime, fully convertible currency backed by currency board and a strong, peg ,to the euro, competitive commercial banking sector, hospitable environment for
  31. Of England clearly shows a croquet like game (balls on ground, hoop,bats and, peg ,) being played over a short (garden sized) distance. Interestingly, this
  32. Basset horns and larger clarinets are supported with a neck strap or a floor, peg , Finally, the flared end is known as the bell. Contrary to popular belief, the
  33. Out of science and technics, like: sing < Schiele" rail ", știft < Shift ", peg ,", liță < Lite" braid ", ștanță < Stance" punch ", șaibă < Scheme" washer
  34. Wood with a small hollowed or pierced area near the center and mounted on a, peg ,driven into the earth. It would have been rotated by repeated tugs by the
  35. Clocks, it was capable of sounding at a specified time, achieved by placing a, peg ,on the dial wheel. At the requested time, the peg activated a ringing device.
  36. Animal glue—a practice also employed in early plucked Orihuela construction. The, peg ,boxes of viols (which hold the tuning peg s) were typically decorated either
  37. The 1950s. Several regimes were adopted including initially the conventional, peg ,in the sixties, regular crawling peg in the seventies and the eighties and
  38. To score lower (for example if you have 54, and you score 8 points you cannot, peg ,that, so you must wait for the opportunity to score fewer points). This is
  39. Pegged to the Portuguese escudo) all of these non-EU countries had a currency, peg ,to the French Franc before peg ging their currencies to the euro. Pegging a
  40. On 30 September with a memorial. In computing, JPEG (pronounced as jay -, peg ,is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital photography (image
  41. The French journal Le Figaro. *1913 – King O'Malley drives in the first survey, peg ,to mark commencement of work on the construction of Canberra. *1931 – The
  42. Time, achieved by placing a peg on the dial wheel. At the requested time,the, peg ,activated a ringing device. The clock had three dials which indicated hours
  43. Final play to give Notre Dame the 35-34 win. Despite this, most scouts did not, peg ,Montana as a top prospect. In addition to being relatively small for a
  44. Are: a tale of boiled missionaries; of a lady who borrows a false eye,a, peg ,leg, and the wig of a coffin-salesman's wife; and a final tale of a man who
  45. Rainy weather to plant. A hole is created in the tilled earth with a tobacco, peg , either a curved wooden tool or deer antler. After making two holes to the
  46. Then back again the other way),with both balls, and then strikes the center, peg ,(making a total of 13 points per ball = 26). Good players may make" breaks "
  47. Neck of the cello is above the player's left shoulder, and the C-String tuning, peg ,is just behind the left ear. The bow is drawn horizontally across the strings.
  48. S mission as to" go up there and sell it, and we'll have moved forward a, peg ,or two. Fall on your damn sword and kill yourself, and I'll be happy, too. "
  49. Vigorous). Eventually pitas was issued in June 1993, and it was decided to, peg ,it to the United States dollar in 1994 and to the Euro in 2002. Despite
  50. Of 8 Estonian croons for 1 Deutsche Mark. When Germany introduced the euro the, peg ,was changed to 15.6466 croons for 1 euro. Estonia was set to adopt the euro in

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