Examples of the the word, psychotherapy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( psychotherapy ), is the 8966 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Into the potential therapeutic benefits of using the drug as an augment to, psychotherapy ,showed that most patients in the trial given psychotherapy treatment along with
  2. Psychotherapist in an initial psychiatric interview. " He chose the context of, psychotherapy ,to" sidestep the problem of giving the program a database of real-world
  3. Terminated or replaced by occasional booster sessions. The most-studied form of, psychotherapy ,for depression is CBT, which teaches clients to challenge self-defeating, but
  4. Which have not responded to antidepressant medication or, less often, psychotherapy ,or supportive interventions. ECT can have a quicker effect than antidepressant
  5. With treatments for alcoholism such as inpatient treatment, drug therapy, psychotherapy ,and cognitive-based therapy. Still some research has found that institutional
  6. Cognitive therapy rapidly became a favorite intervention technique to study in, psychotherapy ,research in academic settings. In initial studies, it was often contrasted with
  7. The extent of attention and funding it receives nor its extension beyond, psychotherapy ,into matters such as reducing unemployment, and that the limitations of the CBT
  8. Medication for mild to moderate depression. Logo therapy, a form of existential, psychotherapy ,developed by Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frank, addresses the filling of an "
  9. Everyone has been seduced by CBT's apparent cheapness. " Presenters at a, psychotherapy ,conference at the University of East Anglia (SEA) in July 2008 criticized the
  10. Depression. A more widely practiced, eclectic technique, called psychodynamic, psychotherapy , is loosely based on psychoanalysis and has an additional social and
  11. Successfully in curing opiate addiction (as well as alcoholism) treatment and, psychotherapy ,in clinics in Mexico and Canada. * Marijuana including the Cannabis plant and
  12. On CBT and the widespread belief that CBT is more effective than other forms of, psychotherapy , In this conference professors Mick Cooper and Robert Elliott (both at
  13. The word" treatment ". Among psychologists, the term may refer specifically to, psychotherapy ,or" talk therapy ". Common treatments include medications, surgery,medical
  14. Treatments in the long term. Sometimes medication is combined with, psychotherapy ,but research has found that there is no benefit of combined pharmacotherapy and
  15. As an augment to psychotherapy showed that most patients in the trial given, psychotherapy ,treatment along with doses of MDMA experienced statistically significant
  16. In developing countries, where access to mental health staff, medication,and, psychotherapy ,is often difficult. Development of mental health services is minimal in many
  17. Lyric acid dimethylamine (" LSD" /" Acid" ), formerly used in, psychotherapy ,* Peyote, a cactus growing in nature primarily in northeastern Mexico; one of
  18. A harm-reduction approach. Psychological Various forms of group therapy or, psychotherapy ,can be used to deal with underlying psychological issues that are related to
  19. To psychology. Rogers is widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of, psychotherapy ,research and was honored for his pioneering research with the Award for
  20. Were written. During this period, patients were less likely to undergo, psychotherapy , Most commonly prescribed The most commonly prescribed antidepressants in the
  21. With feelings of futility and meaninglessness. It is posited that this type of, psychotherapy ,may be useful for depression in older adolescents. Koreans use two different
  22. Treatment of depression in children and adolescents, and CBT and interpersonal, psychotherapy ,(IPT) are preferred therapies for adolescent depression. In people under 18
  23. Modern, therefore Asclepius is considered to be a pioneer physician in, psychotherapy , physical therapy and molecular medicine. Epicurus explicitly warned against
  24. 2003) states Rogers" consistently stood for an empirical evaluation of, psychotherapy , He and his followers have demonstrated a humanistic approach to conducting
  25. Are treated with antidepressant medication and, in many cases, also receive, psychotherapy ,or counseling, although the effectiveness of medication for mild or moderate
  26. By the Chinese authorities included a technique derived from standard group, psychotherapy , which was aimed at forcing the victims (who were generally intellectuals) to
  27. Psychotherapy has been shown to be effective in older people. Successful, psychotherapy ,appears to reduce the recurrence of depression even after it has been
  28. Countries. The term antidepressant is sometimes applied to any therapy (e.g., psychotherapy , electroconvulsive therapy, acupuncture ) or process (e.g., sleep disruption
  29. But research has found that there is no benefit of combined pharmacotherapy and, psychotherapy ,versus monotherapy. An antipsychotic (or neuroleptic) is a tranquilizing
  30. Serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, and, psychotherapy , should be based on the patient's history, preference,and other individual
  31. Recent contributor to the development of a European version of existentialist, psychotherapy ,is the British-based Emmy van Denizen. Anxiety's importance in existentialism
  32. Behaviors. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and short-term psychodynamic, psychotherapy ,(STPP) can be used to successfully treat GAD with positive effects lasting 12
  33. Those with less serious forms of depression—cease medication than cease, psychotherapy , most likely due to adverse effects from the medication and to patients '
  34. Tillich, Wilfrid Dean and John Macquarie. Existentialist psychoanalysis and, psychotherapy ,A major offshoot of existentialism as a philosophy is existentialist psychology
  35. Psychotherapeutic approaches, cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal, psychotherapy ,had the best-documented efficacy for treatment of major depressive disorder.
  36. Psychotherapies. Management The three most common treatments for depression are, psychotherapy , medication, and electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapy is the treatment of
  37. Movement and facial expression components of emotion, different schools of, psychotherapy ,approach human emotions differently. Cognitively oriented schools approach them
  38. Of their condition after two months, compared with a control group receiving, psychotherapy ,and a placebo. The authors conclude" MDMA-assisted psychotherapy can be
  39. III prescription status for the drug, due to beneficial usage of MDMA in, psychotherapy , The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) overseeing the hearings, Francis Young
  40. And to expand skill repertoire. It is suggested that it can be an adjunct to, psychotherapy ,for people with disabilities, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, panic attacks
  41. Results in anxiety or other symptoms. It is frequently not investigated in, psychotherapy ,because it is ego-syntonic, parallels cultural attitudes, and because
  42. And human relationships, found wide application in various domains such as, psychotherapy ,and counseling (client-centered therapy),education (student-centered
  43. The use of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of the acute episode, followed by, psychotherapy ,in its residual phase, has been suggested by some studies. Medication failure
  44. Receiving psychotherapy and a placebo. The authors conclude" MDMA-assisted, psychotherapy ,can be administered to post-traumatic stress disorder patients without evidence
  45. To Bent Cordon, Hubbard created the illusion that Diabetics was the first, psychotherapy ,to address traumatic experiences in their own time, but others had done so as
  46. Medical uses There have long been suggestions that MDMA might be useful in, psychotherapy , facilitating self-examination with reduced fear. Indeed, some therapists
  47. Disease. The effects of antidepressants are somewhat superior to those of, psychotherapy , especially in cases of chronic major depression, although in short-term trials
  48. More complex and chronic forms of depression, a combination of medication and, psychotherapy ,may be used. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) currently has the most
  49. Which provides assistance with adoption, marital and family counseling, psychotherapy , and addiction counseling; the LDS Church History Department, which collects
  50. Denizen. Anxiety's importance in existentialism makes it a popular topic in, psychotherapy , Therapists often offer existentialist philosophy as an explanation for anxiety

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