Examples of the the word, akin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( akin ), is the 8980 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Redevelopment around 1810,and by 1850,Alexandria had returned to something, akin ,to its former glory. In July 1882,the city came under bombardment from British
  2. Lesser chemical reactivity allows for the easier formation of large structures, akin ,to proteins. Isaac Asimov, the biochemist and science fiction writer, suggested
  3. Between the inner surfaces of the containing body. He showed that place was, akin ,to space, foreshadowing René Descartes's concept of place in the Extension in
  4. character's chest was added in 1964,and became the hero's trademark symbol, akin ,to the red and yellow" S" symbol of Superman. The overall look of the
  5. Seems unwarranted. The cactus Lepidus of which he speaks may have been more, akin ,to shot put. It is beyond dispute, however,that the game, at any rate in a
  6. Women in 1983 after a decade of failed negotiations with Barnard for a merger, akin ,to the one between Harvard College and Radcliffe College. Despite the
  7. From Middle English, which is derived from the Old English word blood, which is, akin ,to the Old High German word blunt, meaning blood. The modern German word is (
  8. The nest along with some workers to found a colony at a new site, a process, akin ,to swarming in honeybees. A wide range of reproductive strategies have been
  9. Cymbal may be hit with shoulder of a drum stick to obtain a sound somewhat, akin ,to that of a pair of clash cymbals. Other methods of playing include scraping a
  10. Number of issues. For one thing, if verbal reports are treated as observations, akin ,to observations in other branches of science, then the possibility arises that
  11. Qin Shi Huang to abandon the Confucians' recommendation of awarding fiefs, akin ,to the Zhou Dynasty before them which he saw as counter to the Legalist idea of
  12. Of an overruling fate, found in Boethius an interpretation of life closely, akin ,to the spirit of Christianity. The Consolation of Philosophy stands, by its
  13. Was always interested in the idea of all-encompassing systems of knowledge (, akin ,to modern meta-systems) -- the characters in his very first story used a
  14. And the Book of Common Prayer, thus regarding prayer and theology in a manner, akin ,to that of the Apostolic Fathers. On the whole, Anglican divines view the via
  15. Body. The soul is reborn into another body upon death (until Marsha), akin , to a human changing clothes. The religious, civil and criminal law of Hindus is
  16. Both Mediterranean & Alpine climates. Whitewater rafting is something, akin ,to a national pastime, with 3 rivers including the deepest river canyon in
  17. This is also responsible for the name of the group (from the, gills, akin , to,windpipe;, foot ). They generally possess compound eyes and a carapace
  18. Colour of the Virgin Mary in Western Art) and pink was for boys (as it was, akin ,to the color red, considered a masculine color. National colors * Azzurri, a
  19. As a prose version, much of which differs from her initial version, and is more, akin ,to Gardner's version. This prose version has since been modified and
  20. Of existence (before the silver cord is broken),followed by a judgment, more, akin , to a Final Review or End Report over one's life. Many Wicca, though not all
  21. And his two sons Hello and Roberto. In temperament, his style was more, akin ,to the classicized and restrained baroque of Duquesne than to the emotive
  22. But being recognized, or defined in law, as in ancient China, concubinage was, akin , although inferior, to marriage. The children of a concubine were recognized as
  23. Send the jack anywhere on the green in this game and the green itself is more, akin ,to a golf green, with lots of undulation. Crown Green Bowls is very popular
  24. Was often on the side of the pirates also, many considering them to be, akin ,to patrons. University of Chicago economist Peter Lesson believes that pirates
  25. A poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (historic use of a lantern as a signal, akin ,to a beacon) Bhangra (, ( Shahmukhi),; pronounced) is a form of south-asian
  26. For apparent fine-tuning. In fact, we might have to resort to something, akin ,to Barrow and Tipler's SAP: there would be no option for such a universe not
  27. His injuries left him in a minimally conscious state (MCS),a condition, akin ,to a coma but characterized by occasional, but brief, evidence of environmental
  28. An expansion of ITV's commercial ethos and a public service approach more, akin ,to the BBC, it was ultimately something of a compromise that eventually led to
  29. Began to diversify, and the oldest known ants, termites and some lepidopterans, akin ,to butterflies and moths, appeared. Aphids, grasshoppers,and gall wasps
  30. Is beyond the scope of the first cause argument. ) In else (essence) is more, akin ,to the light from a candle or the liquid in a vessel. George Hayward Joyce, SJ
  31. The shaming of the one overcome by the act of hubris. This concept of honor is, akin ,to a zero-sum game. Rush REM simplifies this definition to the contemporary
  32. Ideas into a more metaphysical framework. Its concepts include LI (principle, akin ,to Plato's forms),QI (vital or material force),tail (the Great Ultimate
  33. To him the unique title of" secondaries ", which may indicate a position, akin ,to that of the Celtic Taoist, a recognized successor closely associated with
  34. From G to H thus turns into an Abelian group in its own right. Somewhat, akin ,to the dimension of vector spaces, every Abelian group has a rank. It is
  35. Of Kolmogorov complexity can be used to state and prove impossibility results, akin ,to Gödel's incompleteness theorem and Turing's halting problem. Definition To
  36. A sensation most similar to the light source. Dominant wavelength is roughly, akin ,to hue. There are many color perceptions that by definition cannot be pure
  37. Metal (-ion)-containing catalysts. Organocatalysts are supposed to operate, akin ,to metal-free enzymes utilizing, e. g., non-covalent interactions such as
  38. Committee enforcement officer; the development of CITES Action Plans (, akin ,to Biodiversity Action Plans related to the Convention on Biological Diversity
  39. Reverse-pressure massage ". Massage Too Na (推拿) massage: a form of massage, akin ,to acupressure (from which shiatsu evolved). Oriental massage is typically
  40. With an extra double bond for each boron, with the boron atoms forming sheets, akin ,to the carbon in graphite. However, unlike the case with hexagonal boron
  41. Center have also been made. There are also plans to build a giant Ferris wheel, akin ,to the London Eye. Iraq's Tourism Board also is seeking investors to develop a
  42. A significant period of study to demonstrate his loyalty and trustworthiness, akin ,to catechumen practices preceding baptism in Christianity. Canadianism
  43. On sports and air year-round in a 9 p. m. ET/PT time slot. Costs Now was more, akin ,to HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. Costs left HBO to sign with MLB
  44. Through interpretation Greece was worshiped primarily as a mother goddess, akin ,to the Phrygia goddess Cybele, in an ancient sanctuary where her cult image
  45. The modern equivalent. ) The programming language to be employed by users was, akin ,to modern day assembly languages. Loops and conditional branching were possible
  46. Adjectives are inflected to show gender, number and state. The latter somewhat, akin ,to case in Indo-European languages. Aramaic has two grammatical genders
  47. Tends to conform to the vocabulary, pronunciations,spellings, and conventions, akin ,to, but not exactly the same as, those of British English. A regional variant
  48. And in the states of the United States (with the (usually termed foliation), akin , to that described above, by means of which a mother can obtain a contribution
  49. Normally quiet and introspective, he reveled in mimicry and" voice tricks ", akin ,to ventriloquism that continually entertained family guests during their
  50. Was that he offered to his guests the ambrosia of the Deathless Ones, a theft, akin ,to that of Prometheus, Karl Kearny noted (in Heroes of the Greeks). *In the

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