Examples of the the word, transcription , in a Sentence Context

The word ( transcription ), is the 8964 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The veil, such as LEM3,bind chromatin and disrupting their structure inhibits, transcription ,of protein-coding genes. Like the components of other intermediate filaments
  2. Analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development. The word is a, transcription ,of the ancient Greek ἀνάλυσις (analysis," a breaking up ", from Ana-" up
  3. The official name of the republic to Notion (or Nokhchiin) which is a, transcription ,of the name in the Chechen language. History Prehistory The oldest settlement
  4. Instead as a system of writing, double-entry produced effects that exceeded, transcription ,and calculation. One of its social effects was to proclaim the honesty of
  5. ADD). Binding of this receptor can also indirectly lead to the activation of, transcription ,factors involved in cell survival and inflammatory responses. The link between
  6. In itself prove the link. Research indicates that these drugs may interact with, transcription ,factors known as" clock genes ", which may play a role in the addictive
  7. More information about Grade 2 Braille is below in the section on Braille, transcription , Braille also includes a number of whole word contractions, for example the
  8. Intermingling of nuclear structures. The first step in ribosomal assembly is, transcription ,of the rDNA, by a protein called RNA polymerase I, forming a large pre-rRNA
  9. Pronounced respectively in Early Middle Chinese, according to William Baxter's, transcription ,– each one different from all the others. Furthermore, when one of the above
  10. As Input (variously spelled ANMP, Anpu, and Renew). According to the Akkadian, transcription ,in the Maria letters, Anubis ' name was vocalized as Napa. The oldest known
  11. Of this pathway includes alpha-interferon and beta-interferon, which induce, transcription ,of the p53 gene and result in the increase of p53 protein level and enhancement
  12. Concepts have had influence on Chinese language since the 20th century, through, transcription , From French came 芭蕾 (Bali" ballet" ), 香槟 (Jiangxi," champagne" ), via
  13. American English rho tic, there is some variation in its phonetic description. A, transcription ,with the IPA character for an alveolar approximate () is common, though the
  14. 60,by one count),but not all, and discussions of harmonization of systems of, transcription ,that led to, among other things, adoption of the African reference alphabet.
  15. Of Jesuits and Western court missionaries resulted in some rudimentary Latin, transcription ,systems, based on the Nanjing Mandarin dialect. Romanization is
  16. Front of a studio audience. We'd dub the one that came off best into the final, transcription , It gave us a chance to ad lib as much as we wanted, knowing that excess ad
  17. Nouns (names of people, places ), continue to enter the Chinese language by, transcription ,according to their pronunciations. This is done by employing Chinese characters
  18. Salicylic acid and its derivatives modulate signaling through NFL. NFL,a, transcription ,factor complex, plays a central role in many biological processes, including
  19. DNA replication — nucleosome — genetic code — codon — transcription factor —, transcription ,— translation — RNA — histone — telomere **gene expression — hetero chromatin —
  20. Or long. Long (geminate) consonants are normally written doubled in Latin, transcription ,(i.e. BB, dd,etc.),reflecting the presence of the Arabic diacritic mark
  21. Of Romanization for the Chinese languages due to the lack of a native phonetic, transcription ,until modern times. Chinese is first known to have been written in Latin
  22. Biology is the study of molecular underpinnings of the process of replication, transcription ,and translation of the genetic material. The central dogma of molecular biology
  23. Mapping is not one-to-one. In addition to simple encoding, modern Braille, transcription ,uses contractions to increase reading speed. (See: Grade 2 Braille) Writing
  24. Five characters: Phonetic transcription s The Chinese had no uniform phonetic, transcription ,system until the mid-20th century, although enunciation patterns were recorded
  25. Before Riser he was known in the west as Alsace, which is the correct, transcription ,of the Arabic name. This work enjoyed a great reputation during the Middle Ages
  26. Owner was a Jewish trader from Portugal. The name became Basses the India due to, transcription ,errors by cartographers. It was also discovered by the Europa in 1774,hence
  27. To rote drills in the rules of grammar, spelling,vocabulary, penmanship and, transcription ,of adult texts. However, in that decade, progressive reformers such as Alcott
  28. Prefix and suffix may be subsumed under the term affix in contrast to infix. In, transcription , for example in the third column in the chart above, simple affixes such as
  29. Of speech sounds, not the sounds themselves, they have no direct phonetic, transcription , When they are realized without much allophonic variation, a simple (i.e.
  30. Into nucleic acids by polymerases in the processes of DNA replication and, transcription , The structure of this molecule consists of a purine base (adenine) attached
  31. Schwa-like) way. Although there are many dialects and accents,the, transcription ,should be fairly standard. Note: The word Afrikaans means African (in the
  32. Articulation is described as" Retracted Tongue Root" by phonologists. In some, transcription ,systems, emphasis is shown by capitalizing the letter, for example, is written
  33. i.e. representing the spelling of Arabic, while others focus on, transcription , i.e. representing the pronunciation of Arabic. (They differ in that, for
  34. Based modelling approaches capturing cellular events such as signalling, transcription ,and reaction dynamics A broad sub-category under bioinformatics is structural
  35. Mexican, by H. Owen Reed, features the instrument prominently, as does the, transcription ,of Malcolm Arnold's Four Scottish Dances, which has become a staple of the
  36. Including transliteration to convey Cyrillic spelling in Latin letters, and, transcription , to convey pronunciation. Standard Cyrillic-to-Latin transliteration systems
  37. Of orthographies of many African languages (serving" as the basis for the, transcription ," of about 60,by one count),but not all, and discussions of harmonization of
  38. At a later date. Lord (1960:) felt strongly the manuscript represents the, transcription ,of a performance, though likely taken at more than one sitting. Kernan (1996
  39. Receptor proteins that are trafficked into the nucleus. There they serve as, transcription ,factors when bound to their ligand; in the absence of ligand, many such
  40. Earliest. The 11th century date is due to scholars who argue that, rather than, transcription ,of the tale from the oral tradition by a literate monk, Beowulf reflects an
  41. Encoded in DNA/RNA. Protein synthesis generally consists of two major steps:, transcription ,and translation. Transcription is the process where genetic information in DNA
  42. Base word to which a prefix or suffix has been added. And some portions of the, transcription ,rules are not fully codified and rely on the judgment of the transcriber. Thus
  43. Commercially published: * a, A Novel (1968,ISBN 0-8021-3553-6) is a literal, transcription ,– containing spelling errors and phonetically written background noise and
  44. Differs whether the composition of the poem is contemporary with its, transcription , or whether the poem was composed at an earlier time (possibly as one of the
  45. Leading to errors (mostly point mutations) in DNA replication and DNA, transcription , This is due to their esoteric chemistry. One common mutagenic base analog is
  46. Precursor. This is cleaved into the subunits 5.8S,18S,and 28S rRNA. The, transcription , post- transcription al processing, and assembly of rRNA occurs in the nucleolus
  47. Structure: DNA — DNA replication — nucleosome — genetic code — codon —, transcription ,factor — transcription — translation — RNA — histone — telomere **gene
  48. Are realized without much allophonic variation, a simple (i.e. 'broad' ), transcription ,is used. However, when there are complementary allophones of a phoneme, so that
  49. By finding a loophole whereby the IRS couldn't tax him at a 77 % rate. The, transcription ,method posed problems, however. The acetate surface coating of the aluminum
  50. Success, he released the LP titled Basis Manchu (1976),a strange, transcription ,of his name, mostly with George Hayes Orchestra under CBS Records label, in

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