Examples of the the word, clare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clare ), is the 8967 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Lucy, who was the widow of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Hartford which Gilbert de, clare , born and died. The name de Revers can also be found as de Reviews or Reveres.
  2. S De leis murals clusters, Giovanni Saladin deli Arienti's Never de la, clare , donne, Iacopo Filippo Forest's De Purims Clarín selective murderous, Jean
  3. Um. Contrast the adjective Claus,-a,-um, which means bright, to the adverb, clare , which means brightly. The comparative form of an adverb, formed from third
  4. Involved in the turf trade in the Galway hookers to the Ran islands and county, clare , Irish Breaching Irish Breaching is an island off of the coast of Letter more
  5. Berwick shire. He was described as William Lauder of Eddington in a precept of, clare , constat containing a precept of saline dated 7 September 1587 granted by his
  6. Game author to this day. A god mode cheat could be activated by typing the word, clare , while the game was loading; Clare was the programmer's girlfriend at the time.
  7. Clement IV, on the other hand, wrote in 1268 of" Mindanao of happy memory" (, clare , memorie Mendoza),expressing regret at his murder. In any

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