Examples of the the word, similarity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( similarity ), is the 4561 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Instead, the newer order (with letters partially grouped together by, similarity ,of shape) is used::: Another kind of order used to be widely used in the
  2. And doctor's prescriptions on the counter of an apothecary's (Fabio). The, similarity ,of the Roman abacus to the Chinese one suggests that one could have inspired
  3. The unit did demonstrate the basic principle. Electronic analog computers The, similarity ,between linear mechanical components, such as springs and dash pots (
  4. Show Jericho * Angle-Side-Angle, a shortcut for showing either congruence or, similarity ,between two triangles * Anti-Soviet agitation, a criminal offense in the Soviet
  5. Purification rites in Jewish laws and tradition, called " Vila ", have some, similarity ,to baptism, and the two have been linked. The" Vila" is the act of
  6. As Spanish, and the Castilian origin of the Trastámara dynasty and a strong, similarity ,between Castilian and Aragonite, meant that further recession was to follow.
  7. Deployed in the invasion of Poland. Their turretless construction bears, similarity ,to later tank destroyers, but they were used exclusively by reconnaissance
  8. Empire and China. However, no direct connection can be demonstrated, and the, similarity ,of the abaci may be coincidental, both ultimately arising from counting with
  9. Sulphate aerosol and stratospheric ozone concentrations. The degree of pattern, similarity ,between models and observations increases through this period. It is likely
  10. Mail. While making an album with Mail in Senegal, Emmerson was struck by the, similarity ,between one African melody and a traditional Irish air. Back in London, Irish
  11. Is the cross-correlation of a signal with itself. Informally, it is the, similarity ,between observations as a function of the time separation between them. It is a
  12. Modern Basques have a common ancestry with other Western Europeans. The, similarity ,includes the predominance in their male populations of Y-chromosome Haplogroup
  13. Red dye. There is also a synthetic dye that has been named" amaranth" for its, similarity ,in color to the natural amaranth pigments known as explains. This synthetic
  14. With which we must deal. Our understanding of what is happening sometimes lacks, similarity ,of structure with what is actually happening. He stressed training in awareness
  15. And Mann. However, it relies on lexicostatistics, which,because it relies on, similarity , rather than shared innovations, can lead to grouping together conservative
  16. The 1940 discovery of a lost work by Vincent of Series, which bears a striking, similarity ,too much of the language of the Athabaskan Creed, have led many to conclude that
  17. Nothing resembled an M114 bomb let. There were ceramic containers that had some, similarity ,to Japanese weapons used against the Chinese in World War II, developed by Unit
  18. Represents DKW, third is Porch, and the fourth and last ring Wanderer. Its, similarity ,to the Olympic rings caused the International Olympic Committee to sue Audi in
  19. Watch Bollywood films, as they understand Hindi (due to its linguistic, similarity ,to Urdu). Pakistan banned the legal import of Bollywood movies in 1965.
  20. Were mainland pre-Dorian Greeks. His conclusion is based on his research on the, similarity ,between the languages of the Achaeans and pre-historic Arcadian's. William
  21. They are probably similar to the common ancestor of the two groups. Another, similarity ,is that many apicomplexan cells contain a single plastid, called the leucoplast
  22. Of contact with other groups. Current opinion holds that the closer cultural, similarity ,between the Mongolian and Ancient Pueblos and their greater differences from the
  23. Near-stable bismuth (209Bi). The low natural concentration, and the close, similarity ,of physical and chemical properties to those of lanthanum and other lanthanides
  24. Bitnami" in the wake of disturbances by the Air. It is thought that the, similarity ,of this name to its modern forms indicates that this was a settlement of
  25. Arms akimbo)- not a posture well suited to shooting. While this does bear some, similarity ,with the classic posture of cowboys firing their twin revolvers from the hip
  26. While these plants are not sold anywhere for culinary use, their visual, similarity ,to bay leaves has led to the oft-repeated belief bay leaves should be removed
  27. Syllable or consonant-vowel combination, and where these have no systematic, similarity ,to each other, and typically develop directly from logo graphic scripts. Compare
  28. Atlantis's kings Plato writes in the same style as Hellenic and suggests a, similarity ,between a fragment of Hellanicus's work and an account in the Critics.
  29. Be a type of ad hominem fallacy if the argument attacks a source because of the, similarity ,between the views of someone making an argument and other proponents of the
  30. Issues, scholars have not found their direct antecedent. However,the, similarity ,between the central concerns of Job and those of certain ancient Babylonian and
  31. Only mineral resource being exploited for either domestic or export use. The, similarity ,of Belizean geology to that of oil-producing areas of Mexico and Guatemala
  32. Sorted, as in phone books, classroom lists, and dictionaries, groups letters by, similarity ,of shape. The order is not a simple historical continuation of the earlier
  33. One tonne of uranium ore contains about 0.2 milligrams of actinium. The close, similarity ,of physical and chemical properties of actinium and lanthanum makes separation
  34. The same root meaning" bend ", but in different senses. In other words,the, similarity ,of the names is strictly coincidental and does not reflect any ethnic unity
  35. From nouns through a process that Egyptologists call libation because of its, similarity ,with Arabic. The word order is in verbal and adjectival sentences, and in
  36. Metaphysical, alchemical and mythological connotations, combined with its, similarity ,to some religious symbols gave it a flair of decadence and mystery ... ". The
  37. Towards an object-oriented and event-driven perspective. The only significant, similarity ,to older BASIC dialects was familiar syntax. Syntax itself no longer" fully
  38. Diversity link 2). This behavior has also been reported in the okapi. Another, similarity ,to the okapi, even though the bongo is unrelated, is that the bongo has a long
  39. Similar numbers of patent applications being denied in England due to their, similarity ,to each other. In England," Claridge's was the type most used in the 1840s
  40. Collection of groups (called clusters),based on some measure of proximity or, similarity ,* Factor analysis – a method to construct models describing a data set of
  41. Own radiation but by the radiation of the daughter products. Owing to the close, similarity ,of actinium and lanthanum and low abundance, pure actinium could only be
  42. From the Ancient Greek, meaning " (holds) against Ares (Mars) ", due to the, similarity ,of its reddish hue to the appearance of the planet Mars. It is the brightest
  43. Is a common prefix to words meaning 'wide or general dispersion' and that the, similarity ,to the word reteach ('Briton' ) is" merely accidental ". The chronicler
  44. 2,500 persons. The dress of the Shop resembles the Leach, but they bear little, similarity ,with the Bhatia in the North and the Toto in the west. The Dora trace their
  45. And is now considered obsolete. More recent classifications are based on, similarity ,of the carbon skeleton (e.g., indole-, isoquinoline-, and pyridine-like) or
  46. The line (the a-verse) is linked to the second half (the b-verse) through, similarity ,in initial sound. In addition, the two halves are divided by a. There are four
  47. That run over a wide range of OSI physical Layer links. ATM has functional, similarity ,with both circuit switched networking, and small packet switched networking. It
  48. Navy in the re-classification of 1892. By the 1890s,there was an increasing, similarity ,between battleship designs, and the type now known as the 'pre-dreadnought
  49. Makes use of autocorrelation in conjunction with cross-correlation to score the, similarity ,of an observed spectrum to an idealized spectrum representing a peptide. * In
  50. 2000 years ago, the natives called it glass (referring to its see-through, similarity ,to glass). The Baltic Lithuanian term for amber is Guitars and Latvian

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