Examples of the the word, annoy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( annoy ), is the 4569 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As himself in the Father Ted episode" The Mainland ", where Ted and Dougan, annoy ,him by constantly repeating his catchphrase. The situation was conceived when
  2. In the strip.; Cooch's goats: A cunning pack of goats that use gang tactics to, annoy ,Was. For example if he plants trees behind a fence,Cooch's goats will stand
  3. To take a job to earn money for her, and becomes a street-sweeper, managing to, annoy ,his new coworker. Meanwhile, the grandmother receives a notice that she and the
  4. To Sarah, who confessed that she was Abraham's wife. The king then ceased to, annoy ,her (" Refer ha-Yashar," l. c. ). According to another version, Pharaoh
  5. Should not be used in officially sanctioned games. A player may not distract or, annoy ,another player by any means, including repeatedly offering a draw. Equipment
  6. It to the rest of the band. They supposedly thought it would be a good way to, annoy ,their parents. In the live documentary Along the Way, frontman Greg Griffin
  7. Bobby (Gavin Mitchell) called Jack and Victor" Abbott and Costello" to, annoy ,them. In 2001,Australia's deputy Prime Minister Peter Costello was widely
  8. And exerted a strong hold over her gentle mother, an attitude which came to, annoy ,her daughters, who sought to rebel against it. Collins has said of her father
  9. The" box of secrecy" in Calvin's room, they usually come up with some way to, annoy ,or socially maim Susie, most of which backfire on them completely. Watterson
  10. Homer originated with my goal to both amuse my real father, and just, annoy ,him a little. My father was an athletic, creative,intelligent filmmaker
  11. Overcome some difficulty in the plot. A contrived or arbitrary plot device may, annoy ,or confuse the reader, causing a loss of the suspension of disbelief. However a
  12. Behind the recording, but most agree that Phil Spector was looking for a way to, annoy ,former business partner Lester Sill. What he came up with was a nearly
  13. Destroying many gateaux and seizing a ship on Lake George, he set off to, annoy ,British positions on that lake. The fort was occasionally reoccupied by British
  14. Reduced in stature, though to the end Theobald finds small ways to purposefully, annoy ,him. He becomes an author of controversial literature. External links
  15. And the end credits rolling, then interrupting with 'that was just to, annoy ,everyone who had set their video to record this '. With guest presenters, these
  16. On the album at Lennon's suggestion and said to be" especially intended to, annoy ,your dog" ), followed by an endless loop of laughter and gibberish made by the
  17. Vexing conversation. The cat sometimes raises philosophical points that, annoy ,or baffle Alice. It does, however,appear to cheer her up when it turns up
  18. Then). Sugar Mama favors him over Oscar. He often has Oscar do things that, annoy ,him very often, but ironically lead to Oscar meeting beautiful women. For
  19. Finger in front of some customers). Peter begins removing items at work that, annoy ,him (a door handle that had shocked him on previous occasions, corporate
  20. Founded an altar where the Forum Barium, the cattle market, was later held. To, annoy ,Heracles, Hera sent a gadfly to bite the cattle, irritate them and scatter them
  21. Mildly religious and his primary role was to be so" cloyingly perfect as to, annoy ,and shame the Simpsons ", whereas Homer Simpson has always hated Ned Flanders
  22. Believed to be magical),usually with fair hair. They are not evil but might, annoy ,humans or interfere in their affairs. They are sometimes said to be invisible.
  23. Up in typical seal locations (the circus, the beach, the zoo, the arctic) and, annoy ,Pluto into chasing him, causing Pluto to get into dangerous predicaments. Salty
  24. Lived there or when she went on short visits to Rome, Nero had sent people to, annoy ,her. Although living in Museum, she was still very popular, powerful and
  25. Varies. Violating the noise control code inside an apartment may just, annoy ,the neighbors. Building and fire code violations, however,can affect anyone
  26. In at least three instances, and with a corrupt or malicious intent to vex and, annoy , " * Revised Code of Washington 9.12.010:" Every person who brings on his or
  27. As he lived. Nevertheless, to the end of his career, he continued to harass and, annoy ,his long-suffering benefactor with fresh impertinences. Count Georg Magnus
  28. Violation of civil rights of each of the 25 victims and" intent to harass, annoy , threaten and alarm" the victims" because of their race, color or national
  29. According to Suetonius in The Twelve Caesars, the emperor Tiberius liked to, annoy ,scholars with obscure questions, and one of his favorites was" Who was Hecuba
  30. Relationship with his stepmother, Gwen,and claimed he only read poetry to, annoy ,her and that her petty bullying almost drove him to suicide. He has a
  31. Service to audit Steinbeck's taxes every single year of his life, just to, annoy ,him. According to Thomas, a true artist is one who" without a thought for self
  32. S crimes. In" Collection Completed" a man takes up taxidermy in order to, annoy ,his wife. When he kills and stuffs her beloved cat, the wife snaps and kills
  33. The band's career, it was a popular belief that Noodles liked to pick on and, annoy ,Greg K, The Offspring's bassist. He and his wife Jackie have a daughter/
  34. AHIMA went into the forest with the food delivery (consuming it on the way to, annoy ,Nakamura) and engaged Nakamura in a ferocious wrestling match, which ended
  35. And livestock. However, an Airedale that is not well-trained will agitate and, annoy ,the animals. The Airedale Terrier, like most Terriers, has been bred to hunt
  36. The" group. " (I'm sick of you, little girl and boy groups, all you do is, annoy ,me/so I have been sent here to destroy you. ) The chorus is about the sudden
  37. Engage in hate sex, which occurs between two people who strongly dislike or, annoy ,each other. It is related to the idea that opposition between two people can
  38. Speeds can cause problems, such as long queues or tailbacks, which can delay or, annoy ,motorists in cars and trucks. These motorists are responsible for being duly
  39. Are rich. On the way to the after party at Mr. Zadir's house, the brothers, annoy ,his driver and bodyguard Dewey (Colin Quinn) by making him stop to buy fluffy
  40. Of him as 'complex '. The various clichés surrounding him appeared to greatly, annoy ,him in interviews, and he would frequently make recourse to the wider aesthetics
  41. Both reasonable and impossible test his temper. Even the afflicted seem to, annoy ,him, with the episode" Communication Problems" revolving around the havoc
  42. Fake ICMP unreachable messages to break TCP-based IRC connections (nuking) to, annoy ,users or facilitate takeovers. Abuse prevention One of the most contentious
  43. A straight line corresponds with lyricism; several forces which confront (or, annoy ,) each other form a drama. The angle formed by the angular line also has an
  44. Short films * Congo, Mrs. Character in nonsense tales by Ian Silver to, annoy ,his wife Fictional animals * Congo, Dalmatian dog character in The Hundred and
  45. Writes that the shields were set up" not so much to honor Tiberius as to, annoy ,the multitude. " The Jews protested the installation of the shields at first to
  46. No bad ones. " Hawks also defined a good director as" someone who doesn't, annoy ,you ". Legacy His directorial style and the use of natural, conversational
  47. Viewers were offended by Moleman's appearance, and he was reused in order to, annoy ,people of such a viewpoint. Matt Greening has claimed that Hans Coleman was
  48. Superhero comics. Readers grew fond of Ben's grumpiness,Johnny's tendency to, annoy ,others, and Reed and Sue's spats. Stan Lee was surprised at the reaction to
  49. Stating that" for every likeable character there's one that continues to, annoy ,us even years after we're done with the game they came from ". Kodak editor
  50. Waves of tourists who come to see the dramatic paint schemes, and continue to, annoy ,local residents who have been quoted as saying," they look ridiculous ". The

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