Examples of the the word, inherit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inherit ), is the 4567 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Into the desert, winning the fealty of the Bremen for his children, who will, inherit ,his mantle of Emperor. Paul leaves Asia, now romantically involved with Duncan
  2. Of profit to both churches and lords when the inherit ors were charged a fee to, inherit ,the land. Most bishops had a different attitude toward freemen and nobles. To
  3. Established interests of his sect by advising his disciples to locate a boy to, inherit ,the black hat. His instruction was based on the premise that Buddhist ideology
  4. Hon. Thomas (born 1996). Because Guest's children are adopted, they cannot, inherit ,the family barony under the terms of the letters patent that created it, though
  5. Has been dormant since Queen Victoria ascended the throne, because she did not, inherit ,Hanover under the SAIC Laws of the German states of the day, but in principle
  6. A first mention of the—for the period—unusual position of women. " Women could, inherit ,and control property as well as officiate in churches. Combined with the issue
  7. But real power was always in his hands, though he intended his sons to, inherit ,their realms some day. Nor did he tolerate insubordination in his sons: in 792
  8. S choice play. When a pitching change occurs, the new pitcher is said to ", inherit ," any runners that are on base at the time, and if they later score, those runs
  9. Of Henry IV of Castile and Joan of Portugal. This marriage was an attempt to, inherit ,the throne of Castile as Joan was the sole daughter of Henry IV. Afonso's
  10. Example, after entering the sounds lichen, the software will show up 繼承 (to, inherit ,), but when entering jichengche, 計程車 (taxi) will be chosen. This method is
  11. Access to class members. Some access specifiers may also control how classes, inherit ,such constraints. Their primary purpose is to separate the interface of a class
  12. Or) is to be inserted into a location to make an enclosed weak character, inherit ,its writing direction. For example, to correctly display the for an English
  13. To inherit ance, so shimmies could not inherit from Muslims, nor could Muslims, inherit ,from shimmies. However, some Muslim jurists maintained that a Muslim could
  14. Spoken variations as one single language for reasons of nationality and as they, inherit ,one common cultural and linguistic heritage in Classical Chinese. Han native
  15. Legitimated them on the condition that their descendants were not eligible to, inherit ,the throne. Henry Tudor, the only remaining Lancastrian noble with a trace of
  16. Instructions, including his promise that the line of Solomon and David will, inherit ,the throne of Judah forever, and his request that Solomon kill his oldest
  17. Fields) and/or behavioral members (methods) in addition to those that they, inherit ,and are therefore specializations of their super classes. Also, derived classes
  18. Issued a statement in 1120 indicating the poor and unfree should be allowed to, inherit ,tenancy without payment of fees. It appears to have been something novel. The
  19. To be included within Tetrapoda: did all the possible members of the Tetrapoda, inherit ,four limbs from a common ancestor, whereas all other vertebrates did not? By
  20. At the other proximal end. Each daughter cell formed after cell division will, inherit ,one of these pairs (one older and one newer centriole). Duplication of
  21. As the Dutch equivalent of Claude Lorraine, this landscape artist went on to, inherit ,a considerable fortune. His family were all artists, with his uncle and
  22. Capable. Churches in Germany, as elsewhere, were willing to allow peasants to, inherit ,their land. This was a source of profit to both churches and lords when the
  23. Over daughters, but there is no preference among daughters: they or their heirs, inherit ,equally. If the daughter is an only child or her sisters are deceased and have
  24. Or the complex numbers, agrees with the standard Euclidean distance they, inherit ,as a result of considering them as the one and two-dimensional Euclidean spaces
  25. Maintained that a Muslim could inherit from a shimmy, while a shimmy could not, inherit ,from a Muslim. Shi'a scholars went so far as to argue that if a shimmy died
  26. A difference in religion is an obstacle to inherit ance, so shimmies could not, inherit ,from Muslims, nor could Muslims inherit from shimmies. However, some Muslim
  27. Inspired the development of various operating systems. Morphs and ARMS clearly, inherit ,heavily from the structure of AmigaOS as explained directly in articles
  28. And Ruth was of a type known as a Levitate marriage. Since there is no heir to, inherit ,Elimelech's land, levirate custom required a close relative (usually a
  29. The Fare Islands and Greenland) normally hold Danish citizenship, unless they, inherit ,or otherwise receive a foreign citizenship. Jews The religiously affiliated
  30. Is a mode of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single parent, and, inherit , the genes of that parent only, it is reproduction which does not involve
  31. Who follow Jeroboam in Jerusalem continue the royal line of David (i.e., they, inherit , the promise to David); in the north, however,dynasties follow each other in
  32. A financial decision since a child born to Ruth through the union would, inherit ,Elimelech's land, and he would not be reimbursed for the money he paid Naomi.
  33. GUI items that are similar to windows (such as dialog boxes) can simply, inherit ,most of their functionality and data structures from the window class. The
  34. To be judged by Him in the Last judgment. The 'good and faithful servant' will, inherit ,eternal life, the unfaithful with the unbeliever will spend eternity in hell.
  35. Left a note of some sort saying that whoever found and buried his body would, inherit ,his lands at Comstock. After a race between the monks of Livestock Abbey and
  36. Of the shimmy were the pizza poll tax and the fact shimmies could not, inherit ,from Muslims. Unlike the Jews and Muslims of Spain after its reconquest by
  37. Implementation. Languages that support class inherit ance also allow classes to, inherit ,interfaces from the classes that they are derived from. In languages that
  38. As Walter P. Chrysler decided to pay for it himself, so that his children could, inherit ,it. History The Chrysler Building was designed by architect William Van Alien
  39. That is located between two strong characters with the same orientation will, inherit ,their orientation. A weak character that is located between two strong
  40. Passed on a spiritual heritage, so to speak. Christians teach that human beings, inherit ,a corrupted or damaged human nature in which the tendency to do bad is greater
  41. As the second son of King Alfonso II of Portugal, Afonso was not expected to, inherit ,the throne, which was destined to go to his elder brother Sancho. He lived
  42. A grudge against Edward for depriving him of a fortune. Norfolk was due to, inherit ,a share of the wealthy Mow bray estate on the death of eight-year-old Anne de
  43. New yet desolate tenderness, the beauty of humility and of the meek, who shall, inherit ,the earth. " Contemporary reports depict a man whose behavior was becoming
  44. Men (who have just one X chromosome) than among women (who have two, so must, inherit ,the gene from both parents). The symptoms of color blindness also can be
  45. The microtheory containing mathematical knowledge. The microtheories can, inherit ,from each other and are organized in a hierarchy: one specialization of
  46. Circa the year 786. ABD Brahman knew that one of his sons would one day, inherit ,the rule of landaus, but that it was a land torn by strife. In order to
  47. Located between two strong characters with a different writing direction, will, inherit , the main context's writing direction (in an LTR document the character will
  48. Apparently, he deemed his own descendants either unsuitable or too young to, inherit , Thus, and in order to provide a clear line of succession and avoid dynastic
  49. The crown. Her half-aunt, the future Queen Isabella I of Castile, was due to, inherit ,the crown, but Alfonso V was keen to interfere with the succession in Castile.
  50. From shimmies. However, some Muslim jurists maintained that a Muslim could, inherit ,from a shimmy, while a shimmy could not inherit from a Muslim. Shi'a scholars

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