Examples of the the word, casualty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( casualty ), is the 4574 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the German auxiliary mine layer Origin Loose. The first British naval, casualty ,was Amnion, the light cruiser leading the 3rd Flotilla, which ran into a mine
  2. 1): 10 hours, *# Securing (including emergency casualty movement). *# The, casualty ,is not breathing (CPR, AED,including children and babies). *# The casualty
  3. Decision because of the island's questionable strategic value and the high, casualty ,rate, which was the highest for U. S. soldiers of any battle in the Pacific War
  4. Army was seriously affected by supply shortages, low morale and a high, casualty ,rate, as well by the army's composition of multiple ethnicities with different
  5. To an Argentinian hospital ship. The British naval hospital ships operated as, casualty ,ferries, carrying casualties from both sides from the Falklands to Uganda and
  6. And A Guide to the Battlefields of Europe are consistent in regard to French, casualty ,figures i.e.,12,000 dead and wounded plus some 7,000 taken prisoners. James
  7. In the process, severe internal divisions were generated. One major collateral, casualty ,was the party whip Paul McLean who resigned and quit the Senate in disgust at
  8. What was left of Villeroy’s army was now broken in spirit; the imbalance of the, casualty ,figures amply demonstrates the extent of the disaster for Louis XIV’s army: (
  9. Board with side head supports, vacuum mattress, Donway traction splints), casualty , lifting (including standing casualty with a spine trauma, casualty lying
  10. Casualty is not breathing (CPR, AED,including children and babies). *# The, casualty ,complains about illness (including strokes and heart infarction). *# The
  11. Or in recovery position, different lifting device, stretchers and chairs), casualty , transport (including obstacles passing, stairs ), situations with multiple
  12. And casualty insurance company that provides commercial, personal property and, casualty ,insurance throughout the Northeast and North Central United States. Layla
  13. Action at Falling Waters on July 14 added some more names to the long, casualty ,lists, including General Pedigree, who was mortally wounded. In a brief letter
  14. Counted. Contrary to the focus of conventional warfare, territory gained, or, casualty , counts are not of overriding importance in counter-guerrilla warfare. The
  15. Splints), casualty lifting (including standing casualty with a spine trauma, casualty ,lying face-down or in recovery position, different lifting device, stretchers
  16. Makeshift battlefield memorials soldiers created for their fallen comrades. The, casualty ,'s rifle with bayonet affixed is stood vertically atop the empty boots, with
  17. The other half remains with the body when battle conditions do not allow the, casualty ,to be immediately recovered. Alternatively, in the US Military, two identical
  18. Japanese machine gun fire on IE Shiva. U. S. forces suffered their highest-ever, casualty ,rate for combat stress reaction during the entire war, at 48 %, with some
  19. Unit 4: Disaster Medical Operations part 2 (2.5 hrs). Topics cover mass, casualty ,operations, public health, assessing patients, and treating injuries. Students
  20. By the war has been estimated from 8,500 to 25,000. The total American military, casualty ,figure was therefore as high as 50,000. About 171,000 sailors served for the
  21. Street and Highway Safety. Hoover's chief objective was to address the growing, casualty ,toll of traffic accidents, but the scope grew and soon embraced motor vehicle
  22. Group and Layla Insurance. Merchants Insurance Group is a property and, casualty ,insurance company that provides commercial, personal property and casualty
  23. 9,729 taken prisoners. In Marlborough, however,Cornell Barnett puts the total, casualty ,figure as high as 30,000 – 15,000 dead and wounded with an additional 15,000
  24. The information is printed exactly the same on both discs. In the event of a, casualty , the circular tag is removed from the body and the octagonal tag is placed
  25. Had" almost as high a percentage of casualties as the Union forces ". The high, casualty ,figures of the Union alarmed the North; Grant had lost a third of his army, and
  26. The barbed wire to West Berlin. On 22 August 1961 Ida Riemann was the first, casualty ,at the Berlin Wall: she died after she jumped out of her third floor apartment
  27. Ships by helicopter. Argentine naval officers also inspected the British, casualty ,ferries in the estuary of the River Plate. British casualty evacuation Hydra
  28. The British casualty ferries in the estuary of the River Plate. British, casualty ,evacuation Hydra worked with Henley and Herald, to take casualties from Uganda
  29. Organisation general principles (managing stress, relationships to the, casualty ,and the bystanders, hygiene,being part of a team, security,basic anatomy)
  30. Supplied half of Britain's potash during World War II, but ultimately became a, casualty ,of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Its remnants were nationalized and Dead Sea Works
  31. Infrastructure which had sustained Judah for centuries. The most significant, casualty ,was the State ideology of" Zion theology," the idea that the God of Israel
  32. The war that he cannot relate to his friends, including his wife and lover. The, casualty ,rate among officers is particularly high at the front. When a number of
  33. Elizabeth would marry in 1922,and Gerhard in 1923; Wolfgang, however,became a, casualty ,of the First World War. In 1901 Husserl with his family moved to the
  34. Taxis are often filled over their legal passenger allowance, making for high, casualty ,rates when minibuses are involved in accidents. Minibuses are generally owned
  35. Mattress, Donway traction splints), casualty lifting (including standing, casualty ,with a spine trauma, casualty lying face-down or in recovery position
  36. From the scene. DNA profiling can also be used to identify victims of mass, casualty ,incidents. On the other hand, many convicted people have been released from
  37. Charged well in advance of his soldiers. Johnston was the highest-ranking, casualty ,of the war on either side, and his death was a strong blow to the morale of the
  38. Marrow unit, but no bed could be found for him, and he was transferred to the, casualty ,unit for his first 24 hours. Results The election was effectively a repeat of
  39. Addis Ababa, and waited for the fallout of the victory to hit Italy. The, casualty ,rate suffered by Italian forces at the Battle of Down was greater than any
  40. His losses by desertion may have doubled that number ’. La Colonies omits a, casualty ,figure in his Chronicles of an old Campaigner; but Saint-Simon in his Memoirs
  41. Assisted in the eventual victory. Carnegie later joked that he was" the first, casualty ,of the war" when he gained a scar on his cheek from freeing a trapped
  42. By the BWC. A nation or group that can pose a credible threat of mass, casualty ,has the ability to alter the terms on which other nations or groups interact
  43. Cours doyen 2 (CM2,10 years old): to make a complete phone call, to place a, casualty ,in an adapted position (sitting, lying,recovery position); * at the Journey
  44. The end of the three-day battle, they had about 152 men standing, the highest, casualty ,percentage for one battle of any regiment, North or South. Slowly the Iron
  45. And civic aid, level 1): 10 hours, *# Securing (including emergency, casualty ,movement). *# The casualty is not breathing (CPR, AED,including children and
  46. Position, removal of a helmet, jaw thrust, CPR ), specific cases (amputations, casualty ,in a car, drowning ), simple patient transport (walking, sitting in a chair);
  47. Fighter pilot of the war to earn a Victoria Cross as well as the final Canadian, casualty ,of World War II. FAA Corsairs originally fought in a camouflage scheme with a
  48. Charges and hydrophones for identifying submarine targets. The first submarine, casualty ,to a destroyer was the German U-19,rammed by Badger on 29 October 1914. While
  49. Impose Dutch colonial rule on them, ending the 40-year Ace War with varying, casualty ,estimates of between 50,000 and 100,000 inhabitants dead and about a million
  50. Complains about illness (including strokes and heart infarction). *# The, casualty ,complains after a trauma (burns, wounds,broken bones, joint sprains and

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