Examples of the the word, costly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( costly ), is the 4572 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Politician Étienne Lay wrote in 1879," The construction of battleships is so, costly , their effectiveness so uncertain and of such short duration, that the
  2. Recognizing that such action will be controversial and may be personally very, costly ,... this General Convention, in obedience to this call, urges all members of
  3. Formidable force. " Ed Bears wrote," Lee's invasion of the North had been a, costly ,failure. Nevertheless, at best the Army of the Potomac had simply preserved the
  4. Emergency speed restrictions across its network and instigated an extremely, costly ,nationwide track replacement program. The consequent severe operational
  5. Abbots from bishops, it was ordained that their mite should be made of less, costly ,materials, and should not be ornamented with gold, a rule which was soon
  6. A World Series game. Despite his batting heroics, he is also remembered for a, costly ,base running blunder. Ruth had a reputation as a good but overaggressive
  7. Is not like ordinary property at all, but constitutes a government grant of a, costly ,and dangerous private monopoly over ideas. We show through theory and example
  8. Entirely in tunnels, but this, along with 27 other plans, was rejected as too, costly , Finally, with a deadline looming to begin construction on a separate project
  9. Of a trial may bring an appeal to contest that outcome. However, appeals may be, costly , and the appellate court must find an error on the part of the court below that
  10. Were phased out in the early 1970s since they seemed to be ineffective and, costly , Neither of these systems was ever used in combat, so while their combat
  11. Persia. His second war with Russia, which began in 1826,ended in a string of, costly ,defeats after which Persia was forced to cede nearly all of its Armenian
  12. In contrast to other European powers such as France and Portugal, which waged, costly ,and ultimately unsuccessful wars to keep their empires intact. Between 1945 and
  13. Public accommodations,” and thus would have required churches to make, costly ,structural changes to ensure access for all. The cost argument advanced by ACS
  14. So did their appetite for risk—particularly the risk represented by Kurosawa's, costly ,production methods. Red Beard also marked the midway point, chronologically,in
  15. On an elaborate propaganda campaign to convince the U. S. public to fight this, costly ,Cold War. Truman ordered the development of a hydrogen bomb. In early 1950,the
  16. Symbols of both the human suffering during the battle and the successful yet, costly ,resistance. Many women fought on the Soviet side, or were under fire. At the
  17. By inhibiting microbial growth, copper alloy aquaculture cages avoid, costly ,net changes that are necessary with other materials. The resistance of organism
  18. One run, and was highlighted by Braves' utility infielder Brooks Conrad's 3, costly , errors in game 3. After the series-clinching victory for the Giants in Game 4
  19. Saw the battleship subjected to strict international limitations to prevent a, costly ,arms race breaking out. While the victors were not limited by the Treaty of
  20. Was a very popular medium for long-term program storage through the 1980s,less, costly ,and in some ways less fragile than magnetic tape. In particular, the Teletype
  21. Disease. Rather than retire directly to England for the winter, with his, costly ,expedition resulting in the capture of only one town, Henry decided to march
  22. Capacities of secondary storage, which is non-volatile as well, and not as, costly , Recently, primary storage and secondary storage in some uses refer to what was
  23. Gold and garnets and a tail game with Roman pawns of ivory. He was dressed in a, costly ,suit made of Frankish cloth with golden threads, and he wore a belt with a
  24. On April 6,402 (coinciding with Easter),was a victory for Rome, though a, costly ,one. But it effectively halted the Goths' progress. Stilicho's enemies later
  25. By 1965. The ballistic missile program was cancelled in 1960,but to avoid, costly ,cancellation payments to the Australian government and contracted companies
  26. Two-fold. " Bipolar disorder is currently regarded" as possibly the most, costly ,category of mental disorders in the United States. " Episodes of abnormality
  27. The consolidation of duplicate support and development offices was, costly ,and disruptive. Worst of all, the highest revenue earner of the combined
  28. Needed to attack point targets. During this time, ICBMs were seen as a less, costly ,option based on their lower unit cost, but development costs were much higher.
  29. As the two defenses slugged it out all over M&T Bank Stadium. McNair threw two, costly ,interceptions, including one at the 1-yard line. The eventual
  30. Buckner's decision to attack the Japanese defenses head-on, although extremely, costly ,in U. S. lives, was ultimately successful. Just four days from the closing of
  31. For the Loyalists and loyal Native Americans, an indefinite prolongation of a, costly ,war, and the risk of disaster as the French and Spanish assembled an armada to
  32. Of in formulation of policy. They were a nuisance to be dealt with by the, costly ,use of public relations advisers and legal processes ". In the end, after a
  33. Suit made of Frankish cloth with golden threads, and he wore a belt with a, costly ,buckle. There were four cameos from the Middle East which were probably part of
  34. Debate whether rent control laws had made it less profitable (or more, costly ,) for landlords to maintain existing buildings with their existing tenants than
  35. Fortified towns, and constructing new and larger ships for the royal fleet were, costly ,endeavors that provoked resistance from noble and peasant alike. But they paid
  36. Blessings of the NFL for his nascent league, as he did not seek a potentially, costly ,rivalry. Within weeks of the July 1959 announcement of the league's formation
  37. Negotiating Agreement, in the 1970s as a means of avoiding the long and, costly ,strikes that had made the industry vulnerable to foreign competition. Major
  38. Machined receiver was substituted for the sheet metal receiver. This was a more, costly ,process, but the use of machined receivers accelerated production as tooling
  39. meantime, Marlborough invested the elaborate fortress of Lenin which, after a, costly ,siege, capitulated on 22 August. Dendermonde finally succumbed on 6 September
  40. Short program for the first time in his career. This mistake proved extremely, costly , and knocked Botany out of medal contention. He skated a good long program and
  41. It might be produced at significantly lower cost than insulin produced in, costly ,bioreactors. For example, Calgary,Canada-based Symbiosis Genetics, Inc.
  42. Strikes Sydney, Australia causing A$2.3 billion in insured damages, the most, costly ,natural disaster in Australian history. *2002 – Venezuelan President Hugo
  43. Sultan Ahmed III had become unpopular by reason of the excessive pomp and, costly ,luxury in which he and his principal officers indulged; on September 20, 1730
  44. Fire into the French cavalry as they withdrew after each attack. After numerous, costly ,but fruitless attacks on the Mont-Saint-Jean ridge, the French cavalry was
  45. Roman churches, but for most patrons, sculpted marble altarpieces were far too, costly , In this relief, the two principal figures, the stern and courageous pope and
  46. First film appearance, Making a Living was filmed, Sennett felt he had made a, costly ,mistake. Most historians agree it was Normand who persuaded him to give Chaplin
  47. Office disclosed that the USAF's B-2 bombers" will be, by far, the most, costly ,bombers to operate on a per-aircraft basis ", costing over three times as much
  48. Testing which was itself a response to testing phases which proved too, costly ,to be sustainable for many small/medium-scale projects. Acceptance testing in
  49. Individuals within a society began to disdain and ignore the poor, to " wear, costly ,apparel," and otherwise engage in wickedness for personal gain, such societies
  50. Variation is possible. Sexual reproduction allows more variation, but is more, costly , Often there is no strict alternation between the sporophyte and also because

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