Examples of the the word, disadvantage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disadvantage ), is the 4581 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Coexist. Due to their smaller size, American black bears are at a competitive, disadvantage ,to brown bears in open, unforested areas. Although displacement of black bears
  2. In a disadvantage ous economic position. Disraeli sought to alleviate this, disadvantage ,by differentially raising income tax rates against non-farmers and lowering
  3. In handling either trials, cases,advising, or non-trial matters. The only, disadvantage ,is that attorneys cannot draw up public instruments that have the same force of
  4. The AMRAAM-equipped aircraft can turn and re-engage, although they will be at a, disadvantage ,compared to the chasing aircraft due to the speed they lose in the turn, and
  5. Battle of Crecy showing once again that a good defensive tactic can overcome a, disadvantage ,in numbers. As the Black Prince wrote shortly afterward in a letter to the
  6. Test methods for mean wind measurements is in general circulation. Another, disadvantage ,is lower accuracy due to precipitation, where rain drops may vary the speed of
  7. Small tracked vehicles and the airborne troops thus always fought at a distinct, disadvantage ,in terms of heavy weapons. The Soviet Union and the United States were the most
  8. Of opposite color, and hinder movement of the opponent's king. * Zigzag,a, disadvantage ,because the player has to make a move, is often a factor in endgames but rarely
  9. Generally do not have to concentrate their fire, so their shorter range is not a, disadvantage , Some armies also consider infantry operated mortars to be more responsive than
  10. Materials, minimizing weight, and when a vibration dampening joint is needed. A, disadvantage ,to adhesives is that they do not form an instantaneous joint, unlike most other
  11. Of eyes spreads to the rest of the population despite having no advantage or, disadvantage , This is called the neutral theory. In one experiment studying eye development
  12. Of black asphalt with light-colored concrete. However, in winter this may be a, disadvantage ,as ice will form more easily and remain longer on the light colored surfaces as
  13. Americans as a group remain at a pronounced economic, educational and social, disadvantage ,in many areas relative to European Americans. Persistent social, economic and
  14. It off balance and with an open guard. Wide, looping punches have the further, disadvantage ,of taking more time to deliver, giving the opponent ample warning to react and
  15. Guns to fire together, either by executive order or by a" fire at" time. The, disadvantage ,is that if the fire is concentrated on many dispersed fire units then there
  16. Perspective and a component-count perspective. However, it also carries the, disadvantage ,that the entire CPU must wait on its slowest elements, even though some
  17. Processes aren't available except in digital form. Disadvantages The primary, disadvantage ,of analog signaling is that any system has noise – i.e., random unwanted
  18. Falcon IR and radar guided series for use in air combat by the USAF as well. A, disadvantage ,to semi-active homing was that only one target could be illuminated by the
  19. Traditional carrier arresting cables and a tail hook on their aircraft. The, disadvantage ,of the ski-jump is the penalty it exacts on aircraft size, payload,and fuel
  20. Twenty times less energy than heat pump-based systems. These systems have the, disadvantage ,that they can not chill below or even near the temperature of the deeper
  21. Become dragged, then it continues to provide its original holding force. The, disadvantage ,of using deadweight anchors in conditions where a mushroom anchor could be used
  22. However, and he contrasted Constantius II with Julian to the former's constant, disadvantage ,; like all ancient writers he was skilled in rhetoric, and this shows in his
  23. Monochromator is necessary for measuring AAS; however, it has the, disadvantage ,that usually a separate lamp is required for each element that has to be
  24. Output being produced by the micro and that being produced by the add-on. The, disadvantage ,to this system is that while the SAA5050 would expect to be repeatedly fed the
  25. Then to the players. Being the dealer can be a (minor or major) advantage or, disadvantage , depending on the game. Therefore, after each played hand, the deal normally
  26. Use made it especially attractive to beginners. Perhaps AMOS BASIC's biggest, disadvantage ,was its incompatibility with the Amiga's operating system functions and
  27. Microbial action. NASA plans to use it in the manned Mars mission. A big, disadvantage ,of complex biological sewage treatment systems is that if the house is empty
  28. Player according to the game orientation. As it can still be an advantage or, disadvantage ,to be the first dealer, there are some standard methods for determining who is
  29. He prefers a system in which winning the wild card puts a team at some sort of, disadvantage , as opposed to on an equal level with teams by which they were outplayed over a
  30. Responsible for the background is also affected by the magnetic field; the, disadvantage ,is the increased complexity of the spectrometer. Background correction
  31. Obtain a fixed mix of rolling stock which puts the train operating company at a, disadvantage ,in its negotiations with the ROCCO. However, Wolmar considers it a mistake to
  32. From one area can be applied to prove results in a related area. The main, disadvantage ,of abstraction is that highly abstract concepts are more difficult to learn
  33. With the defensive team being given possession. Fouls An attempt to unfairly, disadvantage ,an opponent through physical contact is illegal and is called a foul. These are
  34. Aural observation, as in the case of wheel clocking in Roulette. The player's, disadvantage ,is a result of the casino not paying winning wagers according to the game's "
  35. Items of comparable value on a trust basis using the Internet. The most notable, disadvantage ,to electronic barter is inherent in Internet commerce, that of trust. How can
  36. Is adversely affected by salty air or large amounts of dust. Their main, disadvantage ,is the distortion of the flow itself by the structure supporting the
  37. Marlborough's maneuvers, the Elector and Martin, conscious of their numerical, disadvantage ,with only 40,000 men, moved their forces to the entrenched camp at Dillinger on
  38. In the full-size luxury segment, also having best-in-class fuel economy. The, disadvantage ,of the aluminum frame is that it is very expensive to repair and requires a
  39. Pure actinic achromatic). For ordinary photography, however,there is this, disadvantage ,: the image on the focusing-screen and the correct adjustment of the
  40. A player has sufficient skill to completely eliminate his inherent long-term, disadvantage ,(the house edge (HE) or house tigerish) in a casino game. Such a skill set
  41. The observations are dependent! The randomization-based analysis has the, disadvantage ,that its exposition involves tedious algebra and extensive time. Since the
  42. With lack of open-field tactics to command these numbers, put them at a, disadvantage ,to the Romans, who were skilled at open combat due to their superior equipment
  43. Of results. Anagram solvers are often banned from online anagram games. The, disadvantage ,of computer anagram solvers, especially when applied to multi-word anagrams, is
  44. Of such a calendar is that it is perfectly and perpetually accurate. The, disadvantage ,is that working out when a particular date would occur is difficult. An
  45. And had fewer doors and other weak points in their bulkheads, but with the, disadvantage ,that space for crew was greatly reduced. Order of battle Jellicoe's Grand
  46. Within the European Union, whose airlines would be at a comparative, disadvantage ,with the United States' because of sabotage restrictions. Economic
  47. Systems put pedestrian traffic and other non-motorized traffic are at a, disadvantage ,compared to the use of private vehicles. Several Andalusian capitals—Córdoba
  48. From southern England, fled the field. Recognizing that his force was at a, disadvantage , Richard signalled for Northumberland to assist but Northumberland's group
  49. Su-33 does launch with a light fuel and weapons load from a ski jump. Another, disadvantage ,is on mixed flight deck operations where helicopters are also present such as a
  50. Are the stigma of declaring themselves insolvent and the potential business, disadvantage , Blissymbols or Blissymbolics were conceived of as an ideographic writing

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