Examples of the the word, willingness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( willingness ), is the 4576 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Greeks to withstand superior numbers and weapons by discipline, courage,and a, willingness ,to die for their cause: a phalanx. He had trained a core of his men year round
  2. Of AME, who are likely to interpret and even use" No fear! " As enthusiastic, willingness ,to move forward. Equivalent idioms A number of English idioms that have
  3. This is a story in the Torah whereby God wanted to test Abraham's faith and, willingness , and Isaac was never going to be actually sacrificed. Thus, Judaism rejects the
  4. The rules). A bid specifies a level and denomination, and ostensibly denotes a, willingness ,to play the corresponding contract. A player wishing to bid must make a bid
  5. To a given core of a multicore CPU. * In chemistry, chemical affinity is the, willingness ,of two or more elements or compounds to form a chemical or attractive bond of
  6. Labor Party, who were unhappy at what they viewed as Hawke's iconoclasm and, willingness ,to cooperate with business interests. All Labor Prime Ministers have at times
  7. Steiner's stated prerequisites to beginning on a spiritual path include a, willingness ,to take up serious cognitive studies, a respect for factual evidence, and a
  8. December. Political views A moderate Republican, Powell is well known for his, willingness ,to support liberal or centrist causes. He is pro-choice regarding abortion, and
  9. Adamant about the fact that Jesus went to his death with full knowledge and, willingness , Not only did he go willingly but throughout the process he maintained his
  10. Satellite of Russia. This contributed significantly to the two Central Powers ', willingness ,to go to war as soon as possible. Finally, when a Serbian backed organization
  11. Such as Thomas Hardy and George Missing; their works display a greater, willingness ,to confront and challenge the Victorian institution of religion. They also
  12. Civil War. Hal Erickson has written that the film" ... is remarkable in its, willingness ,to offer both sides of the conflict -- though its sympathies are firmly with
  13. The Renaissance Popes because of the moral laxity of these pontiffs and their, willingness ,to seek and rely on temporal power as secular rulers did. Many in the Catholic
  14. Sociology) - shared interests and commitments between persons in groups,", willingness ,to associate "; see also interpersonal compatibility and friendliness. *
  15. Ability to decide how a good or service should be distributed based on their, willingness ,to give money for it. The price conveys embedded information about the
  16. Usually among the most contentious at CoP meetings. There has been increasing, willingness ,within the Parties to allow for trade in products from well-managed populations
  17. The norms of a particular society or community are adopted determines one's, willingness ,to engage with others. The norms of tolerance, reciprocity,and trust are
  18. In Gomez Chased Cemetery. Social and political activism Free speech Ginsberg's, willingness ,to talk about taboo subjects made him a controversial figure during the
  19. Both Sharon and French President Jacques Chirac were described as showing a, willingness ,to put the issue behind them. Unilateral disengagement In May 2003,Sharon
  20. Involves a considerable amount of strategizing and prioritization by players. A, willingness ,to spend as many points as possible on an attribute may improve your chances of
  21. S True Life: I'm Bipolar, talk shows, and public radio shows, and the greater, willingness ,of public figures to discuss their own bipolar disorder, have focused on
  22. It is the Hatteras for the afternoon of Yom Kippur due to its story of God's, willingness ,to forgive those who repent. Narrative As mentioned above, the book of Jonah is
  23. Only because of Eddington’s clear and entertaining exposition, but also for his, willingness ,to discuss the philosophical and religious implications of the new physics. He
  24. New forces on one side or the other seemed likely to tip the scale. Britain's, willingness , beginning early in 1916,to explore seriously some kind of arrangement with "
  25. Explanation provided by the historian André Boulanger is that an increasing ‘, willingness ,’ on the part of the wealthy upper classes in the late Roman period to spend
  26. Calais committee was not impressed with Rodin's progress. Rodin indicated his, willingness ,to end the project rather than change his design to meet the committee's
  27. Wing of the party, but none more so than Hawks, who expressed his, willingness ,to cull Labor's" sacred cows ". The Socialist Left faction, as well as
  28. Key members of the 2001 World Series winning team and others). Colonel’s, willingness ,to go into debt and acquire players through free agency had led to one of the
  29. Management is a demand for products that are produced sustainably and consumer, willingness ,to pay for the higher costs entailed. Certification represents a shift from
  30. To be the sole guardians of high culture; in another, Hobbes admires Calvin's, willingness ,to put artistic integrity above marketability, causing Calvin to reconsider and
  31. From the oral tradition; this early Christian poet saw virtue manifest in a, willingness ,to sacrifice oneself in a devotion to justice and in an attempt to aid and
  32. Critics such as the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw found Ibsen's, willingness ,to examine society without prejudice exhilarating. In Germany, the production
  33. Principle of non-interference in other nations' internal affairs, and a, willingness ,to overlook ideological differences in the pursuit of economic ties. Chile
  34. The United States, Canada and other countries. He expressed his government's, willingness ,to use military aid to support the investment that they and their allies were
  35. For British intervention in Afghanistan. At the heart of the Great Game lay the, willingness ,of Britain and Russia to subdue, subvert,or subjugate the small independent
  36. Challenged in the latter decades of the century, and there is an increasing, willingness ,to see Judges as the work of a single individual, working by carefully
  37. Was conditional on a continued demonstration of leadership skills, and on the, willingness ,of the community. Every person was expected to share in communal duties, and
  38. Won'in' ". The stable love between Enoch and Carrie is strengthened by her, willingness ,to let Enoch not only plan his entire life, but hers as well. This is reflected
  39. Farmers in the area. She was admired by her shepherds and farm managers for her, willingness ,to experiment with the latest biological remedies for the common diseases of
  40. Could hardly fail to evoke comparison to Soviet communism and the seeming, willingness ,of Stalin and his successors to control those within the Soviet bloc by
  41. The UK for foreign relations and defense. The British government has stated its, willingness ,to assist any Overseas Territory that wishes to proceed to independence, where
  42. Cardinal wears scarlet garments — the blood-like red symbolizes a cardinal's, willingness ,to die for his faith. Excluding the rocket — which is always white — the
  43. Development and his intellectual and cultural development. His capacity, willingness ,for hard work, his perseverance, and his alertness soon brought forth
  44. Thus, one person is saved while another is condemned, not because of a foreseen, willingness , faith, or any other virtue in the first person, but because God sovereignty
  45. In late 2005,interest in digital 3-D stereoscopic projection has led to a new, willingness ,on the part of theaters to co-operate in installing a limited number of 2K
  46. All-out nuclear war. Khan came off as cold and calculating, for example in his, willingness ,to estimate how many human lives the USA could lose and still rebuild
  47. Form some kind of" relationship" with the public figure, a wish or at least, willingness ,to be killed or commit suicide in the attack. Etymology The word assassin is
  48. That day’s strip. Trudeau indicated in a news story that one reason for this, willingness ,may have been that the character had a history of similar events:“ I’ve been
  49. Had suffered threats and assaults, and also questioning the government's real, willingness ,to implement any accords. The Betancourt administration in turn questioned the
  50. The last minute. One common tactic of the protests is to split up based on, willingness ,to break the law. This is designed, with varying success, to protect the

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