Examples of the the word, miracle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( miracle ), is the 4568 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And found it wanting. Augustine of Hippo The debate over the credibility of the, miracle ,of Jonah is not simply a modern one. The credibility of a human being surviving
  2. Dr. Desmond suddenly recognizes her. Fay tells the townspeople about the fake, miracle , but the town refuses to believe her. Desmond tells Cora that even without the
  3. Lady from Lourdes, a professional Miracle Inspector, come to investigate the, miracle , As Scrub runs off to warn Cora, Fay seeks out Hap good in his hotel, and the
  4. Relegating the prophesied physical resurrection to the status of a future, miracle , unrelated to the afterlife or the Messianic era. According to Maimonides, an
  5. Be according to their works. " (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) " As his crowning, miracle , Satan will claim to be Jesus" The Marriage of the Lamb After Jesus meets his
  6. Four reasons. First, he explains that in all history there has never been a, miracle ,which was attested to by a wide body of disinterested experts. Second, he notes
  7. A sign that the person is enjoying the Beatific Vision by God performing a, miracle ,in response to the Blessed's prayers. Today, these miracle s are almost always
  8. Because of trade with the Hanseatic League. In 1345,an alleged Eucharistic, miracle ,in the Kalverstraat rendered the city an important place of pilgrimage until
  9. Augustine of Hippo wrote to Deo gratias concerning the challenge of some to the, miracle ,recorded in the Book of Jonah. He writes: Augustine responds that if one is to
  10. Witness to their faith by how they lived their lives – it must be proven that a, miracle ,has taken place by his or her intercession: that is, that God has shown a sign
  11. The Book of Jonah. He writes: Augustine responds that if one is to question one, miracle , then one should question all miracle s as well (section 31). Nevertheless
  12. The easiest to establish based on the Catholic Church's requirements for a ", miracle , " (The patient was sick, there was no known cure for the ailment, prayers
  13. They briefly shared. (“ With So Little to be Sure Of” ) Word comes of a new, miracle , two towns over, of a statue with a warm heart. Soon the town is all but
  14. That same year, which has been called Einstein's annus mirabilis or ", miracle ,year ", he published four groundbreaking papers, on the photoelectric effect
  15. Consideration to the" highly political" function of the so-called armaments, miracle , Architectural legacy Little remains of Speer's personal architectural works
  16. Observed their regular life. Columbus is reported to have performed a, miracle ,in. Angrily, Columbanus breathed on the vessel, which broke asunder with a loud
  17. Passage is full of them. Mostly they represent the sarcastic miracle . This, miracle ,was based on the legend when the Buddha revealed himself in all his various
  18. Greek city states. Because of this, they didn't hesitate to speak for a 'Greek, miracle ,'. But if we follow carefully the course of Anaximander's ideas, we will
  19. A comedic play by Plautus. Here Alcmena calls upon Jupiter, who performs a, miracle ,allowing her to give birth quickly and without pain. After a crash of thunder
  20. And bewitchment, Sean Mathias's production establishes the show as a minor, miracle ,of astringent worldly wisdom and one that is haunted by less earthy intimations
  21. Street. Rash, in a note to Shabbat 21b,says their purpose is to publicize the, miracle , Narrative of Josephus The ancient Jewish Historian Flavius Josephus narrates
  22. To Leo Rickie,Augustine's arguments against magic, differentiating it from, miracle , were crucial in the early Church's fight against paganism and became a
  23. Des Feinberger Memorbuches (1898),pp. 15,128-130). At Heisenberg,a, miracle ,alone decided the charge against the Jews. According to the accusation, the
  24. At random until the quota is filled. Fay tries to get Hap good to expose the, miracle , but he warns her no one will believe it is a fake, because it works as a
  25. Countries. Due to the extraordinary economic growth, known as an" economic, miracle ,", the regime reached its highest level of popularity in the years of
  26. They illustrate the beginning of a phenomenon sometimes called the" Greek, miracle ,": men try to explain the nature of the world, not with the aid of myths or
  27. To have budded and blossomed and produced ripe almonds (Numbers 17:8). The, miracle ,proved merely the prerogative of the tribe of Levi; but now a formal
  28. I could only assure him that the divine Spirit had wrought the miracle —a, miracle ,which later I found to be in perfect scientific accord with divine law. (
  29. S curative powers. (" Miracle Song" ) It is soon revealed to Cora that the, miracle ,is a fake, controlled by a pump inside the rock. The only person in town who
  30. 3 Act three begins with Cora at her house with her council. Scrub has put the, miracle ,on hiatus, but announces that they can easily turn the town against Hap good by
  31. Film. (“ Come Play Wiz Me” ) Fay tries to get Hapgood's help in exposing the, miracle , Hap good, however,sees through her disguise and wants to question her first.
  32. 28: 47); his quarrel with an unrighteous and powerful king (2: 58) and the, miracle ,of the dead birds (2: 260). All these events and more have been discussed
  33. For me. ' As they embrace, the water begins flowing from the rock - a true, miracle ,this time. (Finale) Musical numbers (From the Broadway production); Act I
  34. Controlled by a pump inside the rock. The only person in town who doubts the, miracle ,is Fay Apple, an eternally skeptical young nurse from the Cookie Jar who
  35. And then ask himself whence came the peculiar conception of the nature of, miracle ,which underlies Babbage's ideas of Singular Points on Curves (Chap, viii ) –
  36. She was convinced that:" The divine Spirit had wrought the miracle — a, miracle ,which later I found to be in perfect scientific accord with divine law. " She
  37. And other materials may be printed to encourage the faithful to pray for a, miracle ,wrought by his or her intercession as a sign of God's will that the person be
  38. Continual economic growth starting in the 1950s fuelled a 20-year" economic, miracle ," (). As West Germany's economy grew and its standard of living steadily
  39. And a spring of water begins flowing from it. The town instantly proclaims a, miracle , and Cora and her council eagerly anticipate tourist dollars as they boast of
  40. But he warns her no one will believe it is a fake, because it works as a, miracle ,should. Fay wants his help to stop the Mayoress, but he refuses, since he is
  41. With one another when it comes to the miraculous—that is, one man's religious, miracle ,may be contradicted by another man's miracle —any testimony relating to the
  42. Whole nation, the mob with him. You have to think what magic he had. He was a, miracle ,.... The killing of Jews was wrong. But the good part about Hitler was that he
  43. Circumambulatory passage is full of them. Mostly they represent the sarcastic, miracle , This miracle was based on the legend when the Buddha revealed himself in all
  44. f) if the propositions being communicated are miraculous. Hume understands a, miracle ,to be any event which contradicts the laws of nature. He argues that the laws
  45. Themes and genre Kings is" history-like," but it mixes legends, folktales, miracle , stories and fiction in with the annals, and its primary explanation for all
  46. Who. Fay disappears, and hiding from the police, admits that she hopes for one, miracle ,- for a hero who can come and deliver the town from the madness (“ There To
  47. Was fired, and replaced by Luigi Deanery, one of the original symbols of the, miracle ,Chief, who had led the club to Serie A in 2002. On 27 May 2007,the last match
  48. And the new nurse marches the Cookies off to the next town to disprove the new, miracle , Horrified at seeing what she might become, Fay returns to the rock calling for
  49. Christian Science. She was convinced that:" The divine Spirit had wrought the, miracle ,— a miracle which later I found to be in perfect scientific accord with divine
  50. And medical groups have expressed concern over the touting of aspirin as a ", miracle ,drug ". A 2010 study by Oxford University involving over 25000 patients showed

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