Examples of the the word, fortunately , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fortunately ), is the 4580 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Few of Dubrovnik's Renaissance buildings survived the earthquake of 1667 but, fortunately ,enough remain to give an idea of the city's architectural heritage. The finest
  2. For the Miles M.52,but first saw actual transgenic flight on the Bell X-1;, fortunately , although the sailplane was conventional in design, Bell Aircraft Corporation
  3. Of the Arab scene, O'Toole was nearly killed when he fell from his camel, but, fortunately , it stood over him, preventing the horses of the extras from trampling him.
  4. As large as comparable FORTRAN or COBOL compilers, and also that much slower -, fortunately ,offset by gains in programmer productivity. This was anticipated in IBM before
  5. We CDR H R Allen said," It was sea power that ruled the day in 1940,and, fortunately ,Britain had a sufficiency. The air situation was, of course, important,but by
  6. Has a non-functional fuel gauge - causing it to ultimately grind to halt (, fortunately ,at the correct church!) The Spider was designed by Pininfarina; derived from
  7. It closed altogether, and its rails were removed. The loss of passenger rail, fortunately ,coincided with the construction of U. S. Highway 271. Albion has more in common
  8. A faulty light bulb. There were 100 people in the building at the time, however, fortunately , no one was injured. The building burned from 2:30 P. M. to about 9:00 P. M.
  9. He received a bone marrow transplant from his sister Marietta, whose tissues, fortunately ,matched his well enough for this treatment to be feasible. Results were
  10. In specific genes are usually severe in terms of gene function, and are, fortunately ,rare, thus genetic disorders are similarly individually rare. However, since
  11. The northern edge of the town, doing damage to the trees on the hillside but, fortunately ,causing no deaths. In the early 2000s,William W. Borden High School underwent
  12. The Atomic Energy Commission cleaned up the site and covered it with concrete;, fortunately , this was the only major incident involving the weapons system. The Board site
  13. Evansville. Newburgh suffered extensive property damage and some injuries, but, fortunately , suffered no fatalities during the 2:06 AM tornado strike. Each summer, Newburgh
  14. Great changes to Scottsboro. In 1902,two cases of smallpox were found but, fortunately ,the disease did not spread more widely. In 1903,the first car that came to the
  15. Meet six girls they like — Dorcas, Ruth,Martha, Liza,Sarah and Alice — and, fortunately , the girls take a fancy to the brothers as well. However, the girls already
  16. Exemplified by the palatial monastery of El Social. Although a lack of funds, fortunately ,prevented the entire campus from taking on the turreted look imposed by his
  17. To which the response is made" Enterprise, what we got back didn't live long, fortunately ,". By the time of The Next Generation, transporter technology has advanced
  18. Program to crash a system without any special privileges (the" f00f" bug);, fortunately , operating systems were able to implement workarounds to prevent crashes. The
  19. P-38H and sped the Lightning's eventual replacement in the Eighth Air Force;, fortunately ,the Fifteenth Air Force were glad to get them. Some P-38G and H production was
  20. Would radically alter perceptions of the mythologies of this era, though, fortunately , it has been discovered that the unconnected Babylonian god Ea was titled
  21. Oregon script, this alphabet was deciphered and analyzed by S. Baichorov:, fortunately , the Bulgar inscriptions were sometimes written in Greek or Cyrillic characters
  22. Famous works. Afterwards the city began an economical and cultural decay, which, fortunately , ensured that its medieval center was preserved. In the 18th century the
  23. But this was not practical to use at it had a very small field of view. They, fortunately ,had a backup in the form of the computers on the ground. They made their first
  24. Fell on the table where school district administrators were meeting;, fortunately , no one was injured. Numerous cans and bottles were knocked off shelves at
  25. Bag over to the robbers. The men quickly left after receiving the bag of cash, fortunately ,without harming any of the bank employees, and probably thinking that they had
  26. To complexities of local politics. The beach resorts were rebuilt and expanded, fortunately ,without being as heavily overdeveloped as were other tourist destinations on
  27. At a time and then returns the value returned by the last argument. However, fortunately , it is now extremely common in GP applications for all functions to have a
  28. Determined there was not enough in the sketches to complete the march, but, fortunately , three pages of score in Elgar’s handwriting were discovered at the Royal School
  29. Levels of endotoxins can lead to neurological problems and in some cases' death;, fortunately , such exposures rarely to never occur in normal exposure scenarios, even in
  30. Residence, housed many of his other items. Seton Castle burned down in 2005;, fortunately ,all the artwork, manuscripts,books, etc., had been removed to storage before
  31. Allow safe passage for helicopters into the heliport in case of an emergency -, fortunately ,this was never used. Development as a suburb Since development, industry has
  32. To manufacturing from those computers running on the tennis courts in the (, fortunately ,) sunny and dry autumn weather. The Lawsuit Some have claimed that Quarto Pro
  33. The practical execution of the final solution of the Jewish question has, fortunately ,been established by now, and since there is a full agreement on the part of all
  34. Rifles in the country, causing the unaffordable loss of 750 machine tools but, fortunately ,no loss of life. Two further air raids took place on 19 and 22 November 1940.
  35. Age group, with preliminary estimates of further increases in 2001. However, fortunately , many Lebanese expatriates have been able to return to the country due to the
  36. Northern) hoping that it would careen into the Nishnabotna river below (, fortunately ,the train came to a safe stop but not until after it derailed). The crime was
  37. After the Germans capitulate, he insults a Russian officer at a celebration;, fortunately , the Russian insults Patton right back, defusing the situation. Patton then
  38. A" Composite Language Development Committee ", nicknamed " Kludge ", which, fortunately , was renamed X3J1 PL/I. Standardization became a joint effort of ECM ATC/10 and
  39. In a non-air-conditioned warehouse in Long Branch, New Jersey. Although (, fortunately ,) the master tapes of the material in Atlantic's released back-catalog
  40. 1320–1356. An apologia for his own actions, it needs to be read with caution;, fortunately ,it can be supplemented and corrected by the work of a contemporary, Nikephoros
  41. Winds measured at 74 miles per hour destroyed many homes and trees but, fortunately ,resulted in no fatalities. The city was declared a federal disaster area the
  42. Tribe ca as a performance space. At one performance, Ono set a painting on fire;, fortunately ,John Cage had advised her to treat the paper with flame retardant. In 1956,she
  43. And John Birkenstein now dominated the conference in his place. However, fortunately ,for Charles VI Fleury was determined to limit the scope of the war, and in
  44. Not randomness, but in some circumstances looks very much like it. Hence, and, fortunately , even if we know very little about the initial state of the logistic map (or
  45. Super rotation). Genera 7's parachute failed shortly before landing, fortunately ,very close to the surface. It impacted at and toppled over, but survived. Due
  46. Of the show's second season trapped in the Savage Land (Xavier's legs having, fortunately ,been restored as a result of the loss of his powers) until Sinister used them
  47. The CDP's catching vehicles evacuating west through North County, however, fortunately , the wind changed the course of the fire. The Witch Creek fire was initially
  48. As the two start off joking about eating one another to survive, they, fortunately , spot land in the distance. As they sit on the beach, Orville reminds Jeff of
  49. Limited than when governments and central banks manage the money supply, and, fortunately , so. Reconstruction Spooner harshly condemned the American Civil War and the
  50. Escarpment from east to west. Wadbilliga is in a remote part of Australia, and, fortunately , has had little influence from mankind in the history of European settlement. In

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