Examples of the the word, prerequisite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prerequisite ), is the 4575 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Learning goal is expanded into a hierarchy of learning objectives connected by, prerequisite ,relations. Applications in teaching Research on classroom management and
  2. As well as the solemn acceptance of the flat rectangle as an almost ritual, prerequisite ,for serious painting. During the 1960s Color Field painting and Minimal art
  3. Of the Republic, ten years of military service were a citizen's duty and a, prerequisite ,for election to public office. Devotion (willingness to sacrifice one’s life to
  4. Called“ Vorverfahren” or“ Widerspruchsverfahren ”, which is a stringent, prerequisite ,for the administrative procedure, if an action for rescission or a writ of
  5. Special knowledge concerning the shipwreck that the painting depicts is not a, prerequisite ,to appreciating it, but allows the appreciation of Géricault's political
  6. Are provided for in FIFA's statutes, and membership of a confederation is a, prerequisite ,to FIFA membership.: AFC – Asian Football Confederation::: Australia have been
  7. Of the World in each of the epochs of the game, subject only to obtaining the, prerequisite ,knowledge. These wonders are important achievements of society, science
  8. In a future existence due to karmic retribution. AHIMA is described as a, prerequisite ,for acquiring supernatural faculties, highest bliss and ultimate salvation;
  9. And Thrust master FCS were in demand with PC gamers. They were considered a, prerequisite ,for flight simulators such as F-16 Fighting Falcon and LHX Attack Chopper.
  10. Are a number of" wonders ", each with a large cost of building as well as a, prerequisite , If a player meets the prerequisite for a wonder, they may claim the wonder for
  11. Not stand as a candidate in the elections (although being an MP isn't a strict, prerequisite ,for becoming PM in most parliamentary systems). Instead, the results were
  12. Successfully eliminated armed opposition around the city of Tskhinvali as a, prerequisite ,for the full-scale ground assault which followed shortly after in the morning
  13. And had not earned the doctorate level degree. When university degrees became a, prerequisite ,to become a lawyer in England, the degree awarded was the undergraduate LL. B.
  14. The ban on the LTTE before signing the ceasefire agreement in 2002. This was a, prerequisite ,set by the LTTE for the signing of the agreement. The European Union banned
  15. Important benefit. There are three aspects to, handloading is a fundamental, prerequisite ,for success. Presses vary from simple, inexpensive single stage models, too
  16. May also need to be generated to facilitate debugging. Compiler analysis is the, prerequisite ,for any compiler optimization, and they tightly work together. For example
  17. CONFINE. Rcv financial and economic code,L141 and following). This was a, prerequisite ,for integrating the European System of Central Banks. * The Electronic
  18. Not protect citizens from ethnic attacks. Membership in the party was as much a, prerequisite ,for admission to colleges and for government jobs as in the Soviet Union under
  19. Was in the history of physics, and he was bored and unsuccessful in the, prerequisite ,physics classes he had to take. This, together with his antagonistic
  20. True, even if the sky is red. Truth Whether someone's belief is true is not a, prerequisite ,for its belief. On the other hand, if something is actually known, then it
  21. And regulated by the laws enacted by that government. Registration is the main, prerequisite ,to the corporation's assumption of limited liability. The law sometimes
  22. With a large cost of building as well as a prerequisite . If a player meets the, prerequisite ,for a wonder, they may claim the wonder for themselves. A player may only claim
  23. Treatment for at least two years and a gender dysphoria diagnosis are a, prerequisite , The hormonal treatment is not a prerequisite if there are health or age
  24. Law schools are graduate/professional schools where a bachelor's degree is a, prerequisite ,for admission. Most law schools are part of universities but a few are
  25. Played on Saturday, was vastly more popular than the NFL, so Bell was told a, prerequisite ,to a franchise being granted to him was the Pennsylvania Blue Laws would have
  26. With the Platform, Labor governments have sought to change the Platform as a, prerequisite ,for a change in policy. For example, privatisation legislation under the Hawks
  27. With their children" to receive Communion. Undergoing Baptism is not a, prerequisite ,for receiving Communion, but if unbaptized people" regularly participate in
  28. In the Marxist tradition," calling for a rebellion against Stalinism as a, prerequisite ,for the restoration of communists' " confidence in our own revolutionary
  29. Copyrights, restrictions on Use * Relationships to Other Courses, including, prerequisite , courses * Educational Level, including: grade level, age range, typical
  30. Gender dysphoria diagnosis are a prerequisite . The hormonal treatment is not a, prerequisite ,if there are health or age reasons not to follow it. Poland In Polish law there
  31. In general strongly favored the rich, but in this case wealth was virtually a, prerequisite , Generals were elected not only because their role required expert knowledge
  32. Sexual orientation, and disability to the federal definition, and dropped the, prerequisite ,that the victim be engaging in a federally-protected activity. Forty-five
  33. By crystalline defects. The understanding of crystal structures is an important, prerequisite ,for understanding crystallographic defects. Mostly, materials do not occur in a
  34. As a reference to itself. * The Book of Mormon describes the Fall of Man as a, prerequisite ,for procreation, and a necessary requirement for the return to God. " Adam fell
  35. Indoors; for example, in shopping centers or airports. However, this is not a, prerequisite , since indoor coverage is also provided by in-building penetration of the radio
  36. Etc.),which itself depends on intelligence (cognitive development being a, prerequisite ,for moral development; Glaser et al.,2007; Deary et al.,2008; Riemann
  37. Certifications hold great legal weight and are required in most states as a, prerequisite ,to doing business there. Thomas W. Malone of the Massachusetts Institute of
  38. Be tested for normal color vision as part of the medical certification that is, prerequisite ,to obtaining a pilot's license. If testing reveals color blindness, the
  39. Teleological notions that tend to describe the existence of life as a necessary, prerequisite ,for the observable constants of physics. In a lecture titled" The Confusion of
  40. Lawyers to live in the jurisdiction or to even hold national citizenship as a, prerequisite ,for receiving a license to practice. But the trend in industrialized countries
  41. Of an interdependent world. Pluralism is no longer simply an asset or a, prerequisite ,for progress and development. Honors and awards Honors :2000: Companion of
  42. Sang has called all parties to help end the instability in local politics,a, prerequisite ,to attract foreign investors needed to develop the local economy. Despite a
  43. And wife living separately but meeting regularly. Conversely, marriage is not a, prerequisite ,for cohabitation. In some cases couples living together do not wish to be
  44. English neutrality would not suffice and that control over the Royal Navy was a, prerequisite ,for a successful naval campaign against France. In November 1686 James had
  45. Claims that a state of" permanent psychological discomfort" can serve as a, prerequisite ,to, or even as equivalent to, consciousness itself. Discouraged forms and
  46. Jewish marriage and adherence to them is (in Orthodox Judaism) regarded as a, prerequisite ,of marriage. This involves observance of the various details of the menstrual
  47. Are explosive material in whom tremendous energy has been accumulated; their, prerequisite ,has always been, historically and physiologically, that a protracted assembling
  48. Daily. Rabbi Shmuel Schneersohn of Lubavitcher urged the study of Kabbalah as, prerequisite ,for one's humanity: The writings of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1864–1935)
  49. Amendment in 1964,and a later Supreme Court case struck down poll taxes as a, prerequisite ,for any election. Gerrymandering for political gain has remained possible under
  50. May be necessary. Subspecialization In many countries general surgery is a, prerequisite ,for subspecialization in: Gorillas are the largest extant species of primates.

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