Examples of the the word, fishery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fishery ), is the 4562 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can be difficult. Even using very broad functional classifications such as, fishery , trade, military,and exploration fails to classify most of the old ships. This
  2. Parallel to the development of warships, ships in service of marine, fishery ,and trade also developed in the period between antiquity and the Renaissance.
  3. Activity among the Parades, katesar/Kandahar Pattamkattiyars (head of, fishery ,coast) and mukkuvars, pearl-fishers along the east coast of southern India
  4. To ecological data. Sport fishing The lake also supports a strong sport, fishery , While commercial fishing declined, sport fishing has remained, although one
  5. Today though more than 35 percent of the fishermen in the B. C. commercial, fishery ,are of aboriginal ancestry, yet Canadians of aboriginal ancestry comprise less
  6. A rapid expansion of shrimp and lobster exports in the 1990s. A turtle, fishery ,thrived on the Caribbean coast before it collapsed from overexploitation.
  7. And Labrador had a depressed economy. Following the collapse of the cod, fishery ,the province saw record unemployment rates and the population decreased by
  8. Coastline can suffer during long-lasting El Niño events. The world's largest, fishery ,collapsed due to overfishing during the 1972 El Niño Peruvian anchored
  9. Highest point: unnamed location on Rocky Island 14 m * Natural resources:, fishery , coral reef, possible oil and gas nearby Amphitrite Group The Amphitrite group
  10. Current issues: water pollution from agricultural runoff threatens, fishery ,resources; deforestation of tropical rain forest; land degradation and soil
  11. Estonia and Latvia. These objects present potential hazards to navigation, fishery , coastal construction, laying of submarine pipelines and cables and the
  12. Hangman Rhee line) Subsequently, some 3,000 Japanese fishermen who conducted, fishery ,operations in this vicinity were captured. This incident, called in the Die
  13. Navy The Ghana Navy provides defense of Ghana and its territorial waters, fishery ,protection, and internal security on Lake Volta. It is also tasked with
  14. 1 Petra patrol craft - 147 tons full load - commissioned 1978 * 2 Rodman 890, fishery , protection - commissioned 1997 Air Force The Air Force's official name
  15. Manhour in 2009. Structure of the economy Agriculture, livestock,forestry and, fishery ,Statistics Indonesia provisionally valued food crop yields at 213,529,700
  16. In its regional economy with the collapse of large portions of the ground, fishery ,throughout Atlantic Canada, the closing of coal mines and a steel mill on Cape
  17. Of many agricultural products and is currently expanding its forestry and, fishery ,industries. The implementation of the reforms and the Uruguay Round of the
  18. Brunswick, long dependent upon seasonal employment in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, fishery , tends to vote for the Liberals or NDP for this reason. In the 1997 federal
  19. Of clean water, are now found. The lake has also become an important sport, fishery , with introduced Coho and Chinook salmon now thriving there. Invasive species
  20. Is safe for swimming, fishing,and boating. It is considered a world-class, fishery ,for salmon id species (Lake trout and Atlantic salmon) and bass. About 81 fish
  21. An ambitious trip across the lake in 1857. During the history of the lake as a, fishery , there has been marked battling by opposing interest groups. Here's an 1895
  22. Concerns in recent years. After decades of escalating overexploitation the cod, fishery ,all but collapsed in the 1990s,and the Pacific salmon industry also suffered
  23. Which has expanded to Lake Huron, poses a significant threat to the lower lake, fishery , Five years after first being observed in the St. Clair River, the round Toby
  24. Boats from mainland Scotland and the Netherlands dominated the local herring, fishery , There is little evidence of an Arcadian fleet until the 19th century but it
  25. Lush temperate rainforests of the coast, which was also the locus of a growing, fishery , The completion of the railway in 1885 was a huge boost to the province's
  26. Main occupation of the islanders is fishing and this is where the largest tuna, fishery ,in Sicily can be found. History There is evidence of Neolithic and even
  27. S key non-OPEC producing regions. Fishing The North Sea is Europe's main, fishery ,accounting for over five percent of international commercial fish caught. In
  28. Army, comes into effect. *1885 – The United States terminates reciprocity and, fishery ,agreement with Canada. *1890 – Canada and Bermuda are linked by telegraph cable
  29. As part of the economy of New France in the 17th century; however,the, fishery ,suffered a sharp decline due to overfishing in the late 20th century. The
  30. Words originating from Pomeranian can be found in vocabulary connected with, fishery ,and farming. The word Geese / These may serve as an example. It describes a
  31. Tuna seiners have skiffs. In 2004,of fish were caught in the marine capture, fishery , Anchored represented the largest single catch at. It was also meant to aid in
  32. Is dominated by the seasonal industries of agriculture, tourism,and the, fishery , The province is limited in terms of heavy industry and manufacturing. Although
  33. Predictions of the lake being over-fished in 1895 were premature, since the, fishery ,has survived commercial and sport fishing, pollution in the middle of the 20th
  34. It will take several years before production will begin. Greenland's shrimp, fishery ,is by far the largest source of income, since cod catches have dropped to
  35. Into the Kingdom of Italy. Economy Agriculture, crafts,animal husbandry and, fishery ,are the main traditional sources of income. Agriculture is characterized by the
  36. Light, abandoning the use of chlorine for disinfection. Neva also has developed, fishery , both commercial and recreational. Attractions on the river Whereas most
  37. Even corporations making electric-generating wind turbines. Management of the, fishery ,is by consensus of all management agencies with an interest in the resource and
  38. Of natural resources, especially the fish stocks off the Scotia shelf. The, fishery ,was pillar of the economy since its development as part of the economy of New
  39. Through to restrictions in the export of agricultural goods (potatoes) and, fishery ,products because they do not conform with EU quality norms. Other European
  40. Tonnes. Unregulated fishing landed five to six times more than the regulated, fishery , and allegedly illegal fishing in Antarctic waters in 1998 resulted in the
  41. Has long been the site of important European shipping lanes as well as a major, fishery , The sea is a popular destination for recreation and tourism in bordering
  42. Notorious factor cited at that time was the failure of the Peruvian anchovy, fishery ,in 1972,a major source of livestock feed. The second major shock was the 1973
  43. Year, the government revenue was £42.4 million of which £14.5 million came from, fishery ,licenses and services and £10.5 million from taxes. During the same period the
  44. Between Britain, France and Spain who all pressed for a share in the valuable, fishery ,there. Britain's victories around the globe led William Pitt to insist that
  45. Laws or selection or rulers. The 1920s and 30s saw the collapse of the pearl, fishery ,and with it Kuwait's economy. This is attributed to the invention of the
  46. By the late 19th century, as a result of the faster shipping, expanding, fishery , and industrialization of the island, exchanges of people between the island of
  47. The exploitation, conservation and management of natural and living resources, fishery ,and mineral resources" of the rock itself and an area of territorial waters
  48. Catch increased and reached a maximum of 4,900 tonnes. However, unbalanced, fishery , led to the drastic decrease of catch in 1955–1963,sometimes to 1,600 tonnes
  49. Of Alaska, Idaho,and Oregon objected, included an 11-day closure of an Alaska, fishery , In April 1994 the Pacific Fisheries Management Council unanimously approved
  50. Its resources, as well as the ability to trade in some resources (such as the, fishery ,). Establishing a labor force to develop the province was problematic from the

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