Examples of the the word, boil , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boil ), is the 4577 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With a burner underneath. These can produce a vigorous and favorable, boil , but are also apt to scorch the wort where the flame touches the kettle
  2. Which tends to vary with elevation). Different liquids (at a given pressure), boil , at different temperatures. The normal boil ing point (also called the
  3. An implication of one boil ing point is that lighter components never cleanly ", boil ,first ". At boil ing point, all volatile components boil , but for a component
  4. Quintessential cinema portrayals of the two iconic protagonists of American hard, boil ,detective literature,Hammett's Spade and later Raymond Chandler's Phillip
  5. The essential oils, to impart" hop taste" ( if during the final 30 minutes of, boil ,) or" hop aroma" ( if during the final 10 minutes, or less, of boil ). Aroma
  6. To be cooked that is situated above a lower pot of water. When brought to a, boil , the steam produced in the lower pot transfers heat to the upper pot. This
  7. Was to strengthen the secular power of the king. It would continue to, boil ,under the surface. The controversy would surface in the Thomas Becket affair
  8. Flavour, and aroma compounds to the beer, and,along with the heat of the, boil , causes proteins in the wort to coagulate and the pH of the wort to fall.
  9. Volume of water the brewer expects to evaporate. Boiling equipment The simplest, boil ,kettles are direct-fired, with a burner underneath. These can produce a
  10. Ordinary beakers, in a fume hood (i.e., if it is already a liquid it will not, boil ,readily). " Household ammonia" or" ammonium hydroxide" is a solution of NH3
  11. Grow a" greater Afar" nation that led many to believe that the cauldron would, boil ,over. Ultimately, the conflict abated without significant regime upheaval. In
  12. Mustard seeds, cayenne pepper and other spices, commonly known as" crab, boil ," or" crawfish boil " are added to the water for seasoning. The results are
  13. Cayenne pepper and other spices, commonly known as" crab boil " or" crawfish, boil ," are added to the water for seasoning. The results are then dumped onto large
  14. That must be removed by cooking. A recommended method is to, boil ,the beans for at least ten minutes; undercooked beans may be more toxic than
  15. In a fire and then add the bricks to a pot filled with water until it came to a, boil ,so that it would cook the meat or vegetables in the boil ing water. In what is
  16. For man and horse … the soldiers had nothing to do but pitch their tents, boil ,kettles and lie down to rest. " In response to Marlborough's maneuvers, the
  17. Of alpha acids and good aromatic properties. These can be added to the, boil ,at any time, depending on the desired effect. Flavors and aromas are described
  18. Aroma, and high beta acid hop varieties are often added at the end of the wort, boil ,for aroma. Beta acids may oxidize into compounds that can give beer off-flavors
  19. Occurs. The higher temperature due to increased vaporization can reduce, boil ,times up to 30 %. External boil ers were originally designed to improve
  20. And hot Chile peppers. Anything else is optional. Food as an event Crawfish, boil ,The crawfish boil is a celebratory event where Cajuns boil crawfish, potatoes
  21. Bolas JE cent grade (water boil s at 100 degrees): NI Bolivar la Avon (we, boil ,the water). A limited number of basic adverbs do not end with -e, but with an
  22. Never cleanly" boil first ". At boil ing point, all volatile components, boil , but for a component, its percentage in the vapor is the same as its percentage
  23. Aromatic properties, as the aromatic compounds evaporate off during the, boil , The degree of bitterness imparted by hops depends on the degree to which
  24. The rotary evaporator. This technique is also very useful for compounds which, boil ,beyond their decomposition temperature at atmospheric pressure and which would
  25. Breweries use a steam-fired kettle, which uses steam jackets in the kettle to, boil ,the wort. The steam is delivered under pressure by an external boil er.
  26. This external boil er, ensuring that the wort is evenly boil ed by the end of the, boil , The wort is then boil ed in the kettle at atmospheric pressure, and through
  27. Of boil ) or" hop aroma" ( if during the final 10 minutes, or less, of, boil , ). Aroma hops are often added after the wort has cooled and while the beer
  28. Easter, Pascha the eating of eggs resumes. One would have been forced to hard, boil ,the eggs that the chickens produced so as not to waste food, and for this
  29. Atmospheric pressure and which would therefore be decomposed by any attempt to, boil ,them under atmospheric pressure. Molecular distillation is vacuum distillation
  30. Up). The excellent insulation of the Dewar flask results in a very slow, boil ,and thus the nitrogen lasts a long time without the need for expensive
  31. Flavour and aroma. Hops may be added at more than one point during the, boil , The longer the hops are boil ed, the more bitterness they contribute, but the
  32. And the pH of the wort to fall. Finally, the vapors produced during the, boil ,volatilize off flavors, including dimethyl sulfide precursors. The boil must
  33. Precursors. The boil must be conducted so that it is even and intense. The, boil ,lasts between 50 and 120 minutes, depending on its intensity, the hop addition
  34. And aroma of hops comes from the essential oils, which evaporate during the, boil , Aroma hops are typically added to the wort later to prevent the evaporation of
  35. Skin care. Vacuum distillation Some compounds have very high boil ing points. To, boil ,such compounds, it is often better to lower the pressure at which such
  36. Is removed. Similarly, a liquid at saturation temperature and pressure will, boil ,into its vapor phase as additional thermal energy is applied. The boil ing point
  37. To which otherwise insoluble alpha acids (AA's) are isomerized during the, boil , and the impact of a given amount of hops is specified in International
  38. Chapman in the lineup. In September 1920,the Black SOX Scandal came to a, boil , With just a few games left in the season, and Cleveland and Chicago
  39. Calandria are generally difficult to clean. Whirl pooling At the end of the, boil , the wort is set into a whirlpool. The so-called tea-leaf paradox forces the
  40. The same hiragana is used to write the sounds. For example chimera ('to, boil ,down' or 'to shrink' ) is spelled ちぢめる and Suzuki ('to continue' ) is つづく.
  41. For the bitter flavor in the beer. Beta acids do not isomerize during the, boil ,of wort, and have a negligible effect on beer taste. Instead, they contribute to
  42. And sucking out the abdominal fat/juices. Often, newcomers to the crawfish, boil ,or those unfamiliar with the traditions are jokingly warned" not to eat the
  43. Wort, ensures its sterility, and thus prevents a lot of infections. During the, boil ,hops are added, which contribute bitterness, flavour, and aroma compounds to
  44. Their tendency to form stabilized divers. Carboxylic acids tend to evaporate or, boil ,as these divers. For boil ing to occur, either the dimer bonds must be broken
  45. Boiler, raising the boil ing point by a few Celsius degrees. Upon return to the, boil ,kettle, a vigorous vaporization occurs. The higher temperature due to increased
  46. The boil volatilize off flavors, including dimethyl sulfide precursors. The, boil ,must be conducted so that it is even and intense. The boil lasts between 50 and
  47. As an event Crawfish boil The crawfish boil is a celebratory event where Cajuns, boil ,crawfish, potatoes,onions and corn over large propane cookers. Lemons and
  48. Having more constriction and a more definite place of articulation than the in, boil ,or bit or the of. The other problematic area is that of syllabic consonants
  49. But that form diphthongs as part of the syllable nucleus, as the i in English, boil , On the other, there are approximate that behave like consonants in forming
  50. Peppers. Anything else is optional. Food as an event Crawfish boil The crawfish, boil ,is a celebratory event where Cajuns boil crawfish, potatoes,onions and corn

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