Examples of the the word, abc , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abc ), is the 4582 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For instance b−1 abc b is not cyclically reduced, but is conjugate to, abc , which is cyclically reduced. The only cyclically reduced conjugates of ABC are
  2. To ABC, which is cyclically reduced. The only cyclically reduced conjugates of, abc , are ABC, bca, and cab. Universal property The free group FS is the universal
  3. From a custom, described as a mammoth. In another book, titled Book of Mormon, abc , 's on the third page it says, c is for custom, and has a picture of a mammoth.
  4. Has three conjugate classes: *interchanging two (ABC → ACB, abc → BAC, abc , → CBA) *a cyclic permutation of all three (ABC → BCA, abc → cab) The
  5. 8 multiplications) transformation: a: 2 ab: a style" color: red;" >×b, abc , : ab ×c (2 multiplications) calculation after that:
  6. A, b,c) of cop rime positive integers with a + b = c will have c < rad (, abc , ),i.e. q (a, b,c) < 1. Triples with q > 1 such as in the second example
  7. Volume The volume of an ellipsoid is given by the formula: \franc\pi, abc , \, \! Note that this equation reduces to that of the volume of a sphere when
  8. The following scheme: For calculating AA×BB× ... ×mM×in 1st: define ab: a×b, abc , ab×c, ... 2nd: calculate the transformed expression AAB×BBC× ... ×ABC.
  9. Construct a path ABC ... and extend it until no longer possible; when the path, abc , ... XYZ cannot be extended any longer because all neighbors of z already lie
  10. Of three elements, has three conjugate classes: *interchanging two (, abc , → ACB, abc → BAC, abc → CBA) *a cyclic permutation of all three (ABC → BCA
  11. Conjecture states, or even whether it can be bounded by a polynomial of rad (, abc , ). However, exponential bounds are known. Specifically, the following bounds
  12. Character set used is (US-)ASCII. Therefore, the string“ ABC” will match “, abc ,”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”, and “ ABC ”. For a
  13. Then parentheses may be omitted. For example, ( ab)c can be written as, abc , and a | (b (many textbooks use the symbols, or for alternation instead of
  14. Which is cyclically reduced. The only cyclically reduced conjugates of ABC are, abc , BCA, and cab. Universal property The free group FS is the universal group
  15. 6 multiplications) transformation: a: 2 ab: a style" color: red;" >×b, abc , : ab ×c (2 multiplications) calculation after that:
  16. Was found by Eric East:: a = 2:: b 310 109 6436341: c 235 6436343: rad (, abc , ) = 15042. Some consequences The conjecture has not been proven, but it has a
  17. Any given integer A. While the first group of these have now been proven,the, abc , conjecture itself remains of interest, because of its numerous links with deep
  18. Files (. DCL) are converted into Clean's platform-independent byte code (., abc , ),implemented in C and Clean. # Byte code is converted to object code (. Obj)
  19. To the modified Spiro conjecture. * Borowski (1996) has shown that the, abc , conjecture implies that n! + A= k2 has only finitely many solutions for any
  20. Satisfy a + b = c. If d denotes the product of the distinct prime factors of, abc , the conjecture essentially states that d is rarely much smaller than c.
  21. They consist of numbers divisible by high powers of small prime numbers. The, abc , conjecture states that, for any ε > 0,there exist only finitely many triples (
  22. Transforming the path in a different path of the same length: given a path ", abc , ... XYZ" that cannot be extended because all neighbors of z lie on the path
  23. Strings into another string or delete parts of a string. For example’s: = ", abc ," s2: =" 123" s now has a value of" a123c" s: =" abide" s3:5: =" BCD
  24. On the chosen locale setting (i.e., in some settings letters are organized as, abc , ... ABC ... Z, while in some others as BBC ... oz),the POSIX standard
  25. Are squares. If the dimensions of a cuboid are a, b and c, then its volume is, abc , and its surface area is 2ab + 2bc + 2ac. The length of the space diagonal is: d
  26. Requires a uniform version of the ABC conjecture in number fields, not only the, abc , conjecture as formulated above for rational integers) * P (x) has only
  27. Of three elements, has three conjugate classes: *interchanging two (ABC → ACB, abc , → BAC, abc → CBA) *a cyclic permutation of all three (ABC → BCA, abc → cab)
  28. ABW 2 ", which means" change to back up frequency number 2 ", and " UNB, abc ,", which means" my checksum is ABC, what is yours? " Used in their formal "
  29. Only a factor of two to the radical, while b is divisible by 9,rad (, abc , ) < 2c/3 for these examples. By replacing the exponent 6n by other exponents
  30. Acb, abc → BAC, abc → CBA) *a cyclic permutation of all three (ABC → BCA, abc , → cab) The symmetric group S4,consisting of all 24 permutations of four
  31. If the profile were, say,(ABC, bac) or (ACB, bca) or (ACB, cba) or (, abc , CBA). Formal statement of the theorem Let \math rm be a set of outcomes
  32. No Siegel zero (this consequence actually requires a uniform version of the, abc , conjecture in number fields, not only the ABC conjecture as formulated above
  33. Of the conjecture, as there exist infinitely many triples a, b,c with rad (, abc , ) < c. For instance, such a triple may be taken as: a = 1: b = 26n − 1: c = 26n
  34. And the character set used is (US-)ASCII. Therefore, the string “, abc ,” will match“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”,“ ABC ”, and
  35. C can be upper bounded by a near-linear function of the radical of ABC, as the, abc , conjecture states, or even whether it can be bounded by a polynomial of rad (
  36. Two (ABC → ACB, abc → BAC, abc → CBA) *a cyclic permutation of all three (, abc , → BCA, abc → cab) The symmetric group S4,consisting of all 24 permutations of
  37. to back up frequency number 2 ", and " ZNB ABC ", which means" my checksum is, abc , what is yours? " Used in their formal" question/answer" sense, the meaning
  38. Number of interesting consequences it entails. Dorian M. Goldfield described the, abc , conjecture as" the most important unsolved problem in Diophantine analysis ".
  39. 1977 essay Reiterating the Differences, Derrida wrote the same year Limited Inc, abc , ..., a long defense of his earlier argument. In the course of the exchanges
  40. Z lie on the path, one chooses some neighbor n of z and transforms the path ", abc , ... n-op ... XYZ" into the path" ABC ... NYX ... PO "; the edge no is
  41. Query to show country capitals in Africa, using a fictional ontology. PREFIX, abc , : . SELECT? Capital? Country WHERE Other ways to
  42. And United States Ambassador to Japan, Edwin Old father Rancher. The, abc , conjecture (also known as Westerly–Master conjecture) is a conjecture in
  43. 7 multiplications) transformation: a: 2 ab: a style" color: red;" >×b, abc , : ab ×c (2 multiplications) calculation after that:
  44. C to b to a. Then, it must still choose b from if the profile were, say,(, abc , BAC) or (ACB, bca) or (ACB, cba) or (ABC, cba). Formal statement of the
  45. N of z and transforms the path" ABC ... n-op ... XYZ" into the path ", abc , ... NYX ... PO "; the edge now is removed and replaced by the edge NZ, while
  46. Mile (1,665.7/km2). There were 1,884 housing units at an average density of, abc ,790.7/km2 (2,042.8/mi2). The racial makeup of the city was 81.25 % White
  47. Heuristic algorithm for locating Hamiltonian paths is to construct a path, abc , ... and extend it until no longer possible; when the path ABC ... XYZ cannot be
  48. The maximum inscribed and minimum circumscribed boxes are respectively:: \franc, abc , \, \! And 8 abc . \, \!. Surface area The surface area of an ellipsoid is given
  49. Our problem. Then each element in G is represented in some way by a product:, abc , ... PQR of symbols from A, of some length, multiplied in G. The string of
  50. Whether c can be upper bounded by a near-linear function of the radical of, abc , as the ABC conjecture states, or even whether it can be bounded by a

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