Examples of the the word, farming , in a Sentence Context

The word ( farming ), is the 4579 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 19th century and the 20th century, particularly in the form of the tractor, farming ,tasks could be done with a speed and on a scale previously impossible. These
  2. Imports, mainly from South Africa and Portugal, while more than 90 percent of, farming ,is done at family and subsistence level. Thousands of Angolan small-scale
  3. Breeding and modern practices in animal husbandry such as intensive pig, farming ,have similarly increased the output of meat, but have raised concerns about
  4. New technologies have given rise to innovations like conservation tillage,a, farming ,process which helps prevent land loss to erosion, water pollution and enhances
  5. Genetic engineering, agrophysics, improved statistical analysis, and precision, farming , Balancing these, as above, are the natural and human sciences of agricultural
  6. Newscast a her Dona, Abensberg and Languid, is used for the intensive, farming ,of asparagus, due to the optimal soil condition and climate. 212 hectares of
  7. Merlin, the Mediterranean coast has few major cities, although it has numerous, farming ,villages. Central Plateau Stretching inland from the Aegean coastal plain, the
  8. In spring wheat production; other grains are also prominent. Much of the, farming ,is dryland farming , often with fallow seasons interspersed with cultivation.
  9. To farming have declined. This is related to the greater efficiency of, farming , combined with the increased level of value addition (e.g. more highly
  10. Usually requires some form of irrigation, although there are methods of dryland, farming ,; pastoral herding on rangeland is still the most common means of raising
  11. Farm subsidies, also known as decoupling. The growth of organic, farming ,has renewed research in alternative technologies such as integrated pest
  12. In academic medicine in France, he emigrated to Canada with the intention of, farming ,and raising cattle. After a brief period, he accepted an appointment at the
  13. Agriculture reached Egypt. From at least 7000 BC the Indian subcontinent saw, farming ,of wheat and barley, as attested by archaeological excavation at Merger in
  14. Two years later to tuberculosis. Texas Army In April 1834,Johnston took up, farming ,in Texas, but enlisted as a private in the Texas Army during the Texas War of
  15. Part of Alberta is given over either to grain or to dairy farming , with mixed, farming ,more common in the north and center, while ranching and irrigated agriculture
  16. In great volumes of essential protein. Collectively, these new methods of, farming ,and fishing inaugurated a human population boom that dwarfed all previous
  17. Supported agriculture, ecological or biological agriculture, integrated, farming , and holistic management, as well as an increased trend towards agricultural
  18. And a number of volumes and papers on the philosophical significance of, farming , notably The Spirit of the Soil: Agriculture and Environmental Ethics (1995)
  19. Based on large-scale monoculture has become the dominant system of modern, farming , although there is growing support for sustainable agriculture (e.g.
  20. On plantation agriculture based on slave labor, together with subsistence, farming ,for the poor whites. The South expanded into rich new lands in the Southwest (
  21. Recent social and economic developments. Thus, agrarianism is not industrial, farming , with its specialization on products and industrial scale. Agrarian theorists
  22. Mostly bog means that its potential for agriculture is limited largely to sheep, farming , In the past, fishing was a significant activity but this aspect of the economy
  23. Employing flood control. Non-arable land which is unsuitable for arable, farming ,usually has at least one of the following deficiencies: no source of fresh
  24. The genre for which he would become most famous. The simple story, about a poor, farming ,village in Senior period Japan that hires a group of samurai to defend it
  25. The Isle of Array in Scotland's Firth of Clyde),were unsuitable for arable, farming ,because they were too rocky. The people covered the islands with a shallow
  26. Are due mainly to variation in climate, genetics,and the level of intensive, farming ,techniques (use of fertilizers, chemical pest control, growth control to avoid
  27. Agriculture Due to the northern climate and steep terrain, relatively little, farming ,occurs in Alaska. Most farms are in either the Matroska Valley, about
  28. As crocodiles and hippos were also a common threat. The life-long labors of, farming ,and building put stress on the spine and joints, and traumatic injuries from
  29. And prevent famine is by using pesticides and intensive high yield, farming , a view exemplified by a quote heading the Center for Global Food Issues
  30. Learned from Museum medicinal cures and the science of divination.: :If it's, farming ,you want, Hesiod knows it all, when to plant, when to harvest. How godlike:
  31. Distribution, and marketing have risen while the costs attributed to, farming ,have declined. This is related to the greater efficiency of farming , combined
  32. Of the forested part of Alberta is given over either to grain or to dairy, farming , with mixed farming more common in the north and center, while ranching and
  33. Methods have reported yields as high as those available from conventional, farming , The reconditioning of soil to restore nutrients lost during the use of
  34. Alienated modern society that has grown to inhuman scale. *In contrast, farming ,offers more independence and self-sufficiency. It has a solid, stable position
  35. Was the key implement in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby, farming , of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of
  36. Mechanization, water contamination, and farm subsidies. Proponents of organic, farming ,such as Sir Albert Howard argued in the early 20th century that the overuse of
  37. Defined by greatly different climates, cultures,and technologies. However, all, farming , generally relies on techniques to expand and maintain the lands suitable for
  38. Were living in what is now Afghanistan at least 50,000 years ago, and that, farming ,communities in the area were among the earliest in the world. An important site
  39. A prominent defender of agrarian values and has an appreciation for traditional, farming , Rod Dreyer writes the following:“ Berry's unshakable devotion to the land
  40. Forest Farm and Zoo (Ataturk Organ Nightlife) is an expansive recreational, farming ,area which houses a zoo, several small agricultural farms, greenhouses
  41. Insect: Four-spot skimmer dragonfly, adopted 1995. Agriculture (also called, farming ,or husbandry) is the cultivation of animals, plants,fungi and other life
  42. For the Revolution in central Massachusetts. He reports that warfare and the, farming ,culture were sometimes incompatible. Militiamen found that living and working
  43. Urban society, the independent farmer as superior to the paid worker, and sees, farming ,as a way of life that can shape the ideal social values. It stresses the
  44. French Physiocrats the idea that all wealth originates with the land, making, farming , the only truly productive enterprise, agrarianism claims that agriculture is
  45. Merger in Balochistan in what is present day Pakistan. By 6000 BC, mid-scale, farming , was entrenched on the banks of the Nile. This, as irrigation had not yet
  46. Production; other grains are also prominent. Much of the farming is dryland, farming , often with fallow seasons interspersed with cultivation. Continuous cropping (
  47. Abalone now supplies most of the abalone meat consumed. The principal abalone, farming ,regions are China, Taiwan,Japan, and Korea. Abalone is also farmed in
  48. A period of about 1,000 years, the Canada culture developed from a few small, farming ,communities into a powerful civilization whose leaders were in complete control
  49. Advancements help provide farmers with tools and resources to make, farming ,more sustainable. New technologies have given rise to innovations like
  50. Which remove the salt from ocean water, have created a new source of water for, farming , drinking, and washing. * Slash and burn agriculture uses nutrients in wood ash

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