Examples of the the word, cove , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cove ), is the 12448 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The neighborhood had abundant water power, and Higgins Landing was a natural, cove ,and river port. Higgins now encompasses the town's traditional village center
- Of Hillsboro, exits closest to farther from Hillsboro along US-56: French Creek, cove ,(Limestone Road),Hillsboro cove (Nighthawk Road),Overlook and Dam (Old
- Lifeboat up an inlet that would later be known as Lisianski. In a sheltered, cove ,they founded a settlement. They cleared and planted gardens, trapped and hunted
- Road),Overlook and Dam (Old Mill Road),Marion cove and Cottonwood Point, cove ,(Pawnee Road). Demographics As of the census of 2000,there were 2,854 people
- Originally a Yankee settlement called Slab Town, it was centered at Leffingwell, cove ,of today's north Moonstone Beach, which also housed a wharf. As lumber
- Strips may be square cut, or for a better fit, they are shaped with bead and, cove ,router bits. Once the strips are glued together, the inside and outside are
- Hillsboro cove (Nighthawk Road),Overlook and Dam (Old Mill Road),Marion, cove ,and Cottonwood Point cove (Pawnee Road). Demographics As of the census of
- Of concordant coastline. When Stair Hole eventually collapses, it will form a, cove , Weather-eroded arches # Deep cracks penetrate into a sandstone layer. #
- Bligh spelled it Too). Bligh and his crew attempted to land here (in a, cove ,that they subsequently called" Murderers' Cove" ) in order to augment their
- Way in which the valleys of the adjacent San Gabriel Mountains formed a natural, cove ,around the vineyards that had been planted by the region's earlier pioneers
- Of Fontana Dam. Joyce Killer Memorial Forest, a rare example of an old growth, cove ,hardwood forest, is located in northwestern Graham County. Joyce Killer
- Marion, the polar opposite of the Orb of Alder, was once kept in an undersea, cove ,where traces of its power still resonates in the walls. Upon reaching the
- From Hillsboro along US-56: French Creek cove (Limestone Road),Hillsboro, cove ,(Nighthawk Road),Overlook and Dam (Old Mill Road),Marion cove and
- Not replace the full rite in other cases. Lamont () is a fishing village and, cove ,in west Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is situated on the Pen with peninsula
- Is no road access to the cove . The primary modes of transportation within the, cove ,is by foot, skiff or ATV. Demographics As of the census of 2010,there were 38
- Ferry, the Danny J.; or float plane. There is no road access to the, cove , The primary modes of transportation within the cove is by foot, skiff or ATV.
- No buildings seized in 1789 and the only possible land was a tiny and useless, cove ,nearby. The two decided to refer the entire matter back to their respective
- Century, Native Americans referred to It's farthest northwest corner, by the, cove ,on the Hudson River at present-day Gansevoort Street, as Sapokanikan ("
- S cable. Another explanation is that it refers metaphorically to a pirate's, cove , The name Coca Atones originally appeared on eighteenth century maps
- The cove offers several lodges and cabins and the only way to get around the, cove ,is by boat. Geography Halibut Cove is located at (59.597549,-151.234607).
- At its ends. Its highest point, Monte Cannon, is 565 meters above sea level. A, cove ,and beach can be found at each end of the island, Spalmatore di For at the
- 13, 1917. Anywhere between 70,000 and 100,000 people, who were gathered at a, cove ,near Fatima, witnessed the sun dim, change colors, spin,dance about in the sky
- As a line of sight by fishermen coming into port. Parking Issues Locally the, cove ,café and parking facilities are well known for having a very heavily enforced
- Used in construction, most notably in the Thames Embankment. Stone from the, cove ,was also used to construct the nearby church of St Bryan, whose 92 foot
- Soon became rotten and useless. From time to time we would enter some inlet or, cove ,that reached very far inland, but we found them all shallow and dangerous, and
- Catholic mission had been started with a fenced garden. Wilkes named the lower, cove ,Holmes Harbor, after his assistant surgeon, Silas Holmes. In 1850,Colonel
- Light hart,1997; Saboteur,1999). For example, in the salon d’Apollo,the, cove ,painting“ Augustus building the port of Museum” alludes to the construction
- The Memory Garden by Rachel More. Lamont stone Granite taken from Lamont, cove ,has been widely used in construction, most notably in the Thames Embankment.
- By a vibrant surfing community, and Baker Beach, which is located in a, cove ,west of the Golden Gate and part of the Presidio, a former military base. Also
- Increasingly difficult, Nansen decided to camp for the winter. In a sheltered, cove , with stones and moss for building materials, the pair erected a hut which was
- Century, a hamlet of fishermen's dwellings had established itself around the, cove ,at Porthleven, named from the old Cornish" north" ( harbor) and" even" (
- Had been planted by the region's earlier pioneers, Eaton merged the words ", cove ," and" vine ", and in 1885,created the name Corina for the new township. The
- The lower northern half once cove red in sand dunes to the upper slope southern, cove ,() all the way to the ridgeline at 1,000 feet (over 300 meters). Palm Desert
- To the construction of the port at La Rochelle; or, depicted in the south, cove ,of the salon de Mercury is“ Ptolemy II Philadelphus in his Library ”, which
- Flying. Traditionally, planetariums needed many incandescent lamps around the, cove ,of the dome to help audience entry and exit, to simulate sunrise and sunset
- Marion Reservoir, exits closest to farther from Marion along US-56: Marion, cove ,and Cottonwood Point cove (Pawnee Road),Overlook and Dam (Old Mill Road)
- Filmed there. Bells Beach is a straight stretch and the beach in the film is a, cove ,with spruce trees atop a hill. The actual location of the film was a beach
- 1588 the flagship of the Spanish Armada, El Gran Griffon, was shipwrecked in the, cove ,of Storms Heel or, forcing its 300 sailors to spend six weeks living with the
- First husband, Hugh Guilder, died in 1985,and his ashes were scattered in the, cove ,as well. Rupert Pole was named Nin's literary executor
- Is there, along with a floating coffee shop. A popular tourist destination,the, cove ,offers several lodges and cabins and the only way to get around the cove is by
- British gunboats attempted to slip past the fort and effect a landing in a, cove ,to the west of it, but they were turned away by fire from nearby Fort Covington
- Refreshments on summer weekends are also there. Wattamolla is a sheltered, cove ,with a sandy bar at the inlet behind which lies a lagoon fed by the waters of
- Began on February 2,1500,when Spaniard Vicente Pinion landed in Mucuripe's, cove ,and named the new land Santa Maria de la Consolation. Because of the Treaty of
- Development until the 1860s when the Crawford family settled into a quiet, cove ,of Lake Huron, south of the present-day site of Rogers City. They intended to
- Began in 1918. The granite stones were drawn by horses from the little, cove ,below the house. Jeffery apprenticed himself to the building contractor, thus
- For Bilbao would be the result of the union of the Basque words for river and, cove ,: Bil-Ibaia-Bao. Also, historian José Mussel Gómez argues that it is just a
- For a new trading outpost or emotion for Phoneyed, dis cove red the Mediterranean, cove ,of the Lacydon, fed by a freshwater stream and protected by two rocky
- The hull planks were manufactured with convex and concave edges (bead and, cove ,) and glued together. Since 1973,this design has been built in
- Look overall. Front and rear end styling was more pronounced, and the" twin, cove ," instrument panel offered a thicker crash pad, and larger gauges. Hardtop
- City limits on the shores of Ward Cove. The company's pulp mill opened in the, cove ,in 1954. A 1995 joint EPA and FBI investigation of the company revealed it had
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