Examples of the the word, doubtless , in a Sentence Context

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  1. To 12,000 years, current knowledge of American languages is limited. There are, doubtless ,a number of languages that were spoken in the United States that are missing
  2. On all of these genres and more, frequently melding several of them. It was, doubtless ,with this in mind that Bill Graham said of the Grateful Dead," They're not
  3. Situation for communication with Africa as well as its excellent port, it, doubtless , assumed under their government the same important position it occupied under
  4. To be agitated. And at a meeting on November 10, 1818,influenced more or less, doubtless ,by the action of the Franklin County Association of Congregational Ministers
  5. The significance of the case, and which, although vindictive in its character, doubtless ,included practically the element of compensation. But a new remedy was
  6. Leader Widening. Widening is credited with a vita of St Paul and St Sheila, doubtless ,based on the 2nd century Acts of Paul and Sheila, but no traces of it now
  7. Bed with a prostitute, broke and unable to pay her. Some of his chansons were, doubtless ,designed to be performed instrumentally. That Petrarch published many of them
  8. To compute the fundamental group of an arbitrary topological space. This was, doubtless ,known to Czech and Leroy and explicitly appeared as a remark in a paper by;
  9. Internal position and, above all, his army. His most important innovation was, doubtless ,the introduction of the phalanx infantry corps, armed with the famous Carissa
  10. Been inconceivable when Louis Armstrong was a young man. These advances will, doubtless ,continue. They will end only when the Negro is as well-housed, educated and
  11. Populous and considerable city of southern Italy. For this prosperity it was, doubtless ,indebted in part to its position on the Via Apia, just at the junction of the
  12. Position as ... the master of the archiepiscopal mint. In this capacity they, doubtless ,acquired considerable knowledge and technical skill in metal working. They
  13. emperor's increasingly cautious and moderate attitude in religious matters was, doubtless ,because the death of Philip's son, Don Carlos, had opened the way for the
  14. Yet overcomes these fetters and penetrates that which is most hidden, she, doubtless , has the most noble courage, extraordinary talent, and superior genius. Gauss '
  15. Criticizing the work, Morey (1918) reflected," there may come a time, and, doubtless , will come a time, when it will not seem outré to represent a great novelist as
  16. Service, which caused him to become very unpopular with fans early on, who, doubtless , reasoned that a person who was physically fit to play baseball was sufficiently
  17. Personnel, a sketch map of great brevity, and otherwise quite loose. That is, doubtless ,why Gary didn't publish it; it had never been completed. " However, in 2003
  18. According to Bruce Dickens, the reference to 'Loki's deceit' in the poem" is, doubtless ,to Loki's responsibility for Balder's death. " The stone is identified as a
  19. Over the basilica at Ilchester to industrial uses in the late 3rd century, doubtless ,officially condoned, marks an early stage in the de-urbanisation of Roman
  20. Work columns to these areas for work on roads, in the course of which action, doubtless ,a large portion will be eliminated by natural causes. The possible final
  21. From historian Hugh Cunningham. Thomas Out went even further: The reader is, doubtless ,already familiar with examples of these psychohistorical" abuses. " There is a
  22. Carolina, to capture the pirates and to seize and auction their goods. Eden, doubtless ,shared the same view. As Spots wood had also accused Tobias Knight of being in
  23. 50 people, personating satyrs … who danced around an altar of Dionysus. He was, doubtless ,the first to introduce the dithyramb into Corinth ". Marion is also associated
  24. A significantly different state than when they left the hands of their makers, doubtless ,with differences in sound and response. But these instruments in their present
  25. Tales" ). They are unequal in merit as well as in character. Cervantes, doubtless ,intended that they should be to Spanish nearly what the novellas of Boccaccio
  26. Determining the dates of their builders. The invasion of Babylonia by Cyrus was, doubtless ,facilitated by the existence of a disaffected party in the state, as well as by
  27. Amphoras show that the olive oil they contained had come from Hispanic Baltic, doubtless ,by sea and then up the Rhine. At Borbetomagus, Gunther king of the Burgundians
  28. To large audiences in many parks, theaters,and pubs in the Midlands. It was, doubtless ,these popular entertainers who inspired the academic Walter Westley Russell to
  29. Century later, many Sweden are found cultivating plots of their own; these are, doubtless ,rewards given to them for their military services. There is also evidence of
  30. Encampment of the army of the rebel gladiator Spartacus in 73 BC. This area was, doubtless ,a crater. The mountain may have had only one summit at that time, judging by a
  31. Requirements without deception and coercion, also if there is enough body of, doubtless ,evidence for the conviction and the agreement is reached on legitimate sentence
  32. Himself, and he suggested that the difference between the two lists was" owing, doubtless ,to the hurry in which Hamilton's memorandum was made out. " A known error in
  33. Courage and by his constant presence in the midst of danger and infection ..., doubtless ,owe their lives to the care and treatment they received at his hands. "
  34. And directness of both thought and expression which characterize him were, doubtless ,qualities of his age, but the author of the Iliad (similar to Voltaire, too
  35. To as the Tulip Era. Biography Ahmed III cultivated good relations with France, doubtless ,in view of Russia's menacing attitude. In fact both his wives were Frenchwomen
  36. The bulk of the infantry. Equipment was not standardized, although there were, doubtless ,trends in general designs over time, and between city-states. Hollies had
  37. Square kilometer. Because of continued migration to urban areas, the figure was, doubtless ,higher in the late 1980s. In 1988 Seoul had a population density of 17,030
  38. Had possibly misinterpreted the results of his own experiments but was, doubtless ,feeling financial pressure as plans for the cable were already well underway.
  39. Shaw," did not like him, and condemned him as depraved. Anti-negro prejudice, doubtless ,figured in adult antagonism. Regardless of whether parents were aware of the
  40. Man or the great war president, but as the advocate of the common man who, doubtless ,would have supported the welfare state. In the Cold War years,Lincoln's image
  41. And Pedro Martin de Anghiera. The most significant source about the Aztec is, doubtless ,the manuscripts of Bernardino de Sahagún, who worked with the surviving Aztec
  42. A nephew of President Washington. As a member of Congress, Madison had, doubtless ,met the widow Todd at social functions in Philadelphia, then the nation's
  43. Biography of Fosse," His baldness was the reason that he wore hats, and was, doubtless ,why he put hats on his dancers. " He used gloves in his performances because he
  44. Dogs of the British Islands’ ’ (1867) a Setter ‘ from Mr Coke of Norfolk and, doubtless ,related to the late Duke of Gordon’s kennel, as Mr Coke and the duke bred
  45. In Jordan. They are little known but easy to identify by two basal notches, doubtless ,used as a haft Image: Points de chatelperron. JPG|Châtelperrón points Image:
  46. However, the fact that Cauchy was known to be very loyal to the Bourbons, doubtless ,also helped him in becoming the successor of Point. He finally quit his
  47. Had declined to the point that he became physically unable to compose. This was, doubtless ,very difficult for him because, as he acknowledged, the flow of fresh musical
  48. Ahab married Jezebel, the daughter of the King of Tyre, and the alliance was, doubtless ,the means of procuring political support. Jezebel has been identified as Ahab
  49. Are unique to Series. While the miraculous stories surrounding his birth were, doubtless ,embellished after his own time, their core must have been propagated in Series
  50. Du Christianism (Part I Book IV Chapter V):" God might have created, and, doubtless , did create, the world with all the marks of antiquity and completeness which it

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