Examples of the the word, quotation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( quotation ), is the 4385 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Patriarch Enoch as the author of the Book of Enoch which contains the same, quotation , However, an alternative explanation is that Jude quotes the Book of Enoch aware
  2. By the European Convention on Human Rights – note the word finally in the above, quotation , France Once all appeals have been exhausted on a case, the judgment is final
  3. Are never punctuated. * Quoting: Americans begin their quotation s with double, quotation ,marks (") and use single quotation marks (') for quotation s within
  4. Which are reserved to delimit the markup tags, and " double" or 'single ', quotation ,marks which are reserved to delimit the values of attributes and entity
  5. Social standing. The thoroughness of his education is shown by his constant, quotation ,of the Greek poets and philosophers. He travelled in Greece, Italy,Palestine
  6. Augustine did not hold to an age of the earth of millions or more years, as the, quotation ,below from The City of God indicates. Augustine also does not envision original
  7. Warhol's Fifteen Minutes (based on his famous" fifteen minutes of fame ", quotation ,) for MTV in 1986. Besides his own shows he regularly made guest appearances on
  8. Of organ grinders, against whom he railed in various venues. The following, quotation ,is typical: In the 1860s,Babbage also took up the anti-hoop-rolling campaign.
  9. Appeared on Quote ... _Unquote. Appropriately, one of his questions concerned a, quotation ,from Father Ted. In 2006,O'Hanlon wrote and presented an RTE television series
  10. In which it is known as an. When an ellipsis replaces a fragment omitted from a, quotation , the ellipsis is enclosed in parentheses or square brackets. An bracketed
  11. SVG|Exclamation point (dots 2-3-5) Image: Braille QuoteOpen. SVG|Opening, quotation ,mark, question mark Image: Braille Foreclose. SVG|Closing quotation mark (
  12. Passage to certain claims that Derrida makes in Of Traumatology, though without, quotation ,or citation to indicate that he is doing so. Foucault's mention of "
  13. Of Barnabas amongst works condemned as apocryphal; but no certain text or, quotation ,from this work has been identified. Another book using that same title, the "
  14. A theologian or another, even if it contradicted a more probable opinion or a, quotation ,from one of the Fathers of the Church. The controversy divided Catholic
  15. File, American hackers switched to what they later discovered to be the British, quotation ,system because placing a period inside a quotation mark can change the meaning
  16. Dole’s strategy of exploiting his war record in his presidential campaign. The, quotation ,was used on the cover of Trudeau’s book Doonesbury Nation. (McCain and Trudeau
  17. In a later section. Offer an informal meaning of the word in the following, quotation ,: No human being can write fast enough, or long enough, or small enough † († "
  18. Value in the enumeration is possibly specified between 'single' or" double ", quotation ,marks if it's not a simple name token;; NOTATION (notation1 | ...): the
  19. All bugs are shallow. " He credits Linus Torvalds with the inspiration for this, quotation , which he dubs" Linus' Law ". The quotation appears in" The Cathedral and
  20. As bidirectional text. This can get rather complex when multiple levels of, quotation ,are used. Many computer programs fail to display bidirectional text correctly.
  21. As well, namely the section on mysticism in Book Four or Magic. Here he uses, quotation ,marks for" ritual murder" and for" Christian" children. An article at The
  22. Easier, eliminating the need to decide whether a period or comma belongs to the, quotation ,.: Hart's Rules and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors call the
  23. Anaximander's writing deals with this matter. Simplicity transmitted it as a, quotation , which describes the balanced and mutual changes of the elements: Whence things
  24. Value of the recovered property. One of Banacek's verbal signatures was the, quotation ,of strangely worded yet curiously cogent" Polish" proverbs such as: * If you
  25. Allusions than any other New Testament book, but it does not record a single, quotation , " Perhaps significantly, Revelation chooses different sources than other New
  26. Generally speaking, the business of the American people is business" ( full, quotation ,at right). Some have criticized Coolidge as an adherent of the laissez-faire
  27. By having $ suffixed to their name, and string values are typically enclosed in, quotation ,marks. Arrays in BASIC could contain integers, floating point or string
  28. dawn-damp, cold,teeth chattering- I wrap comrade Silva in a third jacket. ", quotation ,needed Vertov's driving vision, expounded in his frequent essays, was to
  29. Call the British style" new" quoting. It is also similar to the use of, quotation ,marks in many other languages (including Portuguese, Spanish,French, Italian
  30. Expressions' but was acquitted. ) The poem is followed in the preface by a, quotation ,from Numbers ch. 11,v. 29:" Would to God that all the Lord's people were
  31. Of born-again blacks are Democrats. " Criticisms Biblical arguments The, quotation ,from the Gospel of John has raised some questions about the meaning and
  32. As an avid reader, and the ceiling of his large home library is engraved with a, quotation ,from The Great Gatsby. He also enjoys playing bridge, tennis,and golf. Gates
  33. Is based upon a text of Scripture, and there is an abundance of Scriptural, quotation ,throughout. After a general introduction, eighteen lectures follow for the
  34. War poet Alan Lewis, and a plaque commemorating him is to be found, including a, quotation ,from his poem, The Mountain over Aberdeen. The original founding members of the
  35. Not used),exclamation point, parentheses,question mark, ( not used), quotation , marks: ⠂⠆⠒⠲⠢⠖⠶⠦⠔⠴. A and C, which only use the top row, were lowered two spaces
  36. To be written depends on the implementation,e.g. 'INTEGER' ( including the, quotation ,marks) for integer; this is known as stropping. ) procedure Abs max (a) Size:
  37. Quotation mark, question mark Image: Braille Foreclose. SVG|Closing, quotation ,mark (dots 3-5-6) Image: Braille Bracket. SVG|Bracket (Parentheses) Image:
  38. Wartime code breaker, victim of prejudice '. There is also a Bertrand Russell, quotation ,saying 'Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme
  39. The life of this world. " The speech is considered to be Kennedy's finest. The, quotation ,from Aeschylus was later inscribed on a memorial at the graveside of Robert
  40. Discovered to be the British quotation system because placing a period inside a, quotation ,Mark can change the meaning of data strings that are meant to be typed
  41. 1961,at the Guangzhou conference, Deng uttered what is perhaps his most famous, quotation ,:" I don't care if it's a white cat or a black cat. It's a good cat as long
  42. As opposed to" program" and" jail" as opposed to" jail ". Single, quotation ,marks and unspaced em-dashes are preferred, and the DD/MM/YYY date format is
  43. The focal center of the deist controversy. Because almost every argument, quotation , and issue raised for decades can be found here, the work is often termed 'the
  44. Begin their quotation s with double quotation marks (") and use single, quotation ,marks (') for quotation s within quotation s. BRE usage varies, with some
  45. Note: * The question mark is represented by dots 2-3-6—the same as the opening, quotation ,mark. Therefore, the placement of the dots—before a word or after a word—will
  46. With the inspiration for this quotation , which he dubs" Linus' Law ". The, quotation ,appears in" The Cathedral and the Bazaar ", published in 1997. Raymond became
  47. That it has come to be called Mamet speak. He often uses italics and, quotation ,marks to highlight particular words and to draw attention to his characters '
  48. Warrior, This is he ..." In news reporting, it is used to indicate that a, quotation ,has been condensed for space, brevity or relevance. Across different languages
  49. To work represents a huge net loss compared to their earnings. An encapsulation, quotation ,of his views might be," There is no energy crisis, only a crisis of ignorance.
  50. Who evidently frowned upon secular entertainment or because it is a direct, quotation ,of Bede’s last original composition. Veneration There is no evidence for cult

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