Examples of the the word, shin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shin ), is the 11978 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cases weight training. Muay Thai fighters rely heavily on kicks utilizing the, shin ,bone. As such, practitioners of Muay Thai will repeatedly hit hard objects with
  2. The ball or stick. Some local rules require their use. Many players also wear, shin ,guards, and again these may be required equipment in some areas. Many players
  3. The main events. Chief ingredients include haricot and butter beans, pork and, shin ,beef. Guernsey Cache is special bread made with raisins, sultanas and mixed
  4. North sides being so close-knit that it reminded the butchers of blowflies on a, shin ,of beef, and so the nickname was born. The hanging of shin bones decorated in
  5. Dauesyn ta Jannie lofty non 'oi.: As NY lead shin awns millage, : AGH livery, shin ,van OK:: Son hits y relight, as y fewer, as y floor, son Dy brag has Dy
  6. With a characteristic backwards lean) low only, designed to break the, shin ,bone. #coup de pied beys de frappé (coup de pied beys which is used to strike
  7. Humour: for example in the episode" Wasted Talent ", Peter Griffin bangs his, shin , a classic slapstick routine, and tenderly nurses it while inhaling and
  8. Repent a little crime — the pulling of a girl's hair during geography, the sly, shin ,kick under the table during English literature. In October 1925,Thomas
  9. Legs were relatively longer in juveniles, and the lower segments of the leg (, shin ,and foot) were relatively longer than the thigh. These differences suggest
  10. Kat is hit by shrapnel at the end of the story, leaving him with a smashed, shin , Paul carries him back to camp on his back, only to discover upon their arrival
  11. With the front of the leg, usually with the instep, ball of the foot, toe,or, shin , Also, performable is a 360 degree kick in which the attacker performs a full
  12. In 1934 the Japanese government issued a military specification for the, shin ,unto (new army sword),the first version of which was the Type 94 Katina
  13. Officer's sword of World War II; made to resemble a Commissioned Officer's, shin ,unto. File: Kai unto. JPG|World War II Japanese naval officers sword Kai
  14. Styles, the instep is used to strike, though most Karate styles would allow the, shin ,as official technique for a street fight. To execute, the attacker swings their
  15. Just prior to the All-Star break, Blue Jays ace Roy Halliday was struck on the, shin ,by a line drive, resulting in a fractured leg. Though Halladay's injury was
  16. Phase in mid-stride),because its ratio of femur (thigh-bone) to tibia (, shin ,bone) length was greater than 1,as in most large theropods and like a modern
  17. Moldboard # Plow shaft Other portions include the frog, runner,landslide, shin , trash board and handles. On modern plows and some older plows, the
  18. Associated with running. They include" runner's knee" ( pain in the knee), shin , splints,pulled muscles (especially the hamstring),twisted ankles
  19. Turns, you would also see they would have a chin guard on their helmet, and, shin , pads on their lower leg. The poles are straight with guards at the top to
  20. Or if enough time is allowed for a parry, the glove (elusively),elbow, or, shin , will be used. Mid-section roundhouse kicks can also be caught/trapped, allowing
  21. This can become a knee. A roundhouse kick is performed striking with the, shin ,similarly to the Muay Thai version with most of the power coming from
  22. GS, Super-G and Downhill, have much longer skis, bent poles, no chin guard, shin ,pads, nor pole guards. Also, they have what are known as 'Double Gates' which
  23. FISH rules rather than NFHS rules. Players are required to wear mouth guards and, shin ,guards in order to play the game. Also, there is a newer rule requiring certain
  24. With their leg, in which the striking surface is generally either the instep, shin ,or ball of the foot. There are many variations of the roundhouse kick based on
  25. To ballet leg position where bottom leg is pulled into the chest so that the, shin ,of the bottom leg is touching the knee of the vertical leg. *Vertical: Achieved
  26. The weight bears on the shin s, not the knees, but the primary function of the, shin ,rests (knee rests) are to keep one from falling forward out of the chair.
  27. Nyn lofty, : MYR ta shin law dates ta Jannie lofty non 'oi.: As NY lead, shin ,awns millage, : AGH livery shin van OK:: Son hits y relight, as y fewer
  28. Niau.: Cur Lewin non array Jim as gag Leia, : as law Lewin non lofty, : MYR ta, shin ,law dates ta Jannie lofty non 'oi.: As NY lead shin awns millage, : AGH
  29. Derives from that letter. Loss of was compensated for by the split of, shin ,into two independent Arabic letters, ( shin ) and (sin) which moved up to
  30. A hoax. For instance, he could see the anterior position of the front of the, shin , but how that related to foot leverage was quite beyond him ". Similarly
  31. Is called the enemies (née'MIS) or Cruz. The calf is the back portion and the, shin ,is the front. Evolution has provided the human body with two distinct features:
  32. Consonants. * sin (the variant of shin ) was originally different from both, shin ,and same, but had become the same as same by the time the vowel pointing
  33. Or low (beys) #coup de pied beys (" low kick ", a front or sweep kick to the, shin ,making contact with the inner edge of the shoe, performed with a characteristic
  34. 385 days long. Both Marcheshvan and Kislev have 30 days. The Hebrew letter ש ", shin ," is used in the revival. Whether a year is deficient, regular,or complete is
  35. Boxer will normally check the kick, that is he will block the kick with his own, shin , Thai boxers are trained to always connect with the shin . The foot contains
  36. Socks and indoor sport shoes. In addition to that, players are allowed to wear, shin ,guards, eye protectors and protective padding for vital areas. Players, except
  37. And hand-crafted swords used in World War II conformed to this and later, shin ,unto specifications. Post samurai military swords File: Japanese army Sabre.
  38. Body roundhouse kicks are normally blocked with the upper portion of a raised, shin , High body strikes are blocked ideally with the forearms and shoulder together
  39. Hand. ) In modern slalom, a variety of protective equipment is used such as, shin ,pads, hand guards, helmets and face guards. Rules for slalom skiing are managed
  40. Uvular plosive. All these are common Semitic consonants. * sin (the variant of, shin ,) was originally different from both shin and same, but had become the same
  41. Aspect of spirituality. It is written with the kanji" ", Sino-Japanese reading, shin ,or Jin; in Chinese, the character is used to refer to various nature spirits of
  42. Or low (beys) #coup de pied beys (" low kick ", a front or sweep kick to the, shin ,making contact with the inner edge of the shoe, performed with a characteristic
  43. A single letter of unknown pronunciation, held by some to be the four-pronged, shin ,on one side of the Teflon box, is missing from the current alphabet. The
  44. Text correctly. For example, the Hebrew name Sarah (שרה) is spelled, shin ,(ש) rest (ר) he (ה) from right to left. Some Web browsers may display
  45. Gloves, heavily padded shorts (also known as hockey pants),athletic cup, shin ,pads, skates,and (optionally) a neck protector. In addition, goaltenders use
  46. The kick with his own shin . Thai boxers are trained to always connect with the, shin , The foot contains many fine bones and is much weaker. A fighter may end up
  47. Of this biblical passage). Some early flutes were made out of tibiae (, shin ,bones). The flute has also always been an essential part of Indian culture and
  48. A headgear; thin (not more than 10 mm thick),non-rigid shoulder pads, and, shin , guards; which are worn underneath socks. Bandages or tape can be worn to
  49. Kick or circle kick - Striking with the front of the foot or the lower, shin ,to the head or the body in a chopping motion There are many
  50. To stop a strike in its path so preventing it reaching its target (e.g. the, shin ,block described in more detail below) * Redirection – defender's soft parries

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