Examples of the the word, seniority , in a Sentence Context

The word ( seniority ), is the 11999 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Criminal cases. Each year the Bar Association appoints certain barristers of, seniority ,and eminence to the rank of" Senior Counsel" ( in New South Wales) or "
  2. Current commandant of the Marine Corps (General James T. Conway) in terms of, seniority ,and time in grade — the others being Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  3. House committees, but also all committees' members, and (despite the, seniority ,system that had begun to develop) used that power to appoint his allies and
  4. Pay, replacing complex rules under which required notice periods depended on, seniority ,and the manager had to write long explanations to labor unions and the Ministry
  5. And Pilot age, and a third in Navigation. These relatively poor results lost him, seniority ,when later promoted to Lieutenant. There followed postings to a torpedo boat in
  6. The usual hereditary succession is based on some cognatic principles and on, seniority , though sometimes merit has played a part. Thus, the most common hereditary
  7. All cases, all related males in the family wear woven arm bands representing, seniority ,and must grieve next to the deceased for a period of three days before burying
  8. Systematic rotation between the nine sultans; the order was originally based on, seniority , According to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, the DPA is considered as
  9. Concerned to work diligently towards naval examinations, which would determine, seniority ,and future promotion prospects. Beatty was assigned as midshipman to assist
  10. Flight attendants' union putting TWA flight attendants at the bottom of their, seniority ,list. American Airlines began losing money in the wake of the TWA merger and
  11. Also, this is not an official title of any sort, just a way of describing the, seniority ,of the" imperial" bishops with respect to all other bishops. Number of
  12. Remains the only branch of the French Army that still uses chevrons to indicate, seniority , Each gold chevron, which are only used by ordinary legionnaires and
  13. Serfdom, youth,and naivete. Thus, the black belt is a mark of achievement and, seniority ,in many martial arts, whereas in, for example, Shotokan karate, a white belt is
  14. Next eldest brother, and only after that to the monarch's children (agnatic, seniority ,). In some other monarchies (e.g. Jordan),the monarch chooses who will be
  15. Have been used, such as proximity of blood, primogeniture,and agnatic, seniority ,(SAIC law). While traditionally most monarchs have been male, female
  16. And; # Employment protection for whistleblowers including reinstatement with, seniority ,status, special damages, and double back pay. 2009 changes On May 20, 2009,the
  17. 767 pilots to obtain a common type rating to operate the 757 and share the same, seniority ,roster with pilots of either aircraft. Interior The 767 features a twin-aisle
  18. The equivalent of barristers. The profession included several grades ranked by, seniority ,: staggered (pupil, student-at-law ), plaignant (junior barrister),and
  19. The purchase agreement) and its hub in St. Louis in April 2001. The merger of, seniority ,lists remains contentious for pilots; the groups were represented by different
  20. Have been used, such as proximity of blood, primogeniture,and agnatic, seniority ,(SAIC law). While traditionally most modern monarchs have been male, many
  21. The deanship of that country's diplomatic corps to the nuncio regardless of, seniority , In addition, the Nuncio serves as the liaison between the Holy See and the
  22. Most remain on furlough. The senior TWA captains were integrated at the same, seniority ,level as AA captains hired years later. All TWA captains and first officers
  23. And $213,900 per year for each Associate Justice). Associate Justices have, seniority ,by order of appointment, although the Chief Justice is always considered to be
  24. Captains and first officers hired in March 1989 and later were appended to the, seniority ,list junior to American Airlines first officers hired in June 2001. The senior
  25. Officers promoted from the ranks. Chevrons d'ancient (chevrons of, seniority ,) The foreign legion remains the only branch of the French Army that still uses
  26. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations allows the receiving state to grant, seniority ,of precedence to the papal nuncio over others of ambassadorial rank accredited
  27. Durham and Winchester. The remaining twenty-one seats are filled in order of, seniority ,by consecration. It may take a diocesan bishop a number of years to reach the
  28. Cavalry in the British Army. By April 2008,whereupon he reached two years ', seniority , Harry was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. The British Ministry of Defense
  29. Churches whose leaders are archbishops follow the patriarchates in, seniority , with the Church of Cyprus being the only ancient one (AD 434). From the
  30. Are also 25 civilian employees). The officers' ranks (in descending order of, seniority ,) are: Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Commandant,Captain, Lieutenant
  31. Comparison of substances in 1904,Debierne's name was retained because it had, seniority , The stated history of the discovery of actinium remained uncertain for decades
  32. To concern about usurping the Senate's rules regarding committee chairs and, seniority , Flanders next introduced a resolution to censure McCarthy. The resolution was
  33. Of an effect on the direction or status of the project, will tend to have more, seniority ,and influence. The Apache Software Foundation and the Mozilla Foundation are
  34. Next eldest brother, and only after that to the monarch's children (agnatic, seniority ,). Elective monarchies In an elective monarchy, monarchs are elected, or
  35. And primogeniture became increasingly favored over proximity, tanistry, seniority ,and election. Later, when lands were strictly divided among noble families and
  36. On 1 January 1919,Beatty was promoted to the permanent rank of Admiral, with, seniority , from 27 November 1916. On 1 May, he was promoted to Admiral of the Fleet. On 18
  37. Outcome of cases before the Court, the justices state their views in order of, seniority , If there is a knock at their conference room door, the junior justice (who
  38. Heirs-male of her body lawfully begotten; # his second and other daughters, in, seniority , and the heirs-male of their bodies lawfully begotten; # his eldest daughter's
  39. Three exhibitions. Matisse was seen as the leader of the movement, due to his, seniority ,in age and prior self-establishment in the academic art world. His 1905
  40. Or the vacancy ends. The current Associate Justices are (in order of, seniority ,): Retired Associate Justices When a Justice retires, he or she usually goes
  41. Or" patrilineal primogeniture" was favored, that is inheritance according to, seniority ,of birth among the sons of a monarch or head of family, with sons and their
  42. Battalion,1st Punjab Regiment. In 1930, he was promoted to full colonel, with, seniority , backdated to 1923,and in 1933,he was appointed temporary brigadier to command
  43. Until Charles, and all the Legitimize pretenders thereafter. All dates are for, seniority , not reign. It is important to note that historians class the predecessors of
  44. In the merger,60 percent of former TWA pilots moved to the bottom of the, seniority ,list at AA. Many were furloughed, and most remain on furlough. The senior TWA
  45. The national contracts that are drafted every few years for each profession and, seniority ,level. The agreement becomes universally enforceable provided that more than 50
  46. Union, Local 6. Within the authority, employees are ranked according to, seniority ,(or" rating" ). This is categorized by an employee's five-digit badge
  47. Of Vice Chair describes an executive who is higher ranking or has more, seniority ,than Executive Vice President. Sometimes, EVPs report to the Vice Chair who in
  48. Decided to send the regiment to India. Wellesley was promoted full colonel by, seniority ,on 3 May 1796 and a few weeks later set sail for Calcutta with his regiment.
  49. The reformers won control of the government. Deng Xiaoping, with clear, seniority ,over Huey Guofeng, defeated Huey in a bloodless power struggle a few years later.
  50. Jurisdictions The autocephalous Orthodox churches (ranked in order of, seniority , as per year of independence (autocephaly) ) #The Church of Constantinople

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