Examples of the the word, learned , in a Sentence Context

The word ( learned ), is the 11998 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Illiterate will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not, learned ,how to learn. " The words came from Herbert Perjury, whom Löffler cites in full
  2. Those warningsand here I lie, dying in agony. Remember well the lessons, learned , and do not allow your vanity to overreach your good sense ..." Legacy Alp
  3. Nathaniel and Barbara Branden kept the affair hidden from Rand. When she, learned ,of it in 1968,though her romantic relationship with Branden had already ended
  4. Follows the natural poetic voice, not the other way around; he said, as he, learned ,from Williams, that natural speech is occasionally dactylic, so poetry that
  5. Had worked as mathematicians, scientists,and engineers for generations. He, learned ,the Polish language at home and the Russian language in schools; and having a
  6. Abduction of the Prime Minister. Readers were told that the British authority, learned ,about Poirot's keen investigative ability from certain Belgian royals. After
  7. This, he contracts the plague and dies. *Father Panel: Father Panel is a, learned , well-respected Jesuit priest. He is well known for having given a series of
  8. Such as imprisonment. The famous Latin Response Prudential (" answers of the, learned ,ones" ) were the accumulated views of many successive generations of Roman
  9. Nation under Persian rule, a different ideal of the priest was formed, as is, learned ,from Malachi 2:4–7; and the prevailing tendency was to place Aaron on a footing
  10. Convent, well instructed himself, and able to instruct others, one also who had, learned ,how to command by having practiced obedience. In some exceptional cases an
  11. This is good soup)," moral (a good person versus the lesson to be, learned ,from a story)," righteous ", etc." I have a good daughter" is not clear
  12. And removed Jobs from his managerial duties. 1986–1993: Rise and fall Having, learned ,several painful lessons after introducing the bulky Macintosh Portable in 1989
  13. And when he discovered the Six Nations Reserve across the river at Onondaga, he, learned , the Mohawk language and translated its unwritten vocabulary into Visible Speech
  14. Disturbing truth became obvious. He wasn't reading his address at all. He had, learned ,it by heart. To refresh his memory he brought the paper closer and closer to
  15. Had a defined sequence. Some alphabets today, such as the Hanna'o script, are, learned , one letter at a time, in no particular order, and are not used for collation
  16. However, Dimitri Guts demonstrated that Avicenna was a Sunni Hawaii. He, learned ,Indian arithmetic from an Indian greengrocer, and he began to learn more from a
  17. Adolf Hitler. While visiting American universities in April 1933,he, learned ,that the new German government had passed a law barring Jews from holding any
  18. On May 23, 1951 at Latest in the Urals region of the former Soviet Union, and, learned , to play chess at the age of four. His early rise in chess was swift, as he
  19. A single written form, significantly different from any of the spoken varieties, learned ,natively, unites a number of sometimes divergent spoken forms. For political
  20. Animals. The first explorer of the Athabasca region was Peter Pond, who, learned , of the Methyl Portage, which allowed travel from southern rivers into the
  21. Longer be read as a sequence of letters at all, but instead each word had to be, learned ,as a whole—that is, they had become logo grams as in Egyptian Demotic. The
  22. Types of Arabic, but significantly different. The" colloquial" varieties are, learned ,at home and constitute the native languages of Arabic speakers. The literary
  23. Joseph Goebbels proclaimed," Jewish intellectualism is dead. " Einstein also, learned ,that his name was on a list of assassination targets, with a" $5,000 bounty on
  24. Only in general terms, although in a letter to Gray, Bell admitted that he, learned ,some technical details. Bell denied in an affidavit that he ever
  25. Of chemical elements and the first rudimentary periodic tables. They, learned ,how to extract metals from ores, and how to compose many types of inorganic
  26. Their consonants that the modifications are no longer systematic and have to be, learned ,as a syllabify rather than as a segmental script. Even more extreme, the
  27. Control of the army with General Thomas Gage as governor. In April 1775,Gage, learned ,that weapons were being gathered in Concord for a rebellion, and he sent
  28. Of fourteen. As he said in his autobiography, there was nothing that he had not, learned ,when he reached eighteen. A number of different theories have been proposed
  29. In transplantology and thoracic surgery. Alexis Carrel was also a member of, learned ,societies in the U. S., Spain,Russia, Sweden,the Netherlands, Belgium,France
  30. In the decades since, these ideas have been somewhat lost as the art market has, learned ,to sell limited edition DVDs of video works, invitations to exclusive
  31. Illiterate will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not, learned ,how to learn. " In his book The Third Wave Löffler describes three types of
  32. From learning the local African language, in order to guarantee that they, learned ,Portuguese as their native language. At the same time, the white and ‘ ’
  33. Maghreb) subsequently lost fricatives, converting into. Most dialects borrow ", learned ," words from the Standard language using the same pronunciation as for
  34. Broad ranges of interpretation and emphasis. However, they all share techniques, learned ,from Yeshiva and most have concern for the well-being of the attacker.
  35. A carriage ride because she was concerned he was working too hard. Lincoln had, learned ,from General Winfield Scott the need to control strategic points, such as the
  36. What I know most surely about morality and the duty of man I owe to sport and, learned ,it in the RUA. Camus was referring to a sort of
  37. His old school, where the poet Andrey Voznesensky was one of his classmates. He, learned ,the piano at a music school and attended classes at an art school. The family
  38. And constitute the native languages of Arabic speakers. The literary variety is, learned ,at school; although many speakers have a native-like command of the language
  39. Men and a naval squadron to invade North Carolina, which he called off when he, learned ,the Loyalists had been crushed at the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge. In June
  40. One another.: # The whole is greater than the part. Modern development A lesson, learned ,by mathematics in the last 150 years is that it is useful to strip the meaning
  41. After a near-fatal bout of scarlet fever close to her fifth birthday, she had, learned ,to read lips but her father, Gardiner Greene Hubbard,Bell's benefactor and
  42. Who taught us religion and how wrong people are when they kill, : :And we, learned ,from Museum medicinal cures and the science of divination.: :If it's farming
  43. Commanders created camps and schools for them, where both adults and children, learned ,to read and write. The American Missionary Association entered the war effort
  44. Two developed a professional relationship. It was from Krause that Schopenhauer, learned ,meditation and received the closest thing to expert advice concerning Indian
  45. Its walls, for its roads were a labyrinth, like the curls of a bride. From a, learned ,traveler Asian once inquired:" Didst thou ever, in thy wanderings, see a fort
  46. A rifle club meet. Challenged him to create a better design. As Speer, learned ,later, Hitler was enthusiastic about Speer's design (which used giant flags)
  47. Model—as a sensei, to use the Japanese term. Spielberg has declared," I have, learned ,more from him than from almost any other filmmaker on the face of the earth "
  48. Culture remained closer to that of mainland South America. Europeans first, learned ,of Aruba following the explorations of Amerigo Vespucci and Alonso de Ojeda in
  49. In Damascus and brought to the Nameless City, where he had earlier studied and, learned ,some Necronomicons lore. As punishment for betraying their secrets
  50. Poiein) or 'be acted upon' ( paschal),which can be either innate or, learned , For example, the eyes possess the potentiality of sight (innate – being acted

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