Examples of the the word, bray , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bray ), is the 11981 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Singing while drunk obscene songs of diverse kinds that are as musical as the, bray ,of the ass or the bleat of the camel. In intercourse, they are absolutely
  2. A name),red (sand),brag (to take away),girl (to get),gar rag (to, bray ,), gurrag (to roar),Carr (good),Sarah (head),array (a kind of donkey
  3. Part us from each other" ( Phyllis and Strep hon) *6. " Loudly let the trumpet, bray ," (Chorus of Peers) *7. " The law is the true embodiment" ( Lord Chancellor
  4. Farther apart. European harps in medieval and Renaissance times usually had a, bray ,pin fitted to make a buzzing sound when a string was plucked. By the baroque
  5. In. It is also widely known as the" Jackass" Penguin for its donkey-like, bray , although several species of South American penguins produce the same sound.
  6. References in Welsh manuscripts to the role of gut-strung and horse hair-strung, bray ,harps in the late-Middle Ages. Taylor considers these to be the authentic
  7. Will also snort. When a predator is spotted or sensed, a zebra will bark (or, bray ,) loudly. Food and foraging Zebras feed almost entirely on grasses, but may
  8. Isn’t about Dave as a person because he’s been a cock’ – interjects with a, bray ,of laughter – ‘ These four pages are about his guitar playing, which is the
  9. Modelling career. Despite this she has not" dropped her bigger accent for a D4, bray ,". Roche has selected her favorite quote as being credited to Gandhi: "
  10. Welsh harp he describes appears to be a large, diatonic gothic-style harp, with, bray , pins. A description of the Welsh triple harp is given by the harpist John Parry
  11. GMC, cf ON brought" rough" ) * * *" to sneer" ( < rec (h)anger" to, bray ," < Norm cane" tooth" < Fork *jinni" jaw, chin " < GMC, cf OH China" chin
  12. Beer). They are used in Ireland boiled and seasoned with vinegar, with the ", bray ," or boiling water as a supplementary hot drink. In Cantonese cuisine, mussels
  13. And spends most of the day in nearby open areas buried in sediment. Name ", bray ,and Nixon"/> name" Lowe ET/IN"> all"/> It is nomadic and solitary, though
  14. The word" fiber" phonetically so that it sounded something like" FEE -, bray ,". External links * http://www.kelloggs.co.uk/products/product.asp? Id=22
  15. Sugar, and flavor with cinnamon and other spices. * 2: Take clean wheat and, bray ,it in a mortar till the hulls be all gone off, ( this broadly equates to modern
  16. Is singing" Tarantula, zing,boom" — from the song" Loudly let the trumpet, bray ," in Gilbert and Sullivan's Olathe. Framing is a district in Bavaria
  17. The verb" bray " for love and battle and so had chosen to have Blackmore's ", bray ," the most insistent. ) The assembled horde go down by Bride well (the women's
  18. Of each other. If one notices a strange noise or feels threatened, a warning, bray ,is sent out and all others come to alert. They will often hum to each other as
  19. Kay’s ‘ Portraits,’ where he is represented turning a hand organ while asses, bray , a dog howls, a bagpipe is blown, and a saw sharpened as an accompaniment (vol
  20. Everlasting Blackmore. " Additionally, Pope disliked his overuse of the verb ", bray ," for love and battle and so had chosen to have Blackmore's" bray " the most
  21. The most often used form of a defective verb in French),braise (" to, bray ,", infinitive,present participle and third-person forms only),fire (" to
  22. Kama’s prized wine orchard and a terror for any trespasser. With his deafening, bray ,and stampede there was no mercy for anyone. He had even dwarfed the king of the
  23. In the Continental United States. Behavior Colonies are very noisy as they, bray ,to mark their territory, and also cackle harshly. They use their fanned tail in
  24. Finally one of them raises the villagers; when they chase the ass, it begins to, bray ,and betrays its true identity. The ass is then beaten to death, thus
  25. Is provided by the muscular tail, while the disc is held rigid. Name ", bray ,and/JJ"> Nixon"/> Telemetry studies have shown that this species swims primarily at
  26. Having turned to the people, in lieu of saying the 'Ite miss est ', will, bray , thrice; the people instead of replying 'Do Gratis' say,'Hiram, hinham
  27. S hooves. Falling to all fours, she tried to complain, but only a donkey's, bray ,emerged, as she was wholly changed into an ass. This tale is why in India today
  28. 258). Richard Blackmore appears again as the single singer with the loudest ", bray , " The progress by Bride well to Fleet-ditch and the muck-diving games are the
  29. Long jack mackerel (Teachers symmetric us) in under ten seconds. Name ", bray ,and/JJ"> Nixon"/> Nighttime seine net sampling at the surface of Monterey Bay has
  30. Want music on replica historical gut-strung Romanesque harps and late-medieval, bray ,harps. Taylor has published extensive online resources outlining this applied
  31. Equal is your din! " (II. 229-234) The critics are then invited to all, bray ,at the same time. In this, Richard Blackmore wins easily::" All hail him
  32. A silver salmon (Onchorhynchus such) nearly half her length. Name ", bray ,and/IN"> Nixon"/> During the day, the Pacific electric ray is an ambush predator:
  33. To convince the Romans that they are actually druids (he makes a legionary, bray ,like a donkey by eating some herbs). At the edge of the Forest of the Canute
  34. Brays never posed a noise problem. Apparently, the mules were just too tired to, bray , "" As a final training preparation before going into battle, Hunter hiked
  35. Information, but which names belong to which faces have been lost. Image: Jan de, bray ,regenten Dolphus. JPG|Regents of the Dolphus, Jan de Bray,1667 Images: Jan de
  36. To a research project to reconstruct an early Welsh horse hair-strung, bray ,harp, testing this theory through application. Peter Greenhill's reading of
  37. Craft through the resurgence of 1960s British Folk revival and experimental, bray ,harp drones. Through live CD-R releases, and the vinyl versions of his Amish
  38. Loong (Bra man, lung belonging to) located in central Island. Braiakalung, bray ,- AK -oh - long (Bra Man, ak west, lung = belonging to) located around Sale
  39. To seduce the sleeping nymph Louis, but is prevented from success by the, bray ,of Silents' donkey. Around are the drunken Gods: Jupiter has an eagle next to
  40. Animal or plant he encounters. * Sinus - Dr. Battius's trusty donkey, whose, bray , proves to be a life-saving measure for the doctor and his friends in the face
  41. The vault is sculpted in various places with Sir Reginald's rebus of a hemp, bray ,to signify his support and design of the chapel. He also took a major role in
  42. Intruders by making sharp, noisy inhalations that sound like a high-pitched, bray , The herd may attack smaller predators with their front feet, and can spit and
  43. Auger, gimlet ", tonne " barrel "; and *some common verbs (braise" to, bray ,", changer " to change ", craindre" to fear ", jaillir" to surge, gush ").
  44. Regenten Dolphus. JPG|Regents of the Dolphus, Jan de Bray,1667 Images: Jan de, bray ,regentessen Dolphus. JPG|Regresses of the Dolphus, Jan de Bray,1667 Files:
  45. I might have been frightened myself, if I had not heard your, bray , " The moral of the story is often quoted as Clothes may disguise a fool, but
  46. Older form also: bod) *Area - (a place-name element) hill (pronounced ", bray ,"; in Bray Down spelled thus) *Bird - (second-person singular) bud as in "

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