Examples of the the word, fortify , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fortify ), is the 11987 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And reestablishing Athens there. Some thought that it was a recommendation to, fortify ,the Acropolis with a wooden fence and make a stand there. Others, Themistocles
- Joined by Buffers, moved his army south-west of the town and began to, fortify ,his position. Marlborough and Eugene favored an engagement before Pillars
- Vegetarian diet combined barley, boiled beans, oatmeal,ash (believed to help, fortify ,the body) and dried fruit. Compared to modern athletes, they were probably
- And nuclear submarines. *Electroplating is used in layering metals to, fortify ,them. Electroplating is used in many industries for functional or decorative
- 1936 – The Montreal Convention is signed in Switzerland, authorizing Turkey to, fortify ,the Dardanelles and Bosporus but guaranteeing free passage to ships of all
- Promotes that the Book of Daniel comprises folktales that were used to, fortify ,the Jewish faith during the time of oppression by the Hellenized Seleucid's some
- The Morin of Cali cut sent embassies, offering alliances and local grants to, fortify , Conquest of Malacca,1511 In February 1511,through a friendly Hindu merchant
- Road Town Fort. As was common at the time, plantation owners were expected to, fortify ,their own holdings, and Fort Purcell and Fort Hodge were erected on this basis.
- Granted them rights to Macedonian timber, which was sent back to Athens to help, fortify ,their fleet. With money flowing into Olympus from these exports, their power
- As the Greek cities were mostly loyal to Pompey. Caesar's only choice was to, fortify ,his position, forage what supplies he could, and wait on his remaining army to
- As" troop movements ". The Basque Government had previously decided to, fortify ,the town and there were 2000 of its troops present. The propaganda claims that
- The Pacific, Congress repeatedly failed to fulfill the military's requests to, fortify ,Guam; when a German warship was interned in 1914 before America's entry into
- Steps they had taken to fortify the area, and communicating their intention to, fortify ,the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers. Course of the war
- December 1195) between Richard and Philip II, neither king was allowed to, fortify ,the site; despite this, Richard intended to build the vast Château Gaillard.
- Canal Zone. In that zone, the U. S. would build a canal, then administer, fortify , and defend it" in perpetuity. " Roosevelt’s explanation of the U. S.’ role
- Army during the month of September was enough to allow the Germans to further, fortify ,the fortress of Metz. In October and November, the Third Army was mired in a
- A charter to govern St Helena and the following year the Company decided to, fortify ,the island and colonize it with planters. The first governor, Captain John
- Ravenna after it had fallen to the Lombards in 733. However, he also sought to, fortify ,Rome and seek alliance with opponents of the Lombard monarch Liutprand and then
- To Smolensk to collect provender and recruits, and after that to Moscow to, fortify ,it against Charles XII of Sweden. At the end of 1709,Alexei went to Dresden
- Which Spain conceded to protect British rights in the area and promised not to, fortify ,the area. On the issue of Spain's foreign policy towards Latin America, the
- At Halifax, Nova Scotia. Washington then moved most of the Continental Army to, fortify ,New York City. Quebec Three weeks after the siege of Boston began, a troop of
- Of Israel, Asa tore down the unfinished fortress and used its raw materials to, fortify ,GBA and Micah, on his side of the border. Asa's successor, Jehoshaphat
- Together off Alderney, where they were used for unloading materials needed to, fortify ,the island. Referred to as the" German jetty" by local inhabitants, it
- At that time. Fir oz Shah Tubular established a fort at His in 1354 to further, fortify ,the region, and also constructed canals or rajahs as they were referred to in
- To Frailer. * Repeated delays by Hitler gave the Red Army enough time to, fortify ,the bulge around Kursk to an enormous fortress. High officers like Man stein and
- S forces reach Thomas Cary's plantation and find it deserted. Cary's troops, fortify ,a Colonel Daniels' plantation a few miles away. Hyde's forces march to
- 1179,King Baldwin had set up an outpost on the road to Damascus and aimed to, fortify ,a passage over the Jordan River, known as Jacob's Ford, that commanded the
- Commonwealth Oliver Cromwell in 1657,the following year the Company decided to, fortify ,and colonize St Helena with planters. A fleet commanded by Captain John Button
- In color and in addition to being used as a food coloring, it is also used to, fortify ,some foods. It is used in baby foods, breakfast cereals, pastas,sauces
- The constant threat of Mongol incursions prompted the Ming authorities to, fortify ,the Great Wall from the late 15th century to the 16th century; nevertheless
- Were involved in heavy fighting in Thrace. The Serbs and the Greeks had time to, fortify ,their positions in Macedonia. The Bulgarians also held some advantages
- 2001 – The Leaning Tower of Pisa reopens after 11 years and $27,000,000 to, fortify ,it, without fixing its famous lean. *2002 – The Capital Center (formerly US
- Audītus (to hear, listen (to) ) ** Munro, munīre, munīvī, munītus (to, fortify , to build) ** period, aperīre, aperuī, apertus (to open, to uncover) **
- Provided good supply facilities and was the obvious place for Baden-Powell to, fortify ,in readiness for such attacks. However, instead of being the aggressor
- Stated," The French had swept south ", detailing the steps they had taken to, fortify ,the area, and communicating their intention to fortify the confluence of the
- A relatively peaceful client kingdom, but Decals used the Roman money to, fortify ,his defenses, and continued to defy Rome. However, Domitian probably wanted to
- Wide and long. In that zone, the U. S. would build a canal, then administer, fortify , and defend it" in perpetuity. " In 1914,the United States completed the
- Efforts to knock the U. S. Pacific Fleet out of action long enough for Japan to, fortify ,her defensive perimeter in the Pacific island chains. Yamamoto felt it
- Some time for consideration, which he used to assemble reinforcements and to, fortify ,the southern banks of the Rhone. When the embassy returned on the agreed-upon
- Imperial portraits for esoteric veneration. All of these practices were used to, fortify ,national solidarity through patriotic observance at shrines. This use of Shinto
- The East India Company received a Royal Charter giving it the sole right to, fortify ,and colonize the island. The fort was renamed James Fort and the town Jamestown
- Romance Breviaries, viii 19.1 He had his most recent war in Britain, and to, fortify ,the conquered provinces with all security, he built a wall for 133 miles from
- Plans, including the activities of Shirley and Johnson. Shirley's efforts to, fortify ,Oswego were bogged down in logistical difficulties and magnified by Shirley's
- Palestinians and neighboring Arab states that helped bolster Israeli morale and, fortify ,its deterrent image. The unit was known for raids against Arab civilians and
- Forces are unsuccessful against Han General CEN Peng, so Gong sun decides to, fortify ,his position by blockading the entire Yangtze River with a large floating
- Was forced to pay tributes. By doing so he and the German dukes gained time to, fortify ,towns and train a new elite cavalry force. During the truce with the Magyars
- To sell the island: New York State leased the island in 1794 and started to, fortify ,it in 1795. Ownership was in question and legislation was passed for
- Mobility over the terrain of China. The First Emperor developed plans to, fortify ,his northern border, to protect against the nomadic Mongols. The result was the
- Seafarers under Hot Matúš (" supreme chief" ) who about this time begin the, fortify ,the island. By topic Arts and sciences * Important works on mathematics and
- Legitimacy. This was issued in 1661 and gave the Company the sole right to, fortify ,and colonize the island“ in such legal and reasonable manner the said Governor
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