Examples of the the word, diversification , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diversification ), is the 11993 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It also became the foundation of the bard movement). In the 1980s there was a, diversification ,of subject. Touchy issues could now be discussed openly. The results
  2. Having the most balanced economy in the United States, due to its high level of, diversification , Chicago was named the fourth most important business center in the world in
  3. Became more prevalent. While this was occurring, modern birds were undergoing, diversification ,and replacing archaic birds and pterosaur groups, possibly due to direct
  4. Leveraging. Hedge fund risk Because investments in hedge funds can add, diversification ,to investment portfolios, investors may use them as a tool to reduce their
  5. And recurrent biased mutation or migration. Evolution has led to the, diversification ,of all living organisms from a common ancestor, which are described by Charles
  6. Materials in the Gabonese economy. Various factors have so far stymied more, diversification ,(a small market of 1 million people, dependence on French imports, inability
  7. Industry Forest products has been the major export industry in the past, but, diversification , and growth of the economy has reduced its share. In the 1970s,the pulp and
  8. Of the fishing industry. Recent years have seen some significant moves towards, diversification , especially as offshore oil and gas wealth have begun to flow into the region.
  9. Economy was not impacted as much as the rest of the country, due to decades of, diversification ,work by long-time corporate residents, business leaders, and political leaders.
  10. Consequently, the GDP per capita shrank by 42 % in the 1980s. Successful, diversification ,and integration into the international community helped current GDP per capita
  11. End of that year it set out to increase employment opportunities by encouraging, diversification , to increase population levels through selective immigration, to aim for
  12. Digit. Currently, GDP is rising smartly by 7 % per annum due to successful, diversification , Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita based on purchasing-power-parity (
  13. And holistic management, as well as an increased trend towards agricultural, diversification , Crop statistics Important categories of crops include grains and pseudograins
  14. Investment projects, options,futures, swaps,and other derivatives, portfolio, diversification , and many others. It is often mistaken to be a discipline free from ethical
  15. Adapted primitive catarrhines from East Africa suggest a long history of prior, diversification , Fossils at 20 million years ago include fragments attributed to
  16. Correct change into the money box and take what they want. In the 21st century, diversification ,of agriculture and amendments in planning strategy have led to farm shops
  17. Diversification In the realm of advertising agencies, continued industry, diversification ,has seen observers note that“ big global clients don't need big global
  18. Carboniferous was a time of glaciation, low sea level and mountain building, diversification ,and extinction; a minor marine and terrestrial extinction event among animals
  19. Originate from the Lower Cretaceous, over 100 million years ago. The initial, diversification ,to the families took place between 82 and 48 million years ago (Vinnersten and
  20. Refining and the manufacture of chemicals and fertilizers. Before 2003, diversification , was hindered by limitations on privatization and the effects of the
  21. Contemporary folk music and pop, an illustration of the rapid evolution and, diversification ,of folk music than began in the mid 1960s. These changes represented a further
  22. Is complex and, like the noun, exhibits a system of ableist. Diversification The, diversification ,of the parent language into the attested branches of daughter languages is
  23. Been large employers in these cities, though again mechanization has forced, diversification ,of the economy. Demographics At the Census 2001 the ceremonial county recorded
  24. And Sparta respectively, the pooled manpower and financial resources allowed a, diversification ,of warfare. Hop lite warfare was in decline; there were three major battles in
  25. Part of Pará State, a new pattern of timber extraction has emerged:, diversification ,and the production of plywood have led to the economical use of more than 100
  26. Sawmills,brickyards and food-processing plants. Rapid industrialization and, diversification ,occurred after World War II. Decentralization came in 1965 and spurred growth
  27. Early in its evolution rather than from its direct ancestors. The internal, diversification ,of especially West Germanic is cited to have been radically non-treelike.
  28. In the table below. A 2009 study suggests that the Asparagus have the highest, diversification ,rate in the monocots, about the same as the order Poles, although in both
  29. By 1931 Ballarat's economy and population was recovering strongly with further, diversification ,of industry, although in 1936 Geelong displaced it as the state's second
  30. 1950 Honduran governments encouraged agricultural modernization and export, diversification ,by spending heavily on transportation and communications infrastructure
  31. Improve the economic climate for private investment, and promote economic, diversification , After becoming independent of Portugal in 1974 due to the Portuguese
  32. Early 1990s have brought major benefits in terms of improved social conditions, diversification ,of its export sector, and access to international financial markets at
  33. Record they form a concrete base of evidence for the fact that“ the early, diversification ,of salamanders was well underway” in Asia during the Jurassic period.
  34. Several funds profiled in the media. Over the next decade there was increased, diversification ,in strategies, including: credit arbitrage, distressed debt, fixed income
  35. Environmental sustainability (biomitigation),economic stability (product, diversification ,and risk reduction) and social acceptability (better management practices).
  36. Literature, and use by different religious communities are all factors in the, diversification ,of the language. Some Aramaic dialects are mutually intelligible, whereas
  37. Hogan Lovell, Linklaters, Eversheds and Slaughter and May. Non-financial, diversification ,The trend for purely office development is beginning to reverse as the
  38. Denominated in Ecus provided investors with the opportunity for foreign, diversification ,without reliance on the currency of a single country. The ECU was conceived on
  39. To be defined at the base of the Commotion Stage which is characterized by, diversification ,and global distribution of organisms with mineral skeletons and the appearance
  40. Relationships between galaxies to create branching diagram hypotheses of galaxy, diversification , A calendar is a system of organizing days for social, religious,commercial
  41. Science fiction imprint) were introduced to facilitate compartmentalized, diversification ,and allow for specialized marketing of individual product lines. They increased
  42. For risk management purposes, or to achieve diversified returns. The amount of, diversification ,within the fund can vary; funds may be multi-strategy, multi-fund,multi-market
  43. To this theory, the cycle of philosophical upheavals that in part drove the, diversification ,of Buddhism into its many schools and sects only began once Buddhists began
  44. And wireless systems, expansion of data services, global expansion, and, diversification , into video services. GTE hoped to cross-sell its large base of wire line
  45. That mineralized – hence readily fossilized – organisms became common. This, diversification ,of lifeforms was relatively rapid, and is termed the Cambrian explosion. This
  46. From this industry over the course of the 20th century and economic, diversification ,has made the state a magnet for population and home to more Fortune 500
  47. Is available throughout the world. Rapid improvements, innovations,and, diversification ,in communications technology, including optical fiber cables, communications
  48. Dependence on primary industries. World War II brought industrial stimulus and, diversification ,to Adelaide under the Play ford Government, which advocated Adelaide as a safe
  49. And preserve surviving varieties and new orchards were planted. As part of, diversification , farmers have moved into commercial cider production, and the cider tradition
  50. Of years to the present. The adaptive radiation of angiosperms helped drive the, diversification ,of beetles, as four of the six megadiverse families of beetles are primarily

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