Examples of the the word, coworker , in a Sentence Context
The word ( coworker ), is the 11982 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In the area. Although Pollard was authorized to transport documents and the, coworker ,did claim the documents were properly wrapped, it appeared out of place that
- Type. This is so, because,individuals who rate their least preferred, coworker ,in relatively favorable light on these scales derive satisfaction out of
- Following amounts: a spouse by 67 %, a sibling by 25 %, a friend by 36 %, and a, coworker ,by 34 %. Nevertheless, a Cochrane review determined that interventions to
- David, was born on December 5,2002,and named after David's late friend and, coworker , Carol Salish. David and his family live on the south shore of Long Island. On
- The vehicle's series names. David Wallace, manager of marketing research, and, coworker , Bob Young unofficially invited freethinker poet Marianne Moore for input and
- Diane Baker) who is institutionalized with Alzheimer's disease. Bennett's, coworker ,Dale sends her a floppy disk with a backdoor, labeled with" π ", to a commonly
- Mother, Emily Annette Taylor (née Winslow),was an ardent abolitionist and a, coworker ,with Lucretia Mott. Educated early by his mother, Taylor studied for two years
- The Lewinsky affair than he declared to the grand jury. Lewinsky confided in a, coworker ,named Linda Trip about her relationship with Clinton. Trip convinced Lewinsky
- De Camp famous resort in the Dominican Republic as guests in the wedding of, coworker ,and friend, Lourdes Stephen. It is at this time when the incident of domestic
- Death. Suddenly, he is confronted by Stevenson, who has actually killed Amy's, coworker ,Carol, who had accepted an invitation for dinner and to meet Wells. Stevenson
- They had also considered hexuronic acid, but had been put off the trail when a, coworker ,made the explicit (and mistaken) experimental claim that this substance was
- Include helping behaviors in the workplace such as volunteering to assist a, coworker ,on a project. * CourtesyThese behaviors can be seen when an employee exhibits
- Syrup, which contains the dissociative drug dextromethorphan.; Karla: A coder, coworker , and girlfriend of Daniel. Karla's relationship with her family is tense, and
- Popular blond cheerleader Carol Vessel, and through Molly,Carol's, coworker ,and friend who was similarly unpopular in high school and continues to have
- Day to surprise her and take her to lunch, he overhears a conversation with her, coworker ,about" Simon" ( Bill Paxton),a man she is seeing. This causes Harry to
- To" look into doing a story on those radio shows. " Sam begins dating a, coworker , Victoria, whom Jonah dislikes. Jonah, a baseball fan, reads Annie's letter
- With it. Davy's own accident induced him to hire Michael Faraday as a, coworker , European travels In 1812,Davy was knighted, gave a farewell lecture to the
- Devised by Sigmund Freud out of the hypnotic method of his mentor and, coworker , Josef Breuer. 'The importance of free association is that the patients spoke
- A Snickers bar, Lewis transforms into the real logger," Tony ", and he and his, coworker ,watch another worker (Barr) complain about back pain before being hit with a
- Try to paint Odell as emotionally disturbed, but Godell's friend and, coworker ,Ted Spindler (Briley) states that Odell would not have taken such drastic
- Matt son later recounted that he invented St. Rho when he was questioned by, coworker ,Gene McCain about the Finns' lack of a saint like the Irish St. Patrick
- To earn money for her, and becomes a street-sweeper, managing to annoy his new, coworker , Meanwhile, the grandmother receives a notice that she and the Flower Girl will
- Must come from a member of the aviator's squadron, training class, or other, coworker , It is considered bad form to try to give oneself a call sign. It is common for
- While Todd has rejected his parents' faith.; Bug Barbecue: A tester and, coworker ,of Daniel's;" the World's Most Bitter Man ". He is older than most of the
- The practical utility that his intelligence scale would evoke. Benet and his, coworker ,Far discovered what they called transfer, and they also recognized perceptual
- Wayne Newton as himself, David Crosby as Duke, Bonnie Bartlett as Roseanne's, coworker ,Bonnie, Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Boogie Howler, and Rick Dee's as Ken. Season
- Walk off. Meanwhile, Largo develops a relationship with Alaska Erika,Piro's, coworker ,at Megaampere. She and Kimono share a house. As with Pro and Kimono, Largo and
- They would later record and send to radio station as audition tapes. When his, coworker ,ended his participation, Newhart continued the recordings alone, developing the
- Interactions run more smoothly. Office etiquette in particular applies to, coworker ,interaction, excluding interactions with external contacts such as customers
- Indicates a task orientation. Fielder assumes that everybody's least preferred, coworker ,in fact is on average about equally unpleasant. But people who are indeed
- Tanya (McKinney). A few sketches also included Kevin McDonald as another, coworker ,and Dave Foley as their supervisor Elizabeth. In the middle of the third season
- Investigation included the secret taping of conversations between Lewinsky and, coworker ,Linda Trip, requests by Starr to tape Lewinsky's conversations with Clinton
- In the way. * Renée Zellweger as Angie, an angelfish,Oscar's best friend and, coworker , Angie harbors a secret romantic interest in Oscar. * Angelina Jolie as Lola, a
- Station Lucy works at *Jason Bernard as Jerry Wallace,Lucy's friend and, coworker ,whom she relies on for advice *Michael Tripoli as Joe Cusco Jr., the swarthy
- The behavior is the group or organization as a whole, rather than an individual, coworker , Civic virtue OCS include being a good representative of the organization and
- Peanut, the mother of Jody's baby daughter. * Tawny Dahl as Pandora,Yvette's, coworker ,and a pursuer of Jody. Development *The lead role was originally written for
- S Body Play Magazine. Dustin's documented success with this process inspired, coworker ,Natalie Lowry to follow suit in 2001. Erik Prague, aka The Lizard man had his
- Way he had flailed his arms when demanding the nickname" T-Bone" back from a, coworker , George deliberately hires a woman named Coco to work there, only to be
- Class and is in a wheelchair. *David Anthony Higgins as Craig Feldspar, Lois ', coworker ,who is fat, has a cat, and has a crush on Lois. *My Colorado as Niamey
- Is Maggie's friend. Rival Vicki is Maggie's aunt. *Anita Lincoln: Maggie's, coworker ,at Vandy's. She dates Ray after Maggie leaves town; also works as a stripper
- Cromwell as Jerome" Stretch" Cunningham (1973–1976),Archie's friend and, coworker ,from the loading dock. What Archie did not know was that Stretch was Jewish
- Pictures of Guzman posing with his guns and homemade bombs. She and a, coworker ,called police, who arrived at the drugstore and waited for Guzman. He was
- Matter, keeping with the petroleum theme of the show) with his friend and, coworker ,Roy Hess (Hess Corporation is another regional petroleum chain). Another
- CHX, a feminist support group for Valley women who code.; Todd: A tester and, coworker ,of Daniel's who is obsessed with bodybuilding and is continually searching for
- Film and television producer in Chicago. It was at the company that he and a, coworker ,would entertain each other with long telephone calls about absurd scenarios
- 1138. The distinctive crescendo used in the THX trailers, created by Holman's, coworker ,James A. Moore, is known as the" Deep Note ". The THX system is not a
- Deep, low voices' and is seen rejecting advances from an attractive female, coworker , Chang's unassuming self-awareness and sincerity help Lie out of his
- Director at WOK in Lima, Ohio,after his first year of college. He married a, coworker , Ruth Shaheen in 1944. He also attended Columbia University in New York City
- Began to fade. She stood in the shadow of Heiner, who she earlier considered a, coworker ,rather than as an equal partner. She began an affair with Heiner's 16 year–old
- With Mario. Luckily for Quarrel, a construction worker called Gil murders his, coworker ,Theo, who had been harassing and sexually assaulting him. Gil is also
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