Examples of the the word, assortment , in a Sentence Context
The word ( assortment ), is the 11986 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Or over differing foreign policy matters with Honda. Honda also wrote a large, assortment ,of books during this period, resulting in over 65 volumes of collected works
- And recommendations, many of them passed down over the centuries, and an, assortment ,of ingrained behaviors, relayed to successive generations from the moment a
- That traits were inherited predictably through the independent, assortment ,and segregation of elements (later known as genes). Mendel's laws of
- And New Year's Eve usually hosts major events. The city also hosts a varied, assortment ,of art works from artists like Bruno Giorgi, Alfredo Ceschiatti, Athos Bilbao
- Carbon, and linear acetylene carbon (carbine). The amorphous form is an, assortment ,of carbon atoms in a non-crystalline, irregular,glassy state, which is
- Mechanism in plant speciation. Most importantly, recombination and independent, assortment ,of homologous chromosomes allow for a greater diversity of genotypes in the
- Pair (out of 21 possible) is close enough to show deviation from independent, assortment ,; this is not a pair that Mendel studied. Some recent researchers have suggested
- Mixtures of their parents' chromosomes that are produced through independent, assortment , In a related process called homologous recombination, sexual organisms
- Tonal language of the Tai linguistic group. Midslope and highland Lao speak an, assortment ,of tribal languages. French, once common in government and commerce, has
- Jim Henson Museum, located in his hometown of Leland, Mississippi,features an, assortment ,of original Muppet characters, official certificates from the Mississippi
- Home to celebrate the pending settlement offer, and brings a basket with an, assortment ,of fruits. Max eats one of the strawberries but, unlike in the restaurant, this
- Season. Over the winter, Aaron was the recipient of death threats and a large, assortment ,of hate mail from people who did not want to see a black man break Ruth's
- Of the column during his 51-year run. The format of the column was a random, assortment ,of small paragraphs which were otherwise unconnected. These could be anything
- After another. Their poverty forced the children to work, and Goldman took an, assortment ,of jobs including one in a corset shop. As a teenager Goldman begged her father
- The Hospitals, etc.). Heavily armed cavalry, armed with lances and a varied, assortment ,of hand weapons played a significant part in the battles of the Middle Ages.
- Manning would have been about 185 soldiers,200 sailors,20–30 gunners and an, assortment ,of other specialists such as surgeons, trumpeters and members of the admiral's
- Many aircraft began to arm themselves with pistols, carbines,grenades, and an, assortment ,of improvised weapons with which to attack enemy aircraft. Many of these
- End to a long rectangular office building, and cut through the middle with an, assortment ,of circles and cones. The plan was risky, and Pei himself admitted that he did
- Made the cover of Life on March 31, 1952. Camp peopled his comic strip with an, assortment ,of memorable characters, including Marrying' Sam, Hairless Joe, Lonesome
- Freedoms. Prior to the Charter, there were various statutes which protected an, assortment ,of civil rights and obligations, but nothing was enshrined in the Constitution
- Currency exchange rates, or indexes. Derivative transactions include a wide, assortment ,of financial contracts including structured debt obligations and deposits
- Of Oklahoma!; later replaced by Mani Nixon),Larry Aiken (Roscoe) and an, assortment ,of famous names from the past. Former MGM and onetime Broadway star Betty
- S. And are popular with players of many skill levels. Yamaha produces a large, assortment ,of musical instruments; while Washburn, Ibanez, Ovation and Thiamine are other
- Become more common, some researchers have sought model organisms from a wider, assortment ,of lineages on the tree of life. Use of model organisms There are many models
- Constructions, Dürer discusses in this last book of Undertaking her Messing an, assortment ,of mechanisms for drawing in perspective from models and provides woodcut
- Exercise, or stimulation, individuals may develop stable vices,an, assortment ,of bad habits, mostly stereotypes of psychological origin, that include wood
- Ball resting on it. This motivates other definitions, under which a broader, assortment ,of functions are integrable. The Lebesgue integral, in particular, achieves
- Central Market (Paar Sent),which was once the city's wet market, offers an, assortment ,of arts and craft merchandise, varying from antiques and paintings to souvenirs
- In Russia producing various vodka types, including " Stolichnaya" while a wide, assortment ,of wines are produced at several Moscow wine plants, including Moscow
- Nature, and is tougher and faster than the other characters. The Mage uses an, assortment ,of long-range spells, whose reach is counterbalanced by the fact that he is the
- Commissioner Jim Gordon, and occasionally the heroine Batgirl. He fights an, assortment ,of villains such as the Joker, the Penguin, the Riddler, Two-Face,Poison Ivy
- Meat can be cooked in a variety of ways and is usually served with a wide, assortment ,of traditional bread products. Refreshments often include black tea and
- With varying levels of armor protection. The Eagle can be fitted with a wide, assortment ,of armaments which can be manually or remotely operated turrets. Electric
- And Edwards began to examine the wreck and salvage items from it. Along with an, assortment ,of timbers and wooden objects, including several longbows, they brought up
- The late 18th century, the island of Madagascar was populated by a fragmented, assortment ,of shifting sociopolitical alliances of varying sizes. Beginning in the early
- And hay. Alaska, with no counties, also lacks county fairs. However, a small, assortment ,of state and local fairs (with the Alaska State Fair in Palmer the largest)
- Of their differences through diplomacy. By this time, Parthia had acquired an, assortment ,of golden eagles, the cherished standards of Rome's legions, captured from
- Western riding and cattle work. Many racetracks offer Quarter Horses a wide, assortment ,of parimutuel horse racing with purses in the millions. Quarter Horses have
- This phenomenon, known as" Mendel's second law" or the" Law of independent, assortment ,", means that the alleles of different genes get shuffled between parents to
- Kinetochores of homologous chromosomes. The physical basis of the independent, assortment ,of chromosomes is the random orientation of each bivalent along the metaphase
- Rice wine. A variation of the recipe on. * Lei CIA or Pounded Tea (擂茶): An, assortment ,of tea leaves (usually green tea),peanuts, mint leaves, sesame seeds, mung
- Palace by ingredients presented by their governors, which gave the cooks a wide, assortment ,of ingredients to use for royal meals. Food was considered significant in the
- Configuration tools),a distribution is most simply described as a particular, assortment ,of applications installed on top of a set of libraries married to a version
- But there was no independent witness. Orwell was in decline and visited by an, assortment ,of visitors including Buggering, Connolly,Lucian Freud, Stephen Spender
- Sold as ecstasy do not even contain any MDMA. Instead, they may contain an, assortment ,of undesirable drugs and substances, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen,talcum
- Appointed the position of chief wife, rather than just keeping a harem or an, assortment ,of female attendants. The Japanese imperial dynasty consistently practiced
- Candles in each window are a more traditional Christmas display. The concentric, assortment ,of leaves, usually from an evergreen, make up Christmas wreaths and are
- Higher price versus a CRT. Commonly, the same laptop would be offered with an, assortment ,of display options at increasing price points (active or passive monochrome
- European folklore. Ticks, leeches,female mosquitoes, vampire bats, and an, assortment ,of other natural creatures do consume the blood of other animals, but only bats
- Multispeed interstate highway. It prophesied an American utopia regulated by an, assortment ,of cutting-edge technologies: remote-controlled multilane highways, power
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