Examples of the the word, footing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( footing ), is the 11984 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In literary sources. Japanese monarchs placed themselves from 607 on equal, footing ,with Chinese emperors in titular terms, but rarely was the Chinese-style" Son
- Enough force to push over a cow if the cow does not react and reorient its, footing , If the cow does react, it would take at least four people to push it over
- Separated from his guides, and it is assumed that in the dark his horse lost its, footing , The 44-year-old king was found dead on the shore the following morning with a
- And producing brothers to my children by you, I should place them all on level, footing ,'. Euripides likens all women's position to exile; in their having to leave
- Forepaw, minimizing noise and visible tracks. This also provides sure, footing ,for their hind paws when they navigate rough terrain. Unlike most mammals, when
- Learned from Malachi 2:4–7; and the prevailing tendency was to place Aaron on a, footing ,equal with Moses. Accompanied by Moses, his brother, and by Eleazar, his son
- Once again. Footing depth depends on the region and its ground frost level. The, footing ,and stem wall are commonly 24 and 14 inches, much larger than a frame house
- Which placed the foreign relations of Austria-Hungary once more on a stable, footing , Later life After his retirement, Andrássy continued to take an active part in
- Was landed when the spoken drama and musical Sing spiel were placed on an equal, footing , For the young composer there would be few, if any, new compositional
- That perform at high speeds, over changing terrain, or in less-than-ideal, footing , Horseshoeing theories and debates Horseshoes have always been viewed as an aid
- Respect for human rights have placed U. S. -Guyanese relations on an excellent, footing , Under successive PPP governments, the United States and Guyana continued to
- Millennium Bridge. The City's flag flies over Tower Bridge, although neither, footing ,is in the City. Changes to boundary The size of the City was constrained by a
- And by chance Stewart encountered Margaret Sullivan again. Stewart found his, footing ,in Hollywood thanks largely to Sullivan, who campaigned for Stewart to be her
- Balance of power between member countries. " Activists point to the unequal, footing ,and power between developed and developing nations within the WTO and with
- Work in the middle of the 19th century, and did much to put geology on a modern, footing , For his efforts he was knighted in 1848,then made a baronet in 1864.
- Greater than a frame house, and may cause cracking in the wall. The, footing ,is dug and compressed once again. Footing depth depends on the region and its
- Budget (before 2009,its influence was limited to certain areas) on an equal, footing ,to the Council. If there is a disagreement between them, it is taken to a
- And has the scientist trying to manipulate the galaxy's economy into a war, footing ,similar to Skaro's. The Sixth Doctor manages to defeat his plans, and Davos
- Prior to 2009,its influence was limited to certain areas) on an equal, footing ,to the Council. If there is a disagreement between them, it is taken to a
- The Diocese of Würzburg less unwieldy and to give Christianity a firmer, footing ,in the districts of Franconia, east of Bamberg. In 1008,after long
- Become citizens of the States, owning land and homes of their own, on an equal, footing ,with the white people. " Jackson responded with" That ... is a magnificent
- Grew. Because of its position Jersey was more or less on a continuous war, footing , During the American Wars of Independence there were two attempted invasions of
- Called direct quantum chemistry, which treat electrons and nuclei on a common, footing , Density functional methods and semi-empirical methods are variants on the
- Previously named" codecision procedure" ), which provides an equal, footing ,between Parliament and Council. In particular, under the procedure, the
- Servi penal, auctorati and ancillaries, but socially they were inflames, on a, footing ,with pimps and butchers and despised as price gougers. No such stigma was
- Treaties on general cooperation and trade, Finns put themselves on an equal, footing ,while retaining a friendly bilateral relationship. Finland now is boosting
- Is a fixed point from which a person or thing executes a movement (such as a, footing ,in climbing or a pivot).; Somme: apple;: potato, literally," apple of the
- With this, non-Euclidean geometry was established on an equal mathematical, footing ,with Euclidean geometry. While it was now known that different geometric
- Surfaces or hoisting. The initial construction method used a circular concrete, footing ,in which anchor posts were set. Tubes cut to length and with ends flattened
- Relatively few components/events interact with one another directly on equal, footing , Rather, one observes pockets of dense connections (direct interactions)
- The Priesthood of all believers, which holds that all Christians stand on equal, footing ,before God. They argued that the Old Covenant required a priest to mediate
- On the Americas, not South and East Asia. But the Spanish did establish a, footing ,in the Far East in the Philippines. After 1565,cargoes of Chinese goods were
- A pension reform that placed the system on a much stronger financial, footing , and strengthening public expenditure institutions. From 2003 to 2005,annual
- Of a divided mind about this habitue of talking to his subjects on an equal, footing ,: Minus Marcellus saw in that only the foolish vanity of someone "
- To allow for all players to start fresh with new characters on an equal, footing , Ladder seasons have lasted from as short as six months to over a year. When a
- That would be raised by the salt tax to put the government on a firm financial, footing ,and to support his active new foreign policy objectives. The struggle over the
- People feel that it would be more useful to put new houses on the same legal, footing ,as other products. United States and Canada In the US and Canada, many new
- Cultures, the human being is often regarded as on a roughly equal, footing ,with other animals, plants,and natural forces. Therefore, it is morally
- Has its headquarters in midtown Manhattan. The company's effort to regain its, footing ,is the subject of Tom Barbash's 2003 book On Top of the World: Cantor
- A universe with vanishing small probability b to be instantiated on an equal, footing ,with the much more probable one with probability a? This seems to throw away
- As the religion of state, under Islam Jews and Christians were on a more even, footing , The Middle Ages The Emperor Leo I The Byzantine Emperor Leo I compiled a code
- Calling them" ghosts of departed quantities ". Calculus acquired a firmer, footing ,with the development of limits and was given a suitable foundation by Cauchy in
- To ensure the Warehouse Theatre is launched into its new future on a firm, footing , Fairfield Halls, Arnhem Gallery and the Ashcroft Theatre show productions that
- Under the leadership of his son, ` Abdul'Baha, the religion gained a, footing ,in Europe and America, and was consolidated in Iran, where it still suffers
- Against native insurgents (unless the natives offered a fight on an equal, footing , as at Tel-el-Kebir, Omdurman,etc.). Cavalry" flying columns" proved
- United States and Britain, which placed adopted and native citizens on the same, footing , Blaine Amendment In 1875,to promote the separation of church and state
- Cleisthenes again reformed the Athenian constitution and set it on a democratic, footing ,in 508 BC. Aristotle (ca 350 BC) was one of the first in recorded history to
- Was abandoned. The second method used iron rebar set vertically in the concrete, footing ,and then bent inward and welded in place to create the dome's wire form
- A window to the larger world, to meet people from other countries on an equal, footing , and for travel. The Esperanto-community has a certain set of shared background
- Summing their Amounts. The data structure places all the values on an equal, footing , exposing each to the DBMS directly, so each can potentially participate
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