Examples of the the word, bb , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bb ), is the 11983 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Two, exchanges simultaneously 1 with 2,and 3 with 4. G forms a group, since AA, bb , e,BA ab, and baba e. So (G, M ) forms a permutation group. The Rubik's Cube
- Of an individual offspring's having the genotype BB is 25 %, Bb is 50 %, and,BB, is 25 %. It is important to note that Punnett squares give probabilities only
- Consonant germination. Double consonants found in Old High German include pp, bb , TT, dd,ck (for),GG, ff,SS, hh, zz, mm,in, ll,RR. # changes to in all
- Slide, single shot) type that came with" sticky targets" where the plastic, bb , stuck to the target long enough to determine the accuracy of the shot, then
- Recessive (" b" ) and each parent will have a set of 2 recessive genes (", bb ,") two Russian Blues will always produce a blue cat. The coat is known as a "
- The quantitative consonant gradation,i.e. OK: k, pp: p, tt: t, gg: g, dd: d and, bb , : b affects all germinates, and single consonants in inverse consonant gradation
- Note that AA has the effect RGB → GB → RGB; so we can write AA e. Similarly, bb , ( ABA) (ABA) e; (ab) (BA) (BA) (ab) = e; so every element has an
- Area). It includes a large frontier fort, an original Union Pacific caboose, bb , gun range, and archery range. It is located in the town of Lorenzo, Idaho. Wood
- Career Early beginnings The Dukes formed in early 2003 as a result of BNN, bb , a band name change. Formerly known as Deluxe boy. The four piece featured
- Of the m symbols a, b,...., The isomorphism is given by mapping AA, bb , .... to AJ. This mapping does not preserve products of polynomials. More
- Mixed choir and orchestra Chamber Music * Havana Moon for Clarinet Choir (3,BB, Alto, Bass,Class),Percussion, Strings Bass * Scherzo Fantastic for Bass
- mm. 9–16 ’. Along the same lines, it is wise to reserve the a bb reviated form ‘, bb , 3–4’ etc. for beats only; bars should be referred to by name in full. The
- 2006. As of 2009,Nickelodeon's Doug airs reruns on MTV Tr3́s affiliates, bb , KBEH and KMSP-TV (as an E/I program) in the US and on Nicktoonsters in the UK
- By: Variances, CaribSurf, Sunbeach Communications, TeleBarbados/Free motion., bb , WI-NET INC. ADSL services are widely available, as are Frame Relay and other
- Empty string): BA \right arrow \, AB: BS \right arrow \, b: BB \right arrow \, bb , : Ab \right arrow \, ab: AA \right arrow \, aa and start symbol S, defines the
- The maximum allowed time for a balance beam routine is 1:30 minutes. Name, bb , /> The routine is timed on the scoreboard timer, which is visible to both the
- 3 GG =," G "; Terminal strings defined by these rules are as follows: AA: A, bb , : ARAB cc: C AC AAC ADAC dd: D AD AAD AAA AAAA etc. EE: AE AAE AAA AAAA
- Lines (expressed in thousands) of code for project, The coefficients' ab, bb , CB and db are given in the following table. Basic COC OMO is good for quick
- And we have the following sequence: a (0),BA (1),ca (2),.,9a (35),BB, ( 36),CB (37),.,9b (70),BCA (71),.,99a (1260),BCB (1261)
- Syntax rules illustrate the facilities for expressing repetition: AA =" A ";, bb , = 3 cc = 3 dd =," D "; EE = AA," E "; ff = 3 GG =," G "; Terminal strings
- Illegal and ambiguous sequences in use * The Linux console uses OSC P n RR GG, bb , to change the palette, which,if hard-coded into an application, may hang other
- 1),because: \alpha_3 \alpha_2 \alpha_3 \alpha_1 BBA + ab + BBA + a bb aa bb baa, bb , + AA + BB + baa \beta_ \beta_ \beta_ \beta_. Furthermore, since (3,2,3,1)
- Iambic tetrameter. The poem's rhyme scheme is rhyming couplets rendered AA, bb , cc dd EE AA. Despite its deceptive simplicity in rhyme and meter," Trees" is
- Alpha_3 \alpha_2 \alpha_3 \alpha_1 BBA + ab + BBA + a bb aa bb baa BB + AA +, bb , + baa \beta_ \beta_ \beta_ \beta_. Furthermore, since (3,2,3,1) is a
- Hungarian, superlative is formed by the circumflex (new ... SI, resp. Leg ..., bb , ). In Czech nejmladší" youngest ", for example, the root is Lady" young "
- In which the case was tried, either (AA) the case was tried by a jury, or (, bb , ) the person knowingly and intelligently waived the right to have the case
- Ramya → gamma *y assimilates to preceding non-initial v, producing vs →, bb , : :Example: Divya → diva → Diana, veditavya → veditavva → veritable, bhāvya →
- Calibration is 85 mm of penetration when shot by a standard .177 caliber steel, bb , traveling at 180 m/s (590 ft/s). Calibrated gelatin may show a variance of
- e'd' g b),pieces 48 to 53 for fourteen-course cistern (tuned e'd' g, bb , f d G F E D C BBB AA GG). Contents # My Lord Treasurer his Paved # The
- AbH, H → H) Alphabet encoding: a 100,b 010,H = 001 Production encoding: (, bb ,010 010,ABH 100 010 001,H = 001) Cyclic tag system Productions: (010 010
- As in Modern German orthography, but rather genuine double consonants: pp, bb , TT, dd,ck (for),GG, ff,SS, zz, mm,in, ll,RR. #It is reasonable to
- Consonants are normally written doubled in Latin transcription (i.e., bb , dd, etc.),reflecting the presence of the Arabic diacritic mark, which
- The following 122 bits (less than 16 octets) will be produced: 01 05 0e 83,BB, ce 2d f9 3c a0 e9 a3 2f 2c AF c0 ASN.1 versus other data structure definition
- As later shots hit the target. This also facilitated easy reuse of the plastic, bb , 's as they were originally not as easy to find. Airsoft guns were then quickly
- Nirlopa → diploma *d sometimes assimilates to a following v, producing vs →, bb , : :Examples: Dvina → Frigga → Briggs, dvādaśa → bars (beside dramas) *t
- To the beam within this time limit, she is not permitted to continue. Name, bb , /> Under FIG rules, the maximum allowed time for a balance beam routine is 1:30
- Bit) Modulus (1024 bit): 00: b4:31:98:0a: c4: bc:62: c1:88: AA: DC: b0: c8:, bb , : 33:35:19: d5:0c:64: b9:3d:41: b2:96: FC: f3:31: e1: 66:36: d0:8e:56:12:44:
- To seven sections, called junta, each of which is repeated, in the form: AA, bb , cc, etc. Different endings (overt (open) and close (closed) ) are
- B ’, ‘ d ’, ‘ g ’, fortis stops are spelled ‘ p ’, ‘ pp ’, sometimes ‘, bb ,’ (upper, ö bb er, e bb er ‘ someone’ ); ‘ t ’, ‘ TT ’, sometimes ‘ dd’ ( Midi
- 3+ (1999): (Cable & Wireless (Caribou),TeleBarbados/Free motion., bb , Sun beach Communications); Internet country code::. BB; Internet hosts:: 104 (
- Military" firearms, including pistols with bores exceeding .38 caliber, and,BB, guns (but not pellet guns) require federal licenses and are regulated in a
- Of the offspring will be black (BB or BB) while only 25 % will be white (, bb , ). The ratio of the phenotypes is 3:1,typical for a monohybrid cross. Dihybrid
- To illustrate the emulation technique. 2-tag system Production rules: (a →, bb , b → ABH, H → H) Alphabet encoding: a 100,b 010,H = 001 Production
- Above, tones 3 and 4),Lydian (final f, tones 5 and 6; with the often-added, bb , = F major) and Mixolydian (final g, tones 7 and 8) and which are known as
- Addition, a warning tone or bell is sounded 1:20 into the exercise. Name, bb , /> If the gymnast has not left the beam by 1:30,another bell is sounded, and a
- Cr = α for + (1 − α) BR: cg = α FG + (1 − α) BG: CB = α FB + (1 − α),BB, Note that if the operations are performed in a color space where γ is not
- Have thirty seconds to remount the beam and continue the routine. Name, bb , /> If she does not return to the beam within this time limit, she is not
- HE # HE \right arrow HC # HC \right arrow BC # ab \right arrow ab # BB \right arrow, bb , # bC \right arrow bc # cc \right arrow cc The generation chain for AAA BBB CCC is
- The following clusters in medial position only: * Germinates: pp, tt, kk, ss, bb , dd, gg, mm,in, ll,RR, jj, ww * Consonant + j: pj, tj, kj, fj, j,he, zj, bj
- Vañjha (not Vanessa) *The sequence vs resulting from assimilation changes to, bb , : :Example: Sara → savvy → samba, pravrajati → pavvajati → Prabhavati, divya →
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