Examples of the the word, typo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( typo ), is the 11997 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. They were intended to be a pair of ghouls, but showed up as" Ghouls" due to a, typo , TSR received several inquires as to what exactly a 'Thou' was, and made up
  2. Pop out and See to run away screaming. In class, Squee questions a textbook, typo ,which angers his teacher into ordering the other students to attack him. See
  3. Narrowing conversion from int to boolean. This is handy if the code was a, typo ,for if (a 5). Yet current C++ compilers usually generate a warning when such
  4. Of Lord Marshal of England. Ancestry, also known as Chino Crusade due to a, typo ,in the original logo, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by
  5. Require Quarter" ( or" Require Quarter ", for backward compatibility with a, typo ,in the original),then log in normally - a dialog box appears after entering
  6. Computer science) * MT, short for mistype, a declaration of a mistake or, typo ,when typing in a live-text platform such as instant messenger Geography and
  7. Messaging, users often send messages in haste and only afterwards notice the, typo , It is common practice to correct the typo by sending a subsequent message
  8. And bolts and bullets and batteries" at him, as pitcher Kent Temple stated; a, typo ,in a news story made it appear that they threw car batteries. In 1981,at a
  9. S rule is sometimes mistakenly called Bode's rule due to propagation of a, typo ,in Abramowitz and Ste gun, an early reference book. The exponent of the segment
  10. Right to demand unrequited labor of you so help you lord. ” Hallowell wrote a, typo ,in his handwritten transcript of the oath and actually said" 1861" while
  11. Brief break from their summer tour, and released on seven-inch vinyl. Due to a, typo ,on Green Day's website, many believe that this record was released in 1987
  12. Who had been fired from the Chicago Bears after the 1974 season. (An amusing, typo ,in a New York Times story indicated Gibson had become coach of the Chicago
  13. Tomorrow ", which essentially creates the news. The title was changed after a, typo ,on a copy of the script was found. The producers liked the title and decided to
  14. Of retyping the entire page to eliminate the error, but as evidence of the, typo ,remains, it is not aesthetically pleasing. In instant messaging, users often
  15. State that character B4 is U+0403,rather than the correct U+0404. This, typo ,is present in Appendix A of RFC 2319 (but the table in the main text of the
  16. May have potential as a treatment. A typo graphical error (often shortened to, typo ,) is a mistake made in, originally,the manual type-setting ( typo graphy) of
  17. When he sits down; feuding with a shoe salesman; getting blamed for a newspaper, typo ,after submitting an obituary for Cheryl's aunt; reacting offensively to
  18. Security researchers. Etymology The word pwn most likely came about as a common, typo ,of the word" own" because the" p" and" o" keys are adjacent on a standard
  19. Usage is less common and is thought to be an error of typo graphy. * Tired was a, typo ,for Tried, but was left as is because D. A. thought there should be some tired
  20. Of Japanese to English video game translation," in spite of the occasional, typo ,or grammatical hiccup ", as quoted by IGN. Vagrant Story was awarded" Best
  21. In honor of D. J. N. ErvIn, who had donated of land for the county seat. A, typo ,made by post office officials caused the name to be recorded as Erwin. The
  22. The EDNA gene,Ile118Lys,causes lethal white syndrome. In this mutation, a ", typo ," in the DNA mistakes isoleucine for lysine. To produce a foal with lethal
  23. Side of a 100 lei banknote the Bender fortress is shown, though there is a, typo ,in its name, as the word Trichina should be written without first" h" -
  24. By the Newport artist Benjamin Howland. (It is interesting to note a slight, typo ,in the mural. The top of the three crowns in the mural is initialed to depict
  25. Then into trouble with the Post Office under the Comstock Laws, but found the, typo ,itself amusing, and mentioned it repeatedly; thus, Jacobs ' typo became the
  26. As it relates to the government investigation of BACO. On February 14, 2008 a, typo ,in court papers filed by Federal prosecutors erroneously alleged that Bonds
  27. The Wilson presidency, The Post was credited with the" most famous newspaper, typo ," in D. C. history according to Reason magazine; The Post intended to report
  28. Date Palm from Dinah Shore to Gerald Ford Drives. The North end or" Simon" a, typo ,based of" Ramon" or" Landau" Roads is an upper-middle class and affluent
  29. Date when the cemetery was founded. However, some historians believe it is a, typo ,and the real date should be 1796. On April 24, 1801 the new cemetery was
  30. But found the typo itself amusing, and mentioned it repeatedly; thus, Jacobs ', typo ,became the self-identified term for the genre/subculture while it was still an
  31. Wrong letters, thus the error. The word is a portmanteau of" thumb" and ", typo ,". The Lefkowitz family (Lobkovicové in modern Czech, sg. Z Novković;
  32. The Portuguese spelling of" Brazil" ), is sometimes misconstrued as a, typo ,for Brazil in English texts. Alternatively, the English spelling Brazil is used
  33. November 2000 test that had already been disclosed and previously reported. The, typo ,sparked a brief media frenzy. His trial for obstruction of justice was to have
  34. Original working title of this album was to be“ Euphoria Mourning” however,a, typo ,changed the album name to“ Euphoria Morning ”. This was confirmed by Chris
  35. Became known as the battle of" San Juan Hill" due to a reporter's telegraph, typo ,dropping the" s. " American Army reports also referred to the heights as hills
  36. Haste and only afterwards notice the typo . It is common practice to correct the, typo ,by sending a subsequent message where an asterisk precedes or follows the
  37. Gabriel is a separate entity who was falsely credited with doing so due to a, typo ,early in the making of the Bible. They are also presented as rather arrogant
  38. That motives were vexatious. C page says 1931 (without context, could be a, typo ,). *???. The monument is buried down after 1945. Korean page says: 1945 by the
  39. Nations Troops (U. N. T.) and is referred to UNT army, UNT grand (first a, typo ,of ground, later the term was used for an army-navy joint forces) This naming
  40. That only women give chocolates to men appears to have originated from the, typo ,of a chocolate-company executive during the initial campaigns. In particular
  41. Add a great deal of interest and value to a collection. 2008-2009 Stamp Typo A, typo ,in one of the phone numbers on the back of the 2008-2009 Migratory Bird Hunting
  42. To match the bullet character in Windows-1251. Some references have a, typo ,and incorrectly state that character B4 is U+0403,rather than the correct
  43. And before that," Welch ". Early versions of the Rand McNally atlas had a, typo ,that showed Bolingbrook as" Colonial Village ". Bolingbrook was briefly
  44. By Bryan Perilous contains ";) "; there is some debate whether it is a, typo , a legitimate punctuation construct, or an emoticon. Typographical emoticons
  45. By Moriyama's publishers during the original serialization apologizing for the, typo , The series logo itself underwent a massive change, perhaps as a disambiguation
  46. Is basically quite critical of the budget that is set. This could possibly be a, typo , because the saying is typically A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned. *Result: Apex
  47. S First Law: Picking up your first copy of a book you wrote, if there's one, typo , it will be on the page that your new book falls open to the first time you
  48. Made by Internet users. Typically, the cybersquatter will register a plausible, typo ,of a well-known website address in hopes of receiving traffic when Internet
  49. Was originally During III, but During VI in The Lord of the Rings. (And a common, typo ,on the Web lists him as" During IV ". ) During the Deathless During the Deathless
  50. To be 'Delta and the Banner man' ), this novelization contains an infamous, typo ,which results in the Doctor 'peeing over a shelf '. VHS and DVD releases *The

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