Examples of the the word, prognosis , in a Sentence Context
The word ( prognosis ), is the 11992 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Schizotypal personality disorder). There was also no mention of the dire, prognosis ,Kraepelin had made. Schizophrenia seemed to be more prevalent and more
- Year and started" a bit of radiation therapy … as a precaution but the, prognosis ,looks pretty good," as he reported in his video autobiography. Computer
- And etiology and the use of empiricism, logic and rationality in diagnosis, prognosis ,and therapy. The text contains a list of medical symptoms and often detailed
- And easily metastasizes or spreads to other tissues (esp. the lungs),making, prognosis ,very poor. While surgery is possible, it is often very difficult due to the
- Ones may be seen. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is characteristic. The, prognosis ,is poor with about half of the infants dying in the first year of life; most if
- Infection would make an important difference in the patient's treatment and, prognosis ,; examples are cerebrospinal fluid for meningitis and synovial fluid for septic
- A benign functional carcinoma (appears in 10 % of the cases),treatment and, prognosis ,are no different from those of the cat. The only real difference is that dogs
- Or cryogenic causes. The most common cause is tuberous sclerosis. The, prognosis ,varies with the underlying cause. In general, most surviving patients remain
- Dementia praetor (Kraepelin would be the first in history to do that) so this, prognosis ,was based on speculation. It is impossible to discern whether the condition
- March 2010. After the operation, Orava affirmed that" it went quite fine. The, prognosis ,is he needs a rehabilitation for the next few months, and the plaster cast is
- Care. A 2005 Swedish study of 78 adults that did not exclude low IQ found worse, prognosis ,; for example, only 4 % achieved independence. A 2008 Canadian study of 48 young
- Presentation. Early treatment and the patients overall health has an effect on, prognosis , Other factors include: antibiotic resistance or the abscess location. An
- And a regulated stress level. There are other factors that lead to a good, prognosis , such as being very aware of small changes in a person's energy, mood,sleep
- And describes in exquisite detail the examination, diagnosis,treatment, and, prognosis , of numerous ailments. Conversely, the Ebert papyrus (c. 1550 BC) is full of
- As one of the" endogenous dementias ". Modifying his previous more gloomy, prognosis ,in line with Bleuler's observations, Kraepelin reported that about 26 % of his
- Is unknown. Prognosis For many individuals with bipolar disorder a good, prognosis ,results from good treatment, which,in turn, results from an accurate diagnosis
- Required prior to its application in humans for this indication. Prognosis The, prognosis ,is overall poor. While some patients die, most survive and of the survivors
- As a mere enabling mechanism, then cryonics is a long-term coma with uncertain, prognosis , It is continuing to care for sick people when others have given up. Alcoa has
- Thereafter. Location and size of the brain lesion may also play a role in the, prognosis ,of aphasia. It has been seen in receptive aphasia that larger lesions correlate
- Sing. Ἀσκληπιεῖον, Asclepieion),functioned as centers of medical advice, prognosis , and healing. At these shrines, patients would enter a dream-like state of
- According to the study designs and critical appraisal of prevention, diagnosis, prognosis , therapy, and harm studies: *Level A: Consistent Randomized Controlled Clinical
- Just a description of a collection of symptoms: diagnosis now also defined by, prognosis ,(course and outcome). An additional feature of the clinical method was that
- The non-small-cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC) are grouped together because their, prognosis ,and management are similar. There are three main subtypes: squamous cell lung
- Combination of seizure type, typical age of onset, EEG findings, treatment,and, prognosis , The most widespread classification of the epileptics. Symptomatic epileptics
- To this end. One of the strengths of Hippocratic medicine was its emphasis on, prognosis , At Hippocrates' time, medicinal therapy was quite immature, and often the
- From Hoffman-LaRoche, isoniazid and iproniazid. Only patients with a poor, prognosis ,were initially treated; nevertheless, their condition improved dramatically.
- Descriptions of the symptomatology, physical findings, surgical treatment and, prognosis ,of thoracic emphysema,i.e. suppuration of the lining of the chest cavity. His
- Children are especially vulnerable to atropine poisoning, and their, prognosis ,is likely to be fatal. In some parts of Europe and India, Datura has been a
- That although there seemed to be a residual cognitive defect in most cases,the, prognosis ,was not as uniformly dire as he had stated in the 1890s. Still, he regarded it
- Ancient compendium include details of the examination, diagnosis,treatment, and, prognosis , of numerous ailments. The Suśrutasamhitā is notable for describing procedures
- The endocardium. Prognosis: Features suggestive of a worse, prognosis ,are Acute endocarditis (Staphylococcus aureus),heart failure, IV drug abuse
- CD8+ T cell response has been linked to slower disease progression and a better, prognosis , though it does not eliminate the virus. During this period (usually 2–4 weeks
- Acute heart attacks (myocardial infarction) despite much speculation. The, prognosis ,with syndrome-X coronary artery disease is also known to be better than with
- On to develop generalized tonic-clonic seizures. This condition carries a good, prognosis ,because children do not usually show cognitive decline or neurological deficits
- Often,3 Hz spike-wave or multiple spike discharges can be seen on EEG. The, prognosis ,is mixed, with some patients going on to a syndrome that is poorly
- In combining observed symptoms on the body of a patient with its diagnosis and, prognosis , The Diagnostic Handbook was based on a logical set of axioms and assumptions
- Who accompanied him. " Garcia-Ballester says the following of Galen’s use of, prognosis ,:" In modern medicine, we are used to distinguishing between the diagnostic
- To medicine and it was from them that the conceptual notions of diagnosis, prognosis , and medical examination (amongst others) originated. Prehistoric medicine
- Differently, had different population parameters, and different concepts of, prognosis , The reception of dementia praetor as an accepted diagnosis in British
- Components to the treatment of disease: examination, diagnosis,treatment, and, prognosis , http://www.britannica.com/eb/article? told 9032043&query
- Egyptian medicine, the Babylonians introduced the concepts of diagnosis, prognosis , physical examination, and medical prescriptions. In addition, the Diagnostic
- The next edition of the DSM, DSM-V,due to be published in May 2013. Change in, prognosis ,In the seventh,1904,edition of Psychiatric, Kraepelin accepted the
- Long term observation of patients, would produce reliable diagnoses including, prognosis ,: In this edition dementia praetor is still basically hebephrenia, and it
- Descriptions of the symptomatology, physical findings, surgical treatment and, prognosis ,of thoracic emphysema,i.e. suppuration of the lining of the chest cavity. His
- On his long-term research, and using the criteria of course, outcome and, prognosis , he developed the concept of dementia praetor, which he defined as the "
- Research are required for assessing diagnostic accuracy or natural history and, prognosis , and hence different" levels" are required. For example, the Oxford Center
- General diagnoses and passive treatments. Its focus was on patient care and, prognosis , not diagnosis. It could effectively treat diseases and allowed for a great
- Subacute bacterial endocarditis (Streptococcus virions) has a better, prognosis , Euler's conjecture is a disproved conjecture in mathematics related to Fermat
- Was now mid-winter. " Some Roman physicians criticized Galen for his use of the, prognosis ,in his treatment of Edemas. This practice conflicted with the then-current
- Of cancer and the anticipated treatment were not announced. His diagnosis and, prognosis ,were never publicly disclosed. However, he continued to serve as chairman of
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