Examples of the the word, durability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( durability ), is the 11990 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Such as fullerene and carbon nanotubes are added to rackets giving them greater, durability , There is a wide variety of racquet designs, although the laws limit the
  2. The hull, making the kayak float even if flooded. Modern Folders are known for, durability , stability, and longevity. The Keeper Arius I, a single–seater, has also been
  3. Go) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) are added to provide for a better chemical, durability , The resulting glass contains about 70 to 74 % silica by weight and is called a
  4. Its hand (its feel, particularly softness vs. scratchiness),its, durability ,against abrasion, its resistance to pilling, its hairiness (fuzziness),its
  5. Conquests resembling those of Alexander in extent and those of the Romans in, durability , " Cultural references * Joseph Addison's poem http://oldpoetry.com/opoem/5419
  6. Competitor Bentley's cars as" the world's the fastest lorries" for focusing on, durability , According to Bugatti," weight was the enemy ". File: RL 1938 Bugatti 57SC
  7. These factors accelerate the degradation of MFCF components, decreasing the, durability ,and cell life. Researchers are addressing this problem by exploring
  8. Vietnam War and the rescue of the SS Mayaguez. Ultimate End demonstrated the, durability ,of the C-130 after surviving hits in five places by 37 mm anti-aircraft
  9. Some authors even encourage users to choose thinner condoms" for greater, durability , sensation, and comfort ", but others warn that" the thinner the condom, the
  10. Has also been used successfully for whitewater kayaking, due to its, durability ,and excellent maneuverability. It often survives frequent use for more than 20
  11. To glass because it reduces electrical conductivity and improves stability and, durability ,of fiber optics and night vision devices. Cesium fluoride or cesium aluminum
  12. Fretless basses have epoxy coated fingerboards to increase the fingerboard ', durability , enhance sustain, and give a brighter tone. Although most fretless basses have
  13. Line as fighters during the critical early years of the Pacific War, and the, durability ,and bomb-carrying abilities (1,000 lb/454 kg) of the P-40 also made it ideal
  14. The main advantage of a particular comb material over another one is its, durability , In particular, a wooden comb can absorb moisture from the player's breath and
  15. Into the BSA bicycle range as well. BSA had a reputation for quality and, durability ,and their components were more expensive than either Chatterley or Brampton.
  16. The alloy used in drum kit cymbal bronze is unique in the desired balance of, durability ,and timbre. Modern cymbals consist of several types of bronze, the most common
  17. Reactivity Metakaolin (HRM): Metakaolin produces concrete with strength and, durability ,similar to concrete made with silica fume. While silica fume is usually dark
  18. Has proved to be very effective in preventing rust. The body's resulting, durability ,even surpassed Audi's own expectations, causing the manufacturer to extend its
  19. So, while the high-dose/refuge strategy has been successful at prolonging the, durability ,of BT crops, this success has also had much to do with key factors independent
  20. Batteries with flexible charge and discharge rates and extremely high cycling, durability , Ultra-short Swats (US-tubes) have been used as nanoscale capsules for
  21. Which are designed for self-defense) and the strength, simplicity and, durability ,of the revolver design is well-suited to outdoor use. Both designs are common
  22. Reduce damage during freeze-thaw cycles, thereby increasing the concrete's, durability , However, entrained air entails a trade-off with strength, as each 1 % of air
  23. Like chess, checkers,and backgammon are constructed of Bakelite for its look, durability , fine polish, weight,and sound. Common dice are sometimes made of Bakelite for
  24. Relievers, and a few hurlers, usually possessing high velocity but not much, durability , as closer. Along with the expansion of teams, the addition of more pitchers
  25. IBM manufacturing, which provided for exceptional long-term reliability and, durability , Many newer PCs, by contrast, use proprietary parts and PCs themselves become
  26. Being still the most" popular" metal coating with unbeatable combined, durability , A thin layer of chromium is deposited on pretreated metallic surfaces by
  27. Efficiency at ¼ power and 42–53 % vehicle efficiency at full power, and a, durability ,of over with less than 10 % degradation, double that achieved in 2006. In a
  28. Of the products make them suitable for use in the ground where high levels of, durability ,are required, though this is not to say that they are indestructible.
  29. Were carefully flaked to make blades and arrowheads of moderate hardness and, durability ,even after copper was adopted for this purpose. Ancient Egyptians were among
  30. Because of the human-like qualities they assigned to it, such as its hardness, durability , and beauty. In China, the most uncommon piece of jewelry was the earring
  31. And different methods of internal construction to improve tone, stability and, durability , Use in various music genres The accordion has traditionally been used to
  32. Indicating their main alloying constituents (DIN and ISO). The strength and, durability ,of aluminum alloys vary widely, not only as a result of the components of the
  33. For another to London. The objective of the event was to demonstrate the, durability ,of the V8 Vantage across hazardous terrain—and also to publicize the car in
  34. A much faster pozzolanic reaction. Silica fume is used to increase strength and, durability ,of concrete, but generally requires the use of superplasticizers for
  35. Modified slightly to produce the GE F101-102 for the B-1B,with an emphasis on, durability , and increased efficiency. The core of this engine has since been re-used in
  36. Conditioning. Captain America's strength, endurance,agility, speed,reflexes, durability , and healing are at the zenith of natural human potential. Rogers' body
  37. The material is valued by watchmakers for its light weight, scratch resistance, durability ,and smooth touch. IWC is one of the brands that initiated the use of ceramic in
  38. Surface treatments, coatings or lamination may follow to improve the chemical, durability ,(glass container coatings, glass container internal treatment),strength (
  39. In time. A related concept is the strength of memory that refers to the, durability ,that memory traces in the brain. The stronger the memory, the longer period of
  40. Its hand (its feel, particularly softness vs. scratchiness),its, durability ,against abrasion, its resistance to pilling, its hairiness (fuzziness),its
  41. In order to maximize their car's potential. Two tire compounds, with different, durability ,and adhesion characteristics, are available to drivers. Over the course of a
  42. And cylinder deactivation technologies with disastrous results due to poor, durability ,in the Oldsmobile diesels and drivability issues in the Cadillac V8-6-4
  43. Called water-reducers due to this use. Such treatment improves its strength and, durability ,characteristics. Superplasticizers (also called high-range water-reducers)
  44. Party," restored party rivalries," and forged a national organization of, durability , The Jackson coalition handily defeated Adams in 1828. During the election
  45. Vehicles with solid front and rear axles. These axles are known for their, durability , strength, and articulation. New Wranglers come with a Dana 44 rear
  46. Highly acidic soil has ensured that no organic remains have survived, but the, durability ,of the granite has meant that the remains of buildings, enclosures and
  47. The reason for not releasing the 2000,experts have cited the poor quality and, durability ,of its built-in joysticks and the greater in-house popularity of the competing
  48. One they choose to use will offer different possibilities for the shape and, durability ,of society (Work, McKenzie 1997). His famous example of this is using ancient
  49. Granite is also a popular choice for kitchen countertops due to it's high, durability ,and aesthetic qualities. In building and for countertops, the term" granite "
  50. Of the New York Cities Catskill Aqueduct, and was impressed with the, durability ,of Rosedale cement, came up with a blend of both Rosedale and synthetic

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