Examples of the the word, licenser , in a Sentence Context

The word ( licenser ), is the 11979 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Yong,2nd Baronet, Member of Parliament (born c. 1625) * Gilbert Abbot, licenser , of the press (born 1622) Luca Mezzo (born 1 August 1977 in Turin) is an
  2. Near the Brazilian border. Sony Pictures Mobile is a mobile entertainment, licenser , and publisher specializing in branded interactive games and personalization
  3. Also account for some economic activity. Being the second-largest maritime, licenser , in the world with more than 1,700 vessels registered under its flag, including
  4. Up to 1679. Under the powers of the act Sir Roger L'Estrange was appointed, licenser , and the effect of the supervision was that practically the newspaper press was
  5. Economics writer (died 1690) *date unknown - Gilbert Abbot, journalist and, licenser , of the press 1647-49 (died c1670) Deaths *August 21 - Juan de Tassis y
  6. Of his chaplains, and he held the office of domestic chaplain and ex-officio, licenser , of theological works to Juxon's successor, Archbishop Gilbert Sheldon, by whom
  7. Of the Westminster Assembly (1643),and in the same year was appointed a, licenser , of the press. On 6 October 1643 he spoke at the Guildhall in favor of the
  8. Government which was purely democratic over the whole sphere of public life. As, licenser , of the press As license, Mabbot had the power to withhold a license to publish
  9. Vital ". In 1966,the brand" Vital" was patented. Since 1970,when the, licenser , Glaabsbräu F. Glass & Co. founded together with other breweries the Vital
  10. Video game that is unrelated to id Software, apart from its role as engine, licenser , Heretic II was later ported to Linux by Loki Software and to the Amiga by
  11. To license the technology at no charge, but implementers still have to get the, licenser , 's permission to implement. The license may not make money off the deal but
  12. Coin introduced. * Roger L'Estrange becomes, licenser , of the press. * Gilbert Sheldon enthroned as
  13. Book of Paradise Lost by the archbishop of Canterbury's chaplain, acting as, licenser , are well known. The act expired in 1679,and for the remainder of the reign of
  14. The publication of news, and which he encountered as part of his service as a, licenser , of the press. He used his influence to appoint Abbot as his deputy from March
  15. Death. Gilbert Abbot, alternately Abbott (1622—c. 1670),was the official, licenser , of the press from 1647 to 1649 and himself a pioneering journalist and
  16. During the Commonwealth Abbot was either dismissed or resigned his position as, licenser , of the press in May 1649,John Rush worth resuming his previous duties. During
  17. Respected in that career for over 30 years. In the 1640s he was appointed, licenser , of mathematical publications, and so in effect a censor of astrological works
  18. October 20, 2005 to April 21, 2006. In 2004,A. D. Vision, the English language, licenser , released a director's cut versions of episodes 21 through 24 with its
  19. Democratic over the whole sphere of public life. As license of the press As, licenser , Abbot had the power to withhold a license to publish from those news books
  20. 1592? -1657) was an English Presbyterian clergyman. He was active as a, licenser , of theological publications under the Commonwealth, and belonged to the
  21. Roger L'Estrange was a pamphleteer who became the surveyor of presses and, licenser , of the press after the Restoration. In 1663–6,L'Estrange published The News (
  22. January 1643 rector of St. Christopher, London. Under the Commonwealth he was a, licenser , for the press, and prefixed many epistles to the books which he allowed to go
  23. Story more exposure for the upcoming film release, DreamWorks Pictures and the, licenser , of the original play, The Tams-Witmark Music Library, announced that they would
  24. Died 1644) was an English clergyman, chaplain to Archbishop William Laud. As, licenser , of publications of John Pocklington, he was drawn into Pocklington's case
  25. Henry gave away his own allotment - some 46 slaves, to which he was entitled as, licenser , of the expedition - among his captains and household servants). Second Slave
  26. Lilly thought highly of him, but they quarrelled over Booker's actions as, licenser , Booker also engaged in violent controversy with Sir George Wharton. In 1648
  27. But implementers still have to get the licenser 's permission to implement. The, licenser , may not make money off the deal but can still stop some type of products or
  28. Royalist party was rewarded on the restoration of the monarchy when he was made, licenser , of the press and joint editor, with Henry Median, of the new official
  29. In London, but upon her play ‘ The Whim’ being prohibited the stage by the, licenser , she left England in disgust. In October 1789 she was arrested at Paris as an
  30. In the title role. *In Britain, the new regime names Sir Roger L'Estrange its, licenser , of printed material. *The Glencoe Atlas is commissioned by Dutch merchants as a
  31. To Dead Island and become zombies out of choice. On March 21, 2011,gaming, licenser , ESRB announced that the original version of the Dead Island logo was not

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