Examples of the the word, breeze , in a Sentence Context

The word ( breeze ), is the 7587 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Maximum temperatures above can occur on a monthly basis. Along the coast,the, breeze , blowing alternately onshore and offshore, moderates the temperature. Because
  2. Years are occasionally followed by droughts. Santa Monica usually enjoys a cool, breeze ,blowing in from the ocean, keeping the air fresh and clean. Therefore, smog is
  3. Most beautiful green and reaching far above a man’s head, bent in the gentle, breeze ,that blew from the sea. Their red blossoms, shining like rubies, danced in the
  4. The predictable rhymes of his era::: Where-e'er you find" the cooling western, breeze , ":: In the next line, it " whispers through the trees; ":: If crystal streams
  5. Is a very hot one, making it appropriate for tanning sessions at the beach. The, breeze ,during hot days is refreshing because wind speed in the city is generally
  6. A horn, the other lent upon his back: Her fluttering tunic floated in the, breeze , His picturesque details belong to anecdote and fable: in all the depictions
  7. To in July. Summer heat is often moderated by a sea breeze known as the" delta, breeze ," which comes through the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta from the San
  8. With the highest day temperature ranging from to. At nights, a cool southerly, breeze ,carries moisture from the Bay of Bengal. In early summer brief squalls and
  9. By observing that on a very hot day, he stayed cooler in a wet shirt in a, breeze ,than he did in a dry one. To understand this phenomenon more clearly Franklin
  10. Changing weather and fast winds, particularly in winter; in January, a strong, breeze ,is registered 17 % of the time at Is fjord Radio, but only 1 % of the time in
  11. At first, it descends along the" canal" of the Radar valley, usually as a, breeze , When it encounters the high mountains that separate Greece from the Republic
  12. By this shaman permits intensive sun heating of the land surface, but the, breeze ,has some cooling effect. The combination of rain shortage and extreme heat
  13. Gases. However, flames may be maintained with any type of forced convection (, breeze ,); or (in high oxygen environments in" still" gas environments) entirely
  14. Changes less than land. This effect is noticeable; it is what brings the sea, breeze , air cooled by the water, ashore in the day, and carries the land breeze , air
  15. From English words to describe things unique to Newfoundland (for example stun, breeze , a wind of at least 20 knots (37 km/h) ), English words which have undergone
  16. Sea breeze , air cooled by the water, ashore in the day, and carries the land, breeze , air cooled by contact with the ground, out to sea during the night.
  17. A 4 on the door of Paine's cell, but Paine's door had been left open to let a, breeze ,in, because Paine was seriously ill at the time. That night, his other three
  18. In up to 180 days per year. The city is influenced by the Mediterranean Sea, breeze ,that occurs around midday. However, Bethlehem is affected also by annual waves
  19. For retreat. Cleopatra's fleet retreated to open sea without engaging. A, breeze ,sprang up in the right direction, and the Egyptian ships were soon hurrying out
  20. Journey, the flag ended up with a slightly wavy appearance, as if there were a, breeze , Shortly after the flag planting, President Richard Nixon spoke to them by a
  21. Ranging from in December to in July. Summer heat is often moderated by a sea, breeze ,known as the" delta breeze " which comes through the Sacramento-San Joaquin
  22. Her helpers (" Sub film d'un soffit Tesco" /“ On the breath of a fragrant, breeze , fly, nimble spirits” ) before all the characters arrive on the scene.
  23. Perth Airport recorded on the same day. On most summer afternoons a sea, breeze , also known as" The Fremantle Doctor ", blows from the south-west, providing
  24. In winter. Because of its inland location and when there is an absence of a sea, breeze , heatwaves occur (in particular during the months of July and August) with
  25. Depict not the bird in general but instead one instance and its relation to the, breeze , This is just one interpretation of Hopkins's the most famous poem, one which he
  26. June and September. Remarkably steady during daytime hours but becoming a, breeze ,at night, the mammal may blow for as long as nine days out of ten and then
  27. Some rising up in porticoes tiers to an Alana at the top that would catch a, breeze ,on the most stifling evenings (Vane 1987 ill. P 152) Late Roman owners of
  28. Both of them dwarf-made. One is the ship Skíðblaðnir, which will have favoring, breeze ,wherever its owner wants to go and can also be folded together like a napkin
  29. Tolerable, water temperatures and the cooling effects of the lake-generated sea, breeze , Both beaches have picnicked areas, grills,children's playgrounds and lifeguard
  30. Days, elephants will flap their ears constantly, creating a slight breeze . This, breeze ,cools the surface blood vessels, and then the cooler blood gets circulated to
  31. But like cards are more susceptible to minor disturbances such as a sudden, breeze , The traditional set of dominoes contains one unique piece for each possible
  32. The downtown section. Some 640 structures burned before a late afternoon sea, breeze ,stopped its progress, allowing firefighters to put it out. The next big growth
  33. In many locations it needs no other water than the humidity carried by the sea, breeze ,to live. The plant has also sometimes been referred to as Ant hos, from the
  34. Have the same effect and many boats will sail faster with less sail in a stiff, breeze ,due to the reduction in underwater drag. Easing the sheets on aft-most sails
  35. Which fastens the letter. (duet: Full'aria ... Che Soave Zeffirelli –" On the, breeze ,… What a gentle little Zephyr" ). A chorus of young peasants, among them
  36. At the top of the thermal. Another convection-driven weather effect is the sea, breeze , Warm air has a lower density than cool air, so warm air rises within cooler
  37. Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the, breeze , o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
  38. Bushes or similar items in suspected sniper hides. These rags flutter in the, breeze ,creating random movements in the corner of the sniper's eye, which he/she will
  39. Passion and warmth of Cavalieri, the exotic flavor of Iris, the idyllic, breeze ,that ventilates the charming L'amino Fritz and Loretta, the Gallic
  40. Gullinbursti and possesses the ship Skíðblaðnir which always has a favorable, breeze ,and can be folded together and carried in a pouch when it is not being used. He
  41. As the real Mary Rose went to make the turn. As the model made the turn,the, breeze ,in the upper works forced it to heel more than at calm, forcing the main deck
  42. Yoga technique of Kundalini awakening suggest the practice can result in a cool, breeze ,felt on the fingertips as well as on the fontanel bone area. One study has
  43. Was seen approaching from the south on the larboard tack with a moderate, breeze ,from north-west-by-north, and steered directly for the Spanish three-decker.
  44. On hot days, elephants will flap their ears constantly, creating a slight, breeze , This breeze cools the surface blood vessels, and then the cooler blood gets
  45. By eyewitnesses without capsizing. In later tests, a fan was used to create a, breeze ,similar to the one reported to have suddenly sprung up on the day of the
  46. The same goes for words combined of two words to one meaning: Kaifeng (, sea, breeze , ); Wendy (, Q&A ), quánguó (,'pan-national' ) ##Combined meaning (4 or more
  47. Rumours about him (this aria, La Calpurnia è un Monticello/Calumny is a little, breeze ,is almost always sung a tone lower than the original D major). When the two
  48. And cool, rainy winters. Humidity tends to be high year-round due to ocean, breeze , In winter, average temperatures are usually between and, with temperatures as
  49. Right). If we have a way to calculate the gamma function numerically, it is a, breeze ,to calculate numerical values of such products. The number of gamma functions
  50. To totter, to waver' ( in the sense of the" waving" of a flag in the, breeze ,). Other proposals include a derivation from Celtic ll afar (" eloquent" )

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