Examples of the the word, improper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( improper ), is the 7585 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Citing a shortened key length and the mysterious" S-boxes" as evidence of, improper ,interference from the NSA. The suspicion was that the algorithm had been
  2. And several other large cities; land degradation and water pollution caused by, improper ,mining activities note: President Cardoso in September 1999 signed in to force
  3. With a fine (eyes uxorious). The dissolution of matrimony or betrothed in an, improper ,way, or for insufficient reasons. Improper conduct towards one's wife or
  4. 2) between positive and negative parts. However, if (1) is construed as an, improper ,integral rather than a Lebesgue integral, then (2) is undefined, and (1) is
  5. Etc. The failure to formally object at the time, to what one views as, improper ,action in the lower court, may result in the affiance of the lower court's
  6. Or a takeover bid was defeated, this would not itself make the share issue, improper , But if the sole purpose was to destroy a voting majority, or block a takeover
  7. Signed a national anti-torture decree in 2006 to ban all forms of abuse and, improper ,treatment in Equatorial Guinea and commissioned the renovation and
  8. Non cults" ) is made that no superstitious or heretical worship or, improper ,cult has grown up around the servant or his or her tomb, and relics are taken.
  9. Times, female cellists sometimes played side-saddle, since it was considered, improper ,for a lady to part her knees in public. A player's handedness does not alter
  10. Sued the hospital for inadequate care, saying that the arrhythmia was caused by, improper ,care and water intoxication. Warhol's body was taken back to Pittsburgh by his
  11. Sexual crimes ranging from forcible rape of women or children to consensual but, improper ,activities; or the theft of public or sacred property. Two well-known cases are
  12. Being charged. AOL was sued by the Ohio Attorney General in October 2003 for, improper ,billing practices. The case was settled on June 8,2005. AOL agreed to resolve
  13. Slip due to latex degradation (typically from usage past the expiration date, improper ,storage, or exposure to oils). The rate of breakage is between 0.4 % and 2.3 %
  14. Must exercise their powers for a proper purpose. While in many instances an, improper ,purpose is readily evident, such as a director looking to feather his or her
  15. And our treasure ships from South America not being arrived — makes it, improper ,for us to declare immediately. " Meanwhile, Grimaldi reassured Lee, stores of
  16. Implementation of tax collection procedures and penalties for offenders, and, improper , accounting of the overall system of basic subsidies and domestic debt, leading
  17. Reviewed the NSA's actions to determine whether there had been any, improper ,involvement. In the unclassified summary of their findings, published in 1978
  18. May produce false positives, where unused memory is not released because of, improper ,pointer identification. This is not always a problem in practice unless the
  19. Accounts of what was said in trial, making it easier to determine bias or, improper ,conduct on the part of the governor. With these records and the Empire's
  20. Instructing the jury on the law applicable to the case, permitting seriously, improper ,argument by an attorney, admitting or excluding evidence improper ly, acting
  21. Catholic. The objections of the English Puritans were; firstly, that it was, improper ,for the lay congregation to take any vocal part in prayer (as in the Litany or
  22. Century, an increasing number of police and gendarmes have been prosecuted for, improper ,conduct. President Paul Biya's Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM)
  23. Years and years felt scarcely a doubt about, but should have considered it most, improper ,in me to hint to you that I in any way suspected ". Lovelace did not blame the
  24. Picnic. Work on this film began in 1976. The production was mired in troubles;, improper ,development of the negatives had ruined all the exterior shots. Tarkovsky's
  25. Scandal: US President Bill Clinton admits in taped testimony that he had an ", improper ,physical relationship" with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. On the same
  26. 1997 the ACLU had taken a strong position that nearly all spam legislation was, improper , although it has supported" opt-out" requirements in some cases. The ACLU
  27. And a beer belly. But with most overconsumption, it is more a problem of, improper ,exercise and overconsumption of carbohydrates than the product itself. Several
  28. In the Executive branch and Congress, they also occasionally initiated, improper ,activities and then concealed them from officials whom they had a duty to
  29. Roman Emperor Joseph II. The choice of The Marriage of Figaro was considered, improper ,for a new bride by many observers, and the couple left the opera theater early
  30. Unless a party appeals it. Therefore, if a lower court has ruled in an, improper ,manner, or against legal precedent, that judgment will stand if not appealed -
  31. Power to prohibit the behavior of another group may seem to some observers an, improper ,limitation of the second group's freedom, and the ordinary members of society
  32. Signed a national anti-torture decree in 2006 to ban all forms of abuse and, improper ,treatment in Equatorial Guinea and commissioned the renovation and
  33. Discovered too often that his stories were printed with incorrect pages of art, improper ,colors, poor lettering, or pixelated computer conversions of the illustrations.
  34. Plagues Environment - current issues: n inadequate supplies of potable water;, improper ,waste disposal in rural areas contributes to soil and water pollution;
  35. Or curtail change, prescriptivists argue that to indiscriminately document ", improper ," or" inferior" usages sanctions those usages by default and causes language
  36. Of organized crime remains very high. A period of large trade deficits and, improper ,real estate investment hit Bulgaria hard during the late-2000s recession
  37. That the experience of déjà vu is possibly a neurological anomaly related to, improper ,electrical discharge in the brain. As most people suffer a mild (i.e.
  38. Records can be kept, to help resolve complaints. * The software prevents, improper ,plays and calls, such as insufficient bids, revokes (failure to follow suit
  39. Felt that the regulation of the internal employment of churches was" ... an, improper ,intrusion of the federal government. " Opposition from business interests Many
  40. Was to destroy a voting majority, or block a takeover bid, that would be an, improper ,purpose. Not all jurisdictions recognized the" proper purpose" duty as
  41. From the FAA. Repair issues included such items as faulty emergency slides, improper ,engine coatings, incorrectly drilled holes and other examples of shoddy
  42. Are three common ways of arranging dancers in the minor sets: proper formation, improper ,formation, and Becket formation. There are many additional forms a contra dance
  43. In a particular way at future board meetings. This is so even if there is no, improper ,motive or purpose, and no personal advantage to the director. This does not
  44. Applied fields, complex numbers are often used to compute certain real-valued, improper ,integrals, by means of complex-valued functions. Several methods exist to do
  45. Swiss boy. One biographer called the friendship" bizarre" although not ", improper ," and a sign of" pitiful loneliness" Montgomery's memoirs (1958)
  46. Health benefits, environmentalism,and" discriminatory taxation to deter, improper ,or luxurious behavior ". Similarly, Vivienne Brown stated in The Economic
  47. Of failure Condoms may slip off the penis after ejaculation, break due to, improper ,application or physical damage (such as tears caused when opening the package
  48. The evidence supplied by Sir Henry Vane in relation to Strafford's alleged, improper ,use and threat to England via the Irish army was not corroborated and on 10
  49. Meeting ". The White House FBI files controversy of June 1996 arose concerning, improper ,access by the White House to FBI security-clearance documents. Craig
  50. Japan Airlines Flight 123 and China Airlines Flight 611 crashes stemmed from, improper ,aircraft repair. United Airlines Flight 811,which suffered an explosive

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