Examples of the the word, depot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( depot ), is the 7583 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The north side of the Stratford line east of the station, while the Beckon, depot ,is to the east of the line on a long spur north-east of Gallons Reach station.
  2. Moon's far side. Earth–Moon would be" an ideal location" for a propellant, depot ,as part of the proposed Depot-based space transportation architecture. If the
  3. French again, Dutch magazine, and Russian магазин (magazine),is used for a, depot , store, or warehouse. In English the word magazine has also the meaning of "
  4. Served as a supply depot during the period, and it included a post office,a, depot , a blacksmith shop and stable, a couple of general stores, two saloons, a
  5. The companies operate from Jerusalem Central Bus Station, the city's main bus, depot , located on Jeff Road near the western entrance to Jerusalem from Highway 1.
  6. Fictional character from television series Oz * Cyril" Blake" Blake, the bus, depot ,inspector from the 1970s British comedy TV series On the Buses Coercion ()
  7. Army Regiments. The regular Regiment,22 SAS, has its headquarters and, depot ,located in Hereford and consists of five squadrons: A, B,D, G and Reserve with
  8. More significant today than it was when Julius Caesar used it as a provisions, depot ,for his troops during his campaigns in the 1st century BC. At that time, it was
  9. The Hercules. George Sedan intended to reach Franz Josef Land on ship, leave a, depot ,over there, and sledge to the pole. Due to the heavy ice the vessel could only
  10. Historic District and Massachusetts Avenue Historic District. * The railroad, depot ,in what became the town of Cornelia, Georgia (October 22, 1887) was named
  11. Robbery, stealing £53m (about $92.5 million or €78 million) from a Security, depot ,in Ton bridge, Kent. *2011 – An earthquake measuring 6.3 in magnitude strikes
  12. School district since 1971. The old Grower's Market, downtown near the Amtrak, depot , is the only food cooperative in the U. S. with no employees. It is possible to
  13. As in geology or banking),a storehouse, or a transportation hub (bus, depot ,); demi-glace: a reduced wine-based sauce for meats and poultry;: semi-dry
  14. There are three separate tram networks in the city: * Krasnopresnenskoye, depot ,network with the westernmost point at Stroking ( depot location) and the
  15. S distinctive Art Deco spire was originally designed to be a mooring mast and, depot ,for dirigibles. The 102nd floor was originally a landing platform with a
  16. Of Martinique and Guadalupe to the French. Napoleon looked upon Louisiana as a, depot ,for these sugar islands, and as a buffer to U. S. settlement. In October 1801
  17. Eurostar operates a single Class 08 diesels hunter as the pilot at Temple Mills, depot , Fleet updates In 2004–2005 the" Three Capitals" sets still in daily use for
  18. If he came to Edinburgh the following day, where one had been stored in the bus, depot ,since a passenger left it on a bus. The professional instrument quickly
  19. Historical development During the 19th century, the supply and maintenance, depot ,for ships at Stanley developed into a port serving ships rounding Cape Horn.
  20. Arlington, Virginia. History Davis grew around a Southern Pacific Railroad, depot ,built in 1868. It was then known as" Louisville," named for Jerome C. Davis
  21. Senegal lived in St. Christopher (today St. Kits) in 1626. By 1672 a slave, depot ,existed on the island of Nevis, serving the Leeward Islands. While the time of
  22. North side of the junction was only used for trains to travel to and from the, depot ,at Poplar, not in regular passenger service. The first stations were mostly of
  23. Corrosion being the worst problem. Between 1993 and 2003,the amount of KC-135, depot , maintenance work doubled, and the overhaul cost per aircraft tripled. In 1996
  24. Legion. The Third Battalion was left in Bastian, Corsica,as a regimental, depot , and was intended to supply both foreign regiments that left for Crimea. The
  25. And downtown during the U-M school year until August 20, 2009. A downtown bus, depot ,served by Greyhound Lines provides out-of-town bus service, and is the city's
  26. Now a part of Oracle Corporation) has two offices in Boise and a parts, depot ,in Pocatello. Sun brings $4M in annual salaries and over $300M of revenue to
  27. Sumter to house incoming Union prisoners of war. The town served as a supply, depot ,during the period, and it included a post office, a depot , a blacksmith shop
  28. American spy satellites. Later on, it became the site of a chemical weapon, depot ,and the site of the Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System (JAC ADS).
  29. With maintenance workshops and extensive open-air carriage sidings. The Poplar, depot , which is also the operating headquarters of DLR Limited and Servo Docklands
  30. Bombs are dropped for the first time by American P-38 pilots on a fuel, depot ,at Companies, near St. LO, France. *1948 – The South Korean constitution is
  31. Chamber in the U. S. Capitol in Washington’D. C. to the B&O Railroad" outer, depot ," (now the B&O Railroad Museum) in Baltimore. The famous message was: What
  32. During World War II the military airfield served as a refueling and transit, depot , During the Cold War, Naval Air Station Kelvin played an important role in
  33. Albacete soon became the International Brigades headquarters and its main, depot , It was run by a troika of Comintern heavyweights: André Marty was commander;
  34. Pacific station, Alexandria,LA IMG 1138. JPG|Former Missouri Pacific Railroad, depot ,in downtown Alexandria historic district Image: Rapids Parish Courthouse (
  35. To lease these from Edinburgh Trams, where the construction of new track and, depot ,is facing long delays, but the rolling stock was due for delivery from early in
  36. Krasnopresnenskoye depot network with the westernmost point at Stroking (, depot ,location) and the easternmost point near platform Dmitrovskaya. This network
  37. Ship survives and was still in commission until 2011 as a Royal Naval Reserve, depot ,in Belfast, Northern Ireland: the light cruiser HMS Caroline. Remembrance The
  38. Where it came to rest. In early December 2005 the 2005 Heel Hempstead fuel, depot ,explosions occurred at the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal. In 2012,the
  39. The spring of 216 BC, Hannibal took the initiative and seized the large supply, depot ,at Can nae in the Apulian plain. By capturing Can nae, Hannibal had placed
  40. Grown from the GRT Group. First is still based at the former Aberdeen Tramways, depot ,on King Street, soon to be redeveloped into a new Global Headquarters and
  41. During World War I, the German sabotage of the Black Tom Wharf ammunition, depot ,damaged buildings on Ellis Island. The repairs included the current
  42. A $3.5 million project to renovate and expand the Wabash Station, a rail, depot ,built in 1910 and converted into the city's transit center in the mid-1980s
  43. The 5th most bike-friendly city in America. Passenger train The 1908 Amtrak, depot ,downtown was restored in 2004; it is the southern terminus for two daily runs
  44. Form are haloperidol, olanzapine,and ziprasidone while those available as, depot ,are haloperidol, flupenthixol, clopenthixol, and risperidone. Antipsychotics
  45. Battalion in Echternach and the second in Dietrich, two reserve Companies and a, depot ,Company. In 1866,the Austro-Prussian war resulted in the dissolution of the
  46. Munich NATO and Tour Suzuki, stole a case of whale meat from a delivery, depot ,in Armor prefecture, Japan. Their intention was to expose what they considered
  47. Rather than tablets. The injection may be of a long-lasting type known as a, depot ,injection, usually applied at the top of the buttocks. Those that are available
  48. Houses. (Ben Dykes, who owned the land on which the prison was built, was both, depot ,agent and postmaster. ) Until the establishment of the prison, the area was
  49. Street, soon to be redeveloped into a new Global Headquarters and Aberdeen bus, depot , Stagecoach Group also run buses in Aberdeen and Aberdeen shire, under the
  50. Military Police Unit. Also, at BTC was the Logistical Command, consisting of a, depot , arsenal (whose location had been declared unsafe),the AFL Quartermaster

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