Examples of the the word, sceptical , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Are a relatively recent trend; earlier generations of historians were less, sceptical , Historian John Morris made the putative reign of Arthur the organizing
  2. And others, many modern scientists who deal with carbon transformations are, sceptical , that there is a" super-charged" way to get nature to make compost rapidly.
  3. Time. In 2007,she wrote that she did not want to belittle the issue but was, sceptical , of the claims that specific actions would prevent catastrophe, then in 2008
  4. Entirely convincing; Moore, however,defends his argument on the grounds that, sceptical , arguments seem invariably to require an appeal to" philosophical intuitions "
  5. Most profitable compositions. Brahms and religion Despite Brahms' humanist and, sceptical , tendencies,it is certain one of his musical influences was the Bible. He was
  6. Terms, instead beginning studies at Eastbound College. He became increasingly, sceptical , about Christianity, pointing out logical inconsistencies in the Bible to his
  7. Peter Stan sky and William Abrahams note that at Eton Blair displayed a ", sceptical , attitude " to Christian belief, and that:" Shaw's preface to his recently
  8. Of contention between those crusaders who believed Bartholomew, and the more, sceptical , who did not; yet in the end its" discovery" was credited by the crusaders in
  9. Would be replaced by a new understanding of the physical basis of mind. He was, sceptical , of organized religion, referring to himself as a skeptic and an agnostic with "
  10. Physicians still pay heed to their ancient traditions: The critical sense and, sceptical , attitude of the citation of medicine from the shackles of priest craft and of
  11. The Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, most scientists remained, sceptical , Finally, Venetz managed to convince his friend Jean de Charpentier. DE
  12. Album (Unsound Methods) in 1997. Following Wilder's departure, many were, sceptical , of whether Depeche Mode would ever record again. Gahan's mental state and drug
  13. And two external church witnesses. Many unionists, however,remain, sceptical , This IRA decommissioning is in contrast to Loyalist paramilitaries who have so
  14. Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey. " He is, sceptical , and pessimistic, his most-often-made statement being" Life will go on as it
  15. In Physiology or Medicine, called himself an atheist, but specified that ", sceptical , agnostic " was a more" philosophically correct" term. *George Olaf (b. 1927
  16. Trends already mentioned: scholastic philosophy, systematic metaphysics, and,skeptical, empiricism,not to forget the burgeoning science of his day. Like the systems
  17. He sought to make a career in the ALP there, but local Labor supporters were, sceptical , of Whitlam's loyalties, given his privileged background. He also became a
  18. Charters in the same archive. Historian Wilhelm Levi son, writing in 1946,was, sceptical , about the authenticity of this charter. Æthelberht built Justus a cathedral
  19. Kriechbaum: The navigator and III (3rd Watch Officer). Always slightly, sceptical , of the Captain, and shows no enthusiasm during the voyage, or any anger when a
  20. Attempt to start a neo-Hassidic community in the Negev desert, Steinsaltz is, sceptical , about interfaith work. During a visit of a delegation of Roman Catholic
  21. Reinforcements that Hitler refused to allocate. Ironically, Hitler had been, sceptical , about sending Rommel to Africa in the first place. He'd only done so after
  22. A single daily Ashford-Brussels service. Some critics have remained, sceptical , as very few ticket distributors sell tickets either coming from or going to
  23. Largely abandoned after much time and money were wasted. The Germans, who were, sceptical , of Casement, but nonetheless aware of the military advantage they could gain
  24. Of Confers Middleton, an unorthodox theologian. Walpole came to accept the, sceptical , nature of Middleton's attitude to some essential Christian doctrines for the
  25. Despite some controversy, most scholars agree that the view of Phil, the most, sceptical , of the three, comes closest to Hume's own. Hume's influence Attention to Hume
  26. S proposals and actions, then-French President, Charles de Gaulle, who was, sceptical , of the rising supranational power of the Commission, accused Hall stein of
  27. Deeply Calvinist Afrikaans religious community that had hitherto been somewhat, sceptical , of a Bible translation out of the original Dutch language to which they were
  28. In effect, paralyse their cooperation. " Poland notes that utilitarian and, sceptical , arguments in defense of free scientific inquiry undercut what they are invoked
  29. Upon replication in four separate laboratories the study was published. Still, sceptical , of the findings, Nature assembled an independent investigative team to
  30. However, there were voices that were more cautious. There were many who were, sceptical , about the efficacy of Molotov Cocktails and Sips grenades against the more
  31. Expounding ideas that are now described as relativist, existentialist,and, sceptical , For example, he expresses a subjectivity idea when he says to Rosencrantz: "
  32. 1979),took over as SDP leader after the 1983 General Election. He was more, sceptical , about close relations with the Liberals than his predecessor Roy Jenkins, and
  33. That in this narrative Paul was making use of an oral tradition, and is, sceptical , that it can be considered a typical heavenlier (" hero's lay" ). Reign in
  34. Supposed puns within the sonnets themselves. The anonymous narrator is at first, sceptical , then believing, finally flirtatious with the reader: he concludes that" there
  35. Of vulgar fun rather than the Odinic wanderer that I think of ". Tolkien was, sceptical , of the emerging Tolkien fandom in the United States, and in 1954 he returned
  36. Answer to these questions is its reaction to Skepticism. In response to the, sceptical , position that we only know the appearances presented by our senses, and not the
  37. Of a boat. ARIC declared that the object was" probably animate ". Others were, sceptical , saying that the" hump" cannot be ruled out as being a boat, and claimed that
  38. Her sister was not supportive of her son's musical aspirations. As Mimi was, sceptical , of his claim that he would be famous one day, she hoped he would grow bored
  39. Then in religion" but it would teach children to" ask for evidence, to be, sceptical , critical, open-minded ". On 15 September 2010,Dawkins, along with 54 other
  40. If it could be achieved. When I asked the Führer to send me to London, I was, sceptical , whether it would work. However, in view of Edward VIII, a final attempt seemed
  41. A homeopathic dilution of anti-immunoglobulin E antibody. The journal editors, sceptical , of the results, requested that the study be replicated in a separate laboratory
  42. He also implies that Marlowe had Catholic sympathies. Other passages are merely, sceptical , in tone:" he persuades men to atheism, willing them not to be afraid of
  43. Who had been in charge of Lazio's 4–2 win over Inter in 2002; the fans were, sceptical , Zaccheroni brought nothing new to the side, apart from two fantastic wins over
  44. But took a more welfare position than the Conservative Party, being more, sceptical , of Conservative welfare reforms (particularly regarding the Health Service).
  45. That an external world exists. Not surprisingly, not everyone inclined to, sceptical , doubts found Moore's method of argument entirely convincing; Moore, however
  46. Devastated. Even before the summer offensive the Russian population was highly, sceptical , about the continuation of the war. Western socialists had arrived promptly from
  47. Is the principal unit of selection in evolution. Dawkins has consistently been, sceptical , about non-adaptive processes in evolution (such as spaniels, described by
  48. Very limits of instrumental capabilities at the time, astronomers were widely, sceptical , for several years about this and other similar observations. Some of the
  49. Will agree with this last claim, the argument seems inconclusive. Setting aside, sceptical , concerns about the possession of knowledge, Gettier cases have suggested the
  50. Would have been a" hard chose" between the two. Modern experts have been more, sceptical , to her sailing qualities, believing that ships at this time were almost

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