Examples of the the word, specimen , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Is a good idea. However, it isn't imperative, as they can be kept as a single, specimen , As stated earlier, they can get to their food rather swiftly, even more so
  2. Of up to hundreds of millions of atoms from a sharp tip (corresponding to, specimen ,volumes of 10,000-1,000,000 nm3). Overview Atom probe samples are shaped to
  3. Or Tommy for short. The origins are obscure, but most probably derive from a, specimen ,army form circulated by the Adjutant-General Sir Harry Calvert to all units in
  4. Tubes after each breath) has been estimated at about 184 liters for a 30 ton, specimen , Its tidal volume (the amount of air moved in or out during a single breath)
  5. Two beams. The test is unstable (i.e. the crack propagates along the entire, specimen ,once a critical load is attained) and a modified version of this test
  6. And dismissed him with presents and a letter for Louis IX, the latter a fine, specimen ,of Mongol insolence. But it is certain that before the friar had quit" Tartary
  7. Inertia was proposed called the tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB), specimen , * Peel tests measure the fracture resistance of a thin layer bonded on a thick
  8. Later offered to reimburse Hume for any costs incurred in recovering a, specimen ,of the unknown animal, but for various reasons Hume did not return to the lake.
  9. Apatosaurus Louise at. It was roughly the weight of four elephants. One, specimen ,of A. excels us was estimated to weigh; estimates for A. Louise were Other
  10. At Bakker's lair sites. The left scapula and fibula of an Allosaurus fragile, specimen ,cataloged as USNO 4734 are both pathological, both probably due to healed
  11. More than 300 dead sheep in the region of Boracay, and the capture of a possible, specimen ,to be analyzed by zoologists at the National University of Colombia. In August
  12. With a fractured rib was recovered from the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry. Another, specimen ,had fractured ribs and fused vertebrae near the end of the tail. An apparent
  13. Pulsed high voltage source (typically 1-2 KV) is generated and applied to the, specimen , with pulse repetition rates in the hundreds of kilohertz range. The
  14. Ions are impacted onto a detector, which may be up to several meters from the, specimen , The samples used in atom probe are usually a metallic or semiconducting
  15. Subordinates). For example, after the discovery by Benjamin Judge of the type, specimen ,of Allosaurus in Colorado, Marsh elected to concentrate work in Wyoming; when
  16. Screen to create a projected image of the tip's work function, near the, specimen ,surface. Whilst providing a projected image, the technique has limited
  17. Discovery of" Big Al" ( FOR 693),a 95 % complete, partially articulated, specimen ,that measured about 8 meters (about 26 ft) in length. FOR 693 was excavated
  18. To have extensive pathologies, with a total of fourteen separate injuries. The, specimen ,FOR 693 had pathologies on five ribs, the sixth neck vertebra the third eighth
  19. Is that the data density is highly inhomogeneous, due to the corrugation of the, specimen ,surface at the atomic scale. This corrugation gives rise to strong electric
  20. An adult Archaeopteryx would have been a better flyer than the juvenile Munich, specimen ,was dubious. This, they reasoned, would require even thicker ranches, evidence
  21. BMNH 1708) reached perhaps 10.9 meters (36 ft) in length, Another potential, specimen ,of Allosaurus, once assigned to the genus Eateries (AMH 5767),may have
  22. The largest mounted dinosaur in the world (a brachiosaurus),and a preserved, specimen ,of the early bird Archaeopteryx. In Dale, there are several museums of world
  23. Was once thought to have become extinct about 70 million years ago. A live, specimen ,was caught in 1938 off Southern Africa; other coelacanths have since been found
  24. To as a" pole ", as these are coincident with the crystallographic axes of the, specimen ,(FCC, BCC,HCP) etc. Where the edges of an atomic terrace causes deflection
  25. Measurements of the machines themselves, noting that the feathers in the Munich, specimen ,are poorly preserved. Nudes and Dyke reported a diameter of for the longest
  26. Once this condition is met, it is sufficient that local bonding at the, specimen ,surface is capable of being overcome by the field, allowing for evaporation of
  27. Suggestion was upheld by the ICON after four years of debate, and the London, specimen ,was designated the retype on October 3,2011. Synonyms If two names are given
  28. The describer of the species did not recognize this as pathological. The, specimen ,also contains some exocytosis on the fourth left metatarsal. Two of the five
  29. Ajax. He followed this in 1879 with a description of another, more complete, specimen , which he thought represented a new genus and species, which he named
  30. That electronic typesetting for the project is nearing completion, and, specimen , pages have appeared on their website. Under Pope Benedict XVI's moth program
  31. Of an ant (Sphecomyrma Fran) that lived in the Cretaceous period. The, specimen , trapped in amber dating back to more than 80 million years ago, has features
  32. By the average-sized thigh-bones he has measured. Using the subadult, specimen ,nicknamed" Big Al ", researchers using computer modelling arrived at the best
  33. Paul argued that a more reasonable body weight estimate for the Munich, specimen ,is about 140 grams. Paul also criticized the measurements of the machines
  34. Two years later, Marsh announced the discovery of a larger and more complete, specimen ,at Como Bluff Wyoming—which, because of discrepancies including the size
  35. With white and gray. Quartz forms within these nodules, creating a striking, specimen ,when cut opposite the layered growth axis. It is often dyed in various colors
  36. Some fractures were poorly healed and" formed pseudoarthroses. " A, specimen ,with a fractured rib was recovered from the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry. Another
  37. As USNO 4734 are both pathological, both probably due to healed fractures. The, specimen ,USNO 8367 preserved several pathological Australia which preserve evidence of
  38. Big Al Two ", which is the best preserved skeleton of its kind to date. The, specimen ,was described by Breitbart in 1996. Recent work has followed a" one species "
  39. Adsorbed and emitted from the specimen , even though not present in the original, specimen , This may also limit identification of Hydrogen in some samples. However
  40. The exact magnification is dependent upon conditions specific to the examined, specimen , so unlike for conventional electron microscopes, there is often little direct
  41. Special The Ballad of Big Al, which speculated on the life of the" Big Al ", specimen , based on scientific evidence from the numerous injuries and pathologies in its
  42. And a daughter, Cadmea. In a famous passage that is often considered the first, specimen ,of alternative history, Livy speculates on what would have been the outcome of
  43. In the campaign, but not as general. The next year,367 BC, was initiated by a, specimen ,of Alexander's treacherous cruelty, in the massacre of the citizens of
  44. Have been suggested as those of Allosaurus. The discovery of a juvenile, specimen ,with a nearly complete hind limb shows that the legs were relatively longer in
  45. Through successive evaporation of material, layers of atoms are removed from a, specimen , allowing for probing not only of the surface, but also through the material
  46. Rachises. Nudes and Dyke had assumed a weight of 250 grams for the Munich, specimen ,Archaeopteryx, a young juvenile, based on published weight estimates of larger
  47. To remove from the analysis chamber, and may be adsorbed and emitted from the, specimen , even though not present in the original specimen . This may also limit
  48. Average length of 8.5 meters (28 ft),with the largest definitive Allosaurus, specimen ,(AMH 680) estimated at 9.7 meters long (32 ft),and an estimated weight of
  49. Global attention. Phyllis Cannon, who was responsible for capturing the alleged, specimen , claimed that t-shirts highlighting the event were shipped to locations such as
  50. Has issued a coin. *Year collections: Rather than being satisfied with a single, specimen ,of a type, a great many collectors collect type by year; for example, one

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