Examples of the the word, texture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( texture ), is the 5865 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For the piano, the Études (1915) interprets similar varieties of style and, texture ,purely as pianist exercises and includes pieces that develop irregular form
  2. Listening more intently to the spinning out of complexities found within the, texture ,of a polyphonic composition, but also to draw them all the more into hearing
  3. Factors),this hair type conveys a dry or matte appearance. It is coarse,The, texture ,likely predates the evolution of dark skin. It evolved when, as pre-human
  4. With each section playing unison allows the arranger to create a five-part, texture , Often an arranger will divide each violin section in half or thirds to achieve
  5. Of load. Anisotropy in poly crystalline materials can also be due to certain, texture ,patterns which are often produced during manufacturing of the material. In the
  6. Address Remapping Table (PART). PART reapportions main memory as needed for, texture ,storage, allowing the graphics card to access them directly. The maximum amount
  7. Can be processed into a milk substitute called almond milk; the nut's soft, texture , mild flavor, and light coloring (when skinned) make for an efficient
  8. And elegance. Indeed, he rather relished the idea of being of the same rough, texture ,as the great majority of his subjects. His straightforward, abrupt manner
  9. Caused by a mutation in one letter out of 3.1 billion letters of DNA. Hair The, texture ,of hair in people of Sub-Saharan African ancestry is noticeably different from
  10. Or cold climates, but is shed in hot weather to prevent overheating. In its, texture ,and distribution over the body, the borzoi coat is unique. Borzoi males
  11. Of Libya (the" western Ethiopians" ) as wooly-haired. Such" armchair ", texture ,is denser than its straight counterparts. Due to this, it is often referred to
  12. With the implication that his concerts would have only one. Since polyphonic, texture ,was no longer the main focus of music (excluding the development section) but
  13. It stood pure and independent (mounds EF Mouton),a thing of finer, texture , alike in all its manifestations and everywhere the same. This subtle agent
  14. Pork *Andouille - a spicy dry smoked sausage, characterized by a coarse-ground, texture ,*Boudin - a fresh sausage made with green onions, pork,and rice. Pig's blood
  15. Absent, having fallen off the clay model in an accident. The work emphasized, texture ,and the emotional state of the subject; it illustrated the" unfinishedness "
  16. Would be recognized in conformity with the combinations of hair color, hair, texture , eye color, and skin color. These types grade into each other like the colors
  17. The roast, from which I cut and ate a central slice, was tender, and in color, texture , smell as well as taste, strengthened my certainty that of all the meats we
  18. Designed to exploit the new AGP feature set. In fact, it was designed to, texture ,only from AGP memory, making PCI versions of the board difficult to implement (
  19. To hit the back wall of the table, which is normally faced with an angular, texture ,such as diamonds, making controlled spins more difficult. Whether it is
  20. To give another example, the formal qualities of painting are the canvas, texture , color, and brush texture . The formal qualities of video games are
  21. As this allows the meat to be mixed with beef or lamb fat, improving both the, texture ,and taste. In Karachi, Pakistan the exclusive Shari restaurants prepare this
  22. Three Nocturnes (1899),include characteristic studies in veiled harmony and, texture ,as demonstrated in Nudges; exuberance in Fêtes; and whole-tones in Sirens.
  23. This gives baroque guitars an unmistakable sound characteristic and tonal, texture ,that is an integral part of an interpretation. Additionally, the sound aesthetic
  24. Influence of estrogen, the cervix undergoes a series of changes in position and, texture , During most of the menstrual cycle, the cervix remains firm, like the tip of
  25. Variety of almond, which is shorter, rounder,sweeter, and more delicate in, texture ,than other varieties, originated in Spain and is becoming popular in North
  26. This results in improved overall AGP data throughput. In addition, to load a, texture , a PCI graphics card must copy it from the system's RAM into the card's
  27. Emphasis on notating that line for dynamics and phrasing. The simplification of, texture ,made such instrumental detail more important, and also made the use of
  28. Are hollow and tubular, up to 50 cm long, and 2–3 mm in diameter, with a soft, texture , although, prior to the emergence of a flower from a leaf, they may appear
  29. Used it in the first movement's coda. Similarly, Gustav Mahler echoes the, texture ,and mood of the first movement's opening in the opening of his first symphony.
  30. Arranger will divide each violin section in half or thirds to achieve a denser, texture , It is possible to carry this division to its logical extreme in which each
  31. Such as corners, blobs or points.: More complex features may be related to, texture , shape or motion. * Detection/segmentation: At some point in the processing a
  32. In E flat Major. Main characteristics Classical music has a lighter, clearer, texture , than Baroque music and is less complex. It is mainly homophonic — melody above
  33. In humans. In CJD, the brain tissue develops holes and takes on a sponge-like, texture , This is due to a type of infectious protein called a prion. Prions are
  34. And the increasing importance of varying accompanying figures to bring ", texture ," forward as an element in music. In short, the late Classical was seeking a
  35. Gradually hardens, developing a dark gray or black color, a crusty and waxy, texture , and a peculiar odor that is at once sweet, earthy,marine, and Animalia. Its
  36. Dark skin is most often accompanied by the expression of natural armchair, texture ,(recent scientific study notes that human skin color diversity is highest in
  37. In bubble tea, but a wide range of other options can be used to add similar, texture ,to the drink. Green pearls have a small hint of green tea flavor, and are
  38. Of the word. Music theory Early anthems tended to be simple and homophonic in, texture , in order that the words could be clearly heard. Late in the sixteenth century
  39. The correct brick for a job can be picked from a choice of color, surface, texture , density, weight,absorption and pore structure, thermal characteristics
  40. Of mouthwash and red/green food coloring in his mouth" to create a grotesque, texture ,of some weird ooze. " More than 60 Catsuits were designed in the six-month
  41. The formal qualities of painting are the canvas texture , color,and brush, texture , The formal qualities of video games are non-linearity, interactivity and
  42. During manufacturing of the material. In the case of rolling," stringers" of, texture ,are produced in the direction of rolling, which can lead to vastly different
  43. Amino acids. When proteins are heated they become denatured and change, texture , In many cases, this causes the structure of the material to become softer or
  44. And their chords (double strings) give the sound a very particular, texture , *Early guitars of the classical and romantic period (early romantic guitars)
  45. The alluvial soils of the Guadalquivir valley and plain of Granada have a loamy, texture ,and are particularly suitable for intensive irrigated crops. In the hilly areas
  46. Effective hydrocolloid. Hydrocolloids are employed in food mainly to influence, texture ,or viscosity (e.g., a sauce). Hydrocolloid-based medical dressings are used
  47. Very small. The brains of vertebrates are made of very soft tissue, with a, texture ,that has been compared to Jell-O. Living brain tissue is pinkish on the outside
  48. Shaved ice desserts, give the drinks an added subtle flavor, as well as, texture , Aloe, egg pudding, sago,and taro balls can also be found in most tea houses
  49. Fat, with added gelatin and/or other thickeners to give the cream a creamier, texture , also possibly with stabilizers to aid the consistency of whipped cream (this
  50. Be practical. Acrylic painters modify the appearance, hardness,flexibility, texture , and other characteristics of the paint surface using acrylic media or by

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