Examples of the the word, imagery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imagery ), is the 5868 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Station Alameda was used to film special scenes requiring computer-generated, imagery ,for movies such as Bicentennial Man, Flubber, What Dreams May Come, more
  2. In Revelation. " His specific aesthetic objections to Revelation were that its, imagery ,was unnatural and that phrases like" the wrath of the Lamb" were" ridiculous
  3. Baby ", a lengthy, dirge-like ballad, noted for its evocative, apocalyptic, imagery , and sparse production drenched in echo. Praising it as" a finale to be proud
  4. And published numerous poems and tracts combining religious themes with sexual, imagery ,both heterosexual and homosexual, as well as pederast. One of his most
  5. Character, conveying messages through archetypal imagery and symbolism. The, imagery ,of the text appeals more to the right side of the brain, the artistic and
  6. And analysis of large amounts of high-information-content biomedical, imagery , Modern image analysis systems augment an observer's ability to make
  7. Bead artists, pioneered a movement of highly realistic beaded portraits. His, imagery ,ranges from 19th century Native leaders to pop icons including Janet Jackson
  8. FLIR),and Passive Infrared Devices (PIDs). These are all used to provide, imagery ,and information to the flight crew. This imagery is used for everything from
  9. Ovum. When the Roman Empire turned Christian in the following century, this, imagery , came to be used in a more metaphysical sense, and removed legal impediments to
  10. In breathing lungs of living animals * quantifying occlusion size in real-time, imagery ,from the development of and recovery during arterial injury * making behavioral
  11. And engineering based on alien technology. Publicly available satellite, imagery , however, reveals clearly visible landing strips at Groom Dry Lake, but not at
  12. In individuals as attitudes, and in culture as myth, ideology,folklore and, imagery , and in actions – social or legal discrimination, political mobilization
  13. Documents do not disclose the outcome of discussions regarding the Skylab, imagery , The behind-the-scenes debate proved moot as the photograph appeared in the
  14. For the frequent repetitions found in them of the same words, phrases,and, imagery , They cover the period of about 50 years. They are not in chronological order.
  15. Became the scene of great anti-pagan riots with public and private religious, imagery ,destroyed. As a consequence,Egypt's pagan culture was continually in decline.
  16. And motifs in Bach's Chorale Preludes as painter-like tonal and rhythmic, imagery ,illustrating themes from the words of the hymns on which they were based. They
  17. Considered the genius of Baroque although this mix of religious and erotic, imagery ,was extremely offensive in the context of neoclassical restraint. However
  18. Makes use of symbolism and visions, mentions angelic mediators, has bizarre, imagery , declares divine judgment, emphasizes the kingdom of God, prophesies a new
  19. Undergoing any important stage in individuation seems to produce, on occasion, imagery ,known to Alchemy and relevant to the person's situation. Jung did not
  20. Bronze Tiger, and Richard Dragon. Costume Batman's costume incorporates the, imagery ,of a bat in order to frighten criminals. The details of the Batman costume
  21. Beadwork, in which the lines of beads are stitch to emphasize the pictorial, imagery , Plains tribes are master leaders, and today dance regalia for man and women
  22. On several occasions, Segal turned to the Old Testament as a source for his, imagery , This culture depicts the dilemma faced by Abraham when Sarah demanded that he
  23. Forward by a German researcher, Rainer W. Kühne, but based only on satellite, imagery ,and placing Atlantis in the Maris mas de Hinojos, North of the city of Cádiz.
  24. The plot he has constructed. Shakespearean critic Herbert Course extends that, imagery ,: Richard sets himself up as a creator of men, but dies amongst the savagery of
  25. Acknowledged" providence" in a general way, and rarely used the language or, imagery ,of the evangelicals; instead, they argue, he regarded the republicanism of the
  26. Can be argued that the most important feature of the language of the plays is, imagery , particularly the use of similes, metaphors and pictorial expressions. In The
  27. Of mathematics, primarily as an aid to faster mental calculation. Using visual, imagery ,of a Saroyan can arrive at the answer in the same time (or faster) as
  28. World Wind). Higher resolution (and more recent) images from other satellite, imagery ,providers (including Russian providers and the IONS) are commercially
  29. That occurs between absorption and subsequent emission of a photon. Real-world, imagery ,Images of a gravity-bound or man-made environment are particularly anisotropic
  30. What was heterodox, what was even heretical. Interpretation of meanings and, imagery ,are anchored in what the historical author intended and what his contemporary
  31. Machine Messiah" from the Drama album, reflecting the dark and dystopian, imagery ,used by Trevor Horn in the lyrics. Another interpretation, amongst
  32. Have produced detailed images of the base and its surroundings. Aerial, imagery ,shows the airfield of Area 51 having seven runways including one that now
  33. Replace the observer. Although these systems are not unique to biomedical, imagery , biomedical imaging is becoming more important for both diagnostics and
  34. That Declared is a replica is challenged by others who believe the unicorn, imagery ,shows that the characters, whether human or replica, share the same dreams
  35. Treatise, The International Jew, complete with distinctly antisemitic, imagery ,on the cover. The website of the Saudi Arabian Supreme Commission for Tourism
  36. The silkscreen method His work became popular and controversial. Among the, imagery ,tackled by Warhol were dollar bills, celebrities and brand name products, as
  37. For supremacy in Asia Minor is vast in ambition, sweeping in scope, vivid in, imagery , rich in symbols, and obviously heroic—the Iliad of painting, as literary
  38. Which focus on Revelation as a work of art and imagination, viewing the, imagery ,as symbolic depictions of timeless truths and the victory of good over evil.
  39. Mood, and the conflict between the lighthearted" Alabama Song" and the, imagery ,of the funeral procession is confusing. This tension serves to distance the
  40. Of doomed youth in the English countryside, in spare language and distinctive, imagery , appealed strongly to late Victorian and Edwardian taste, and to many early
  41. Psychology also served the function of comparing Eastern and Western alchemical, imagery ,and core concepts and hence its possible inner sources (archetypes). Jung saw
  42. Squad executing several pleading civilians. Yet at the same time, the horrific, imagery ,demonstrates Goya's keen artistic ability in composition and execution and
  43. S beliefs and philosophy; e.g. whether Lincoln's frequent use of religious, imagery ,and language reflected his own personal beliefs or was a device to appeal to
  44. To The Roger Rich man Agency, licenses the use of his name and associated, imagery , as agent for the university. In popular culture In the period before World War
  45. These are all used to provide imagery and information to the flight crew. This, imagery ,is used for everything from navigational aids, Search and Rescue, and target
  46. Video disk (Laser disk) map technology providing zoom and scroll over map, imagery ,coupled with a point database of intelligence data such as order of battle
  47. Beautiful" over" The Star-Spangled Banner" due to the latter's war-oriented, imagery , Others prefer" The Star-Spangled Banner" for the same reason. While that
  48. As the photograph appeared in the federal government's archive of satellite, imagery ,along with the remaining Skylab 4 photographs, with no record of anyone
  49. That are external to the main character, conveying messages through archetypal, imagery ,and symbolism. The imagery of the text appeals more to the right side of the
  50. According to this view, the cryptic alchemical symbols, diagrams,and textual, imagery ,of late alchemical works typically contain multiple layers of meanings

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