Examples of the the word, decree , in a Sentence Context

The word ( decree ), is the 5854 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 837, he suppressed a revolt of Christians and Jews in Toledo. He issued a, decree ,by which the Christians were forbidden to seek for martyrdom, and he had a
  2. Century and became a favorite pastime of gamblers. In 1254,Louis IX issued a, decree ,prohibiting his court officials and subjects from playing. Tables games were
  3. Never allow Jews to re-enter the city ever again. Jews, incensed at this harsh, decree ,as well as by Hadrian's law forbidding circumcision, secretly started putting
  4. Were ordered to observe their students. Markov initially refused to accept this, decree ,and wrote an explanation in which he declined to be an" agent of the
  5. Mariano, Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of Azerbaijan, signed a, decree ,nationalizing Azerbaijan's cinema. This also influenced the creation of
  6. S order, by its terms, deprived Speer of any power to interfere with the, decree , and Speer went to confront Hitler, telling him the war was lost. Hitler gave
  7. Gamekeepers were exempted from local taxes in exchange for their service and a, decree ,made poaching an aurochs punishable by death. In 1564,the gamekeepers knew of
  8. The first identification cards were issued to two Baha'is under the new, decree ,on August 8,2009. Reactions Bernard Lewis states that the Muslim laity and
  9. Of Directors, with the approval of the President of the Republic (formally a, decree ,of the President). The Board of Directors is elected by the shareholders
  10. Cannons, Baku surrendered to the Russians. According to Peter the Great's, decree ,the soldiers of two regiments (2,382 people) were left in the Baku garrison
  11. Been exiled by Augustus in AD 7,his banishment made permanent by senatorial, decree , and Augustus officially disowned him. Costumes Agrippa was murdered at his
  12. Of their property and, for those who failed to escape, their lives. This, decree ,issued by the triumvirate was motivated in part by a need to raise money to pay
  13. State, but Islam was briefly made the state religion, before returning by, decree ,of the High Court to the principles of its 1972 constitution. The High Court
  14. Years of age, and,in spite of keen opposition from the liberal section,a, decree ,in this sense was issued by Ben Are in 1305. The result was a great schism
  15. From before the foundation of the world. Fixity does not lie in a hidden, decree , therefore, but in corporate unity of the Church with Christ, whom it has come
  16. Many great privileges were conferred upon Abbreviations in the past. By, decree ,of pope Leo X they were created papal nobles, ranking as Comes palatines (
  17. Written in 520 BCE some 18 years after Cyrus had conquered Babylon and issued a, decree ,in 538 BCE allowing the captive Jews to return to Judea. Cyrus saw the
  18. Invalid, then the Roman orders were as well: For if the Pope shall by a new, decree ,declare our Fathers of two hundred and fifty years ago wrongly ordained, there
  19. Of Narbonne, and of the eminent Talmudist Sheri of Toledo, Ben Are issued a, decree , signed by thirty-three rabbis of Barcelona, excommunicating those who should
  20. To discover the decree of Cyrus. *6. Decree of Cyrus, second version, and, decree , of Darius: Darius finds the decree , directs Attend not to disturb the Jews in
  21. Canons). In the Church of England, the Bishop of Norwich, by royal, decree ,given by Henry VIII, also holds the honorary title of" Abbot of St. Benet. "
  22. Henceforth only the Bavarian coat of arms was ever used. On 31 December 1809,a, decree ,of King Maximilian of Bavaria granted the city a new coat of arms, as a
  23. Unlike after previous battles, these prisoners were not bonded or freed; by, decree ,from Humayun, they were shot. In his memoirs, Babur recorded that" USTA
  24. Of Bolshevik senior official Moira Risky days earlier, prompts the, decree ,for Red Terror. *1922 – Battle of Dumlupinar: the final battle in the
  25. Tapas; CORBA – on the Madeira, and Manaus – on the Rio Negro. The Brazilian, decree ,took effect on 7 September 1867. Thanks in part to the mercantile development
  26. Moore. *1978 – The Philippine College of Commerce, through a presidential, decree , becomes the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. *1979 – Iran becomes an
  27. Consulship left vacant by Hiatus and Pans. Octavian also demanded that the, decree ,declaring Antony a public enemy should be rescinded. Meanwhile, Antony formed
  28. And other Jewish leaders during the Babylonian exile. It ends with the Persian, decree ,allowing Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. The Kevin
  29. Institutions. According to article 140 of the constitution and the presidential, decree ,on electoral law, mayors of cities should be elected through free and direct
  30. Vatican Council. It is however maintained in the Form Extraordinary, per the, decree ,Lumborum Pontifical, and also in the rite of exorcism, both in the Form
  31. He showed her clemency. Tiberius was able to persuade the Roman Senate to, decree ,Agrippina’s birthday as a day of ill omen. On March 37,Tiberius died and
  32. Is being rebuilt and advising that the archives be searched to discover the, decree ,of Cyrus. *6. Decree of Cyrus, second version, and decree of Darius: Darius
  33. The Governor is elected by the internal commission of managers, with a, decree ,from the President of the Italian Republic for a term of 7 years. General
  34. Men to resist. * Election is conditional: Arminius defined election as" the, decree ,of God by which, of Himself, from eternity, He decree d to justify in Christ
  35. S attempts to restore a sense of national pride in Russia. Putin signed a, decree ,conferring on Solzhenitsyn the State Prize of the Russian Federation for his
  36. Days under penalty of fine, and sign letters and diplomas. Camping mentions a, decree ,of the Vice-Chancellor by which absentees were mulcted in the loss of their
  37. All women will learn from this, Ahasuerus removes her as queen and has a royal, decree ,sent across the empire that men should be the ruler of their households and
  38. 6. Decree of Cyrus, second version, and decree of Darius: Darius finds the, decree , directs Attend not to disturb the Jews in their work, and exempts them from
  39. French Foundation for the Study of Human Problems) which was created by, decree ,of the Vichy regime in 1941,and where he served as 'regent '. Yet it was also
  40. Some monstrous giants to death. That story prompted editor Whitney Ellsworth to, decree ,that the character could no longer kill or use a gun. By 1942,the writers and
  41. Should be excommunicated and expelled from the people of Israel. By the, decree ,of the angels, and by the command of the holy men, we excommunicate, expel
  42. Ordered the preparation of an expensive funeral pyre in Babylon, as well as a, decree ,for the observance of a public mourning. Doors recounts that Alexander was
  43. Greek bishops, greatly helped to bring about a union of the two Churches,the, decree ,for which,6 July 1439,he was called on to draw up. He died soon after.
  44. In Astoria do Motor, Manucci describes the ramifications of Aurangzeb's 1668, decree , Here,Aurangzeb's instructions for the muhtasib seem particularly damning: In
  45. Princess of Wales. The infamous prime notes (" law of the first night" ), decree , seen in action early in the film, was never used by King Edward. Little or no
  46. 5th century there was in effect no procedural difference between an executive, decree ,and a law: they were both simply passed by the assembly. But from 403 BC they
  47. Of Montpellier a letter, signed by fifteen other rabbis, proposing to issue a, decree ,pronouncing the anathema against all those who should pursue the study of
  48. Haman hanged on the gallows that Haman had prepared for Mordechai. The previous, decree ,against the Jews cannot be annulled, but the king allows the Jews to defend
  49. The name had begun to come into general use before it was adopted by official, decree ,in 1935. History Ibadan is thought to have been further developed into a major
  50. Gorgon ", whilst the right hand grasps a sword of singular device. By a public, decree , this fine work was placed in one of the stance of the Vatican hitherto

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