Examples of the the word, grove , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grove ), is the 5863 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Therefore called Uncial, Spanish for" oak grove ". Alameda is Spanish for ", grove ,of poplar trees" or" tree-lined avenue ", and was chosen in 1853 by popular
  2. 1760 BC *Gone, an Amazon who was thought to be the eponym of the Bruneian, grove ,in Asia Minor. She was loved by Apollo and consorted with him in said grove . *
  3. His sins. Confused by the doctrines of competing denominations, he went into a, grove ,of trees to pray about which church to join. Joseph said that during his prayer
  4. Of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was said to have destroyed a tree that was in a sacred, grove ,dedicated to the goddess Ishtar/Ivanna/Ashe rah. Lilith ran into the wilderness
  5. Pass to command the unit, which was code named" Also's ", a Greek word meaning ", grove ,". The Also's Mission to Italy questioned staff of the physics laboratory at the
  6. Pisonia trees and shrubs. A 1942 eyewitness description spoke of" a low, grove ,of dead and decaying you trees" on a very shallow hill at the island's center
  7. Control of Mount Carmel Center. Pace had opposed the planting of the, grove ,of memorial trees calling it paganism, and his group has chopped down David
  8. From the Early Pleistocene are of geological importance, and the various, grove ,structures offer habitat to severely endangered bird species. Sports The soccer
  9. Buying of land by Walden Pond and a few more acres in a neighboring pine, grove , He wrote that he was" landlord and Waterford of 14 acres, more or less ". In
  10. The hostages were murdered. Afterwards, their bodies were taken to an orange, grove ,and left hanging by the neck from trees. An Improvised Explosive Device was set
  11. Is also the source of the word for fox in Welsh: llanos, from Lloyd," bush, grove ,". Lithuanian: bodegas, from bodega," tail ", from Rambo," tail" and Ojibwa:
  12. Artemis punished Agamemnon after he killed a sacred stag in a sacred, grove ,and boasted that he was a better hunter than the goddess. When the Greek fleet
  13. As Grove land, after a noticeable grove of trees within the town. Part of this, grove ,still exists where Grove St. curves around a copse of trees near its
  14. Park. There are notable oak and native plant collections and a small redwood, grove , A small waterway spans the arboretum along the bed of the old North Fork of
  15. Throughout this belt are under; only the occasional spontaneous palm, grove ,survives, the only ones to do so south of the Tropic of Cancer. The Sahara
  16. Used a smudge pot fueled by kerosene to create a pall of thick smoke over a, grove ,in an effort to prevent freezing temperatures from damaging crops. "
  17. Nemetostatio, a name relating to Newton, signifying " sanctuary' or" sacred, grove ," (probably to be identified with North Lawton, Devon ) and Durocornavium (
  18. Crowd could not be accommodated in the hall, the meeting adjourned to an oak, grove ,on" Morgan's Forty" on the outskirts of town, where a slate of candidates
  19. Tacitus mentions the sacrifice of humans practiced by the Seminoles in a sacred, grove ,Subsequently Augustus placed Germanic us, the son of Dress, in charge of the
  20. A sacred tomb. According to Plutarch's source, Amathousians called the sacred, grove ,where her shrine was situated the Wood of Aphrodite Ariadne. More purely
  21. Moved to its current location, it was known as Grove land, after a noticeable, grove ,of trees within the town. Part of this grove still exists where Grove St.
  22. Inferred, and he was condemned and was thrown into a pool of water in the, grove , and a wooden frame (" crates" ) placed over his head, into which stones were
  23. Began. Shortly after glancing over its shoulder, the creature walks behind a, grove ,of trees, reappears for a while after Patterson moved ten feet to a better
  24. for. 2 in his poem On Human Nature, which copies from Sappho the quasi-sacred, grove ,(also),the wind-shaken branches, and the striking word for" deep sleep" (
  25. Enemies, and it was agreed that the troops of the Latins would attend at the, grove ,on an appointed day to form a united military force with the troops of Rome.
  26. In west Athens, named " Plato's Olive Tree ", was said to be a remnant of the, grove ,within which Plato's Academy was situated, which would make it approximately
  27. Discuss the bonds between Rome and the Latin towns. The meeting was held at a, grove ,sacred to the goddess Fermenting. At the meeting Turns inveighed against the
  28. Prayers; in one, a farmer addresses the unknown deity of a possibly sacred, grove , and sacrifices a pig in order to placate the god or goddess of the place and
  29. Of Persephone and the reunion with her mother Demeter. Ananias records a, grove ,of Canadian Demeter and the Maid, three miles outside the gates of Thebes
  30. In the municipality of Ago Anargyroi, and is said to be a remnant of an olive, grove ,planted by Athenian tyrant Pisistratus in the 6th century BC. A number of
  31. Origin (PDO) status, and are equally good for olive oil extraction. The olive, grove ,of Amiss, which consists of 1,200,000 olive trees is a part of a protected
  32. The first blood, and was awarded the prize of the skin. She hung it in a sacred, grove ,at Tea as a dedication to Artemis. Mel eager was a hero of Aetolia. King
  33. In Ancient Greece. Ananias describes a sanctuary of Pan surrounded by a, grove ,of trees. At the sanctuary were bases of statues, which by Ananias’ time had
  34. Connected with every important feature of the landscape: mountain, cave, grove , and spring all had their own locally venerated deity. The countless epithets of
  35. She sees Sign sitting very unhappily with her bound husband, Loki,under a ", grove ,of hot springs ". Sign is mentioned a second (and final) time in the ending
  36. Forests in the world. The area was therefore called Uncial, Spanish for" oak, grove ,". Alameda is Spanish for" grove of poplar trees" or" tree-lined avenue "
  37. Of the place and beseech his or her permission to cut down some trees from the, grove , Germanic paganism An amount of accounts of prayers to the gods in Germanic
  38. v. Hence, the identical spellings of the three different vowel sounds in love, grove ,and prove are due to ambiguity in the Middle English spelling system, not sound
  39. Group. In 1976,Bone wits moved back to Berkeley and rejoined his original, grove ,there, now part of the New Reformed Druids of North America (NR DNA). He was
  40. 93 National Memorial is in planning stages, which will include a sculpted, grove ,of trees forming a circle around the crash site, bisected by the plane's path
  41. Christian in origin. Spain In Each, Spain,the location of the biggest palm, grove ,in Europe, there is a tradition of tying and covering palm leaves to whiten
  42. Of a new sports center annex to Memorial Stadium at the expense of a, grove ,of oak trees on the UC campus. The protest ended in September 2008 after a
  43. And Columbia disasters. Tours of the Space Center pause briefly near the, grove ,for a moment of silence, and the trees can be seen from nearby NASA Road One.
  44. Is often misinterpreted as meaning the tea is all picked from a single bush, grove , or clone. This is not correct. Dan Cong is a botanical term that refers to the
  45. Norma's hit aria," Cast Diva ", is the moon goddess, being worshiped in the ", grove ,of the Irwin statue ". A central figure in 19th century Romanticist
  46. Grove in Asia Minor. She was loved by Apollo and consorted with him in said, grove , * Helene, daughter of Citrus. She fought Achilles and died after he seriously
  47. Linden branch" ), Sandström (" sand stream" ) and Around (" field, grove ,") were quite frequent and remain common today. By region Regions of the
  48. Roman poet Claudia inform us that he heard a voice proceeding from a sacred, grove ," Break off all delays, Alaric. This very year thou shalt force the Alpine
  49. Junipers oxycedrus),Lebanese cedar (Census Libyan),which grows in a small, grove ,on Mount Meron, cyclamens,peonies and Rhododendron Pentium which sometimes
  50. She sees Sign sitting very unhappily with her bound husband, Loki,under a ", grove ,of hot springs ". In stanza 51,during the events of Ragnarök, Loki appears

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