Examples of the the word, penny , in a Sentence Context

The word ( penny ), is the 5866 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Channel show MythBusters tested the urban myth which claims that if one drops a, penny ,off the top of the Empire State Building, it could kill someone or put a crater
  2. Crown. The Peter's Pence Act outlawed the annual payment by landowners of one, penny ,to the Pope. This act also reiterated that England had" no superior under God
  3. Time, is almost bewildering. “ So-old again,” roars one. “ Chestnuts all‘OT,a, penny ,a score,” bawls another. “ An ‘ Penny a skin, blacking,” squeaks a boy. “
  4. Transistor radios in Japan. *1959 – The Lincoln Memorial design on the U. S., penny ,goes into circulation. It replaces the" sheaves of wheat" design, and was
  5. Avenue Q, where a character waiting atop the building for a rendezvous tosses a, penny ,over the side—only to hit her rival.; Literature * H. G. Wells' 1933 science
  6. Nail* sizes typically available from German suppliers are: United States, penny ,sizes In the United States, the length of a nail is designated by its penny
  7. Until the beginning of February 1846. The maize corn was then re-sold for a, penny ,a pound. The corn when it arrived had not been ground and was inedible, and
  8. Value of copper, the United States greatly reduced the amount of copper in each, penny , Since mid-1982,United States pennies are made of 97.5 % zinc, coated with 2.5
  9. While competing slicks were 25 cents apiece. Pulps were the successor to the, penny ,dreadful, dime novels, and short fiction magazines of the 19th century.
  10. Moon recalled. " I never realized dynamite was so powerful. I'd been used to, penny ,dangers before. " During one incident between Moon and hotel management, Moon
  11. Chicory bottle that Bundaberg folks sold to his grandfather at the firm for one, penny ,a bottle, after which they were washed and filled with the famous spirit. The
  12. An ‘ Penny a lot guns. ”“ Twopence a pound grape. ”“ Three a, penny ,Yarmouth bloaters. ”“ Who’ll buy a bonnet for four pence? ”“ Pick ‘ them out
  13. In 1943,Bakelite and other non-metal materials were tested for usage as a, penny ,in the United States before the Mint settled on zinc coated steel. After WWII
  14. Of pencil" lead" ) has a hardness of 1.5; a fingernail,2.2–2.5; a copper, penny , 3.2–3.5; a pocketknife 5.1; a knife blade,5.5; window glass plate,5.5; and a
  15. With established readings of the work of Dickens and others. Another famous, penny ,dreadful of this era was the anonymously authored Barney the Vampire (1847).
  16. Then says," A measure of wheat for a penny , and three measures of barley for a, penny ,; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. " (6:5-6) ###Fourth Seal: A pale
  17. Name for King Offa's pound. This dates to 757 AD and was based on the silver, penny , This in turn was struck over Arabic Durhams (2d). The pound was based on the
  18. Of the Penny Cyclopedia, as its title suggests issued in weekly numbers at a, penny ,each like a newspaper. In the early 20th century, the Encyclopædia Britannica
  19. Denarius can be seen in the use of" d" as the abbreviation for the British, penny ,prior to 1971. It survived in France as the name of a coin, the denier. The
  20. Penny sizes In the United States, the length of a nail is designated by its, penny ,size, written with a number and the abbreviation d for penny ; for example,10d
  21. Denied it. " Poor Richard's Proverbs," adages from this almanac, such as" A, penny ,saved is twopence dear" ( often misquoted as" A penny saved is a penny earned
  22. Of balances in his hand ", where a voice then says," A measure of wheat for a, penny , and three measures of barley for a penny ; and see thou hurt not the oil and
  23. For a blessing, for burials, for funeral services and prayers. The very last, penny ,which an old woman has hidden in her bundle for fear of thieves or robbery will
  24. As" A penny saved is twopence dear" ( often misquoted as" A penny saved is a, penny ,earned" ) and" Fish and visitors stink in three days" remain common
  25. Him. Rosa has never, to this day; as with any other Disney artist, received a, penny ,in royalties for a single use of his stories worldwide. He came to an
  26. Conversely, in Quebec, one hundredth of a Canadian dollar is called a sou (, penny ,). Subdivision of euro: cent or centime? In the European community cent is the
  27. Pre-1965 US dime, quarter,half dollar, and dollar, US nickel, and pre-1982 US, penny , As a result of the increase in the value of copper, the United States greatly
  28. For Darius, a Roman coin similar to a penny ; this was the abbreviation for a, penny ,in the UK before decimalization. Terminology * Box - a wire nail with a head;
  29. Puffin denominations in 1929,nominally equivalent to the British half penny and, penny , resulting in his prosecution under the United Kingdom's Coinage Act of 1870.
  30. There today. The d is an abbreviation for Darius, a Roman coin similar to a, penny ,; this was the abbreviation for a penny in the UK before decimalization.
  31. That it was England that" sent 'round the hat over all the globe, asking a, penny ,for the love of God to relieve the poor Irish," and constituting herself the
  32. Designated by its penny size, written with a number and the abbreviation d for, penny ,; for example,10d for a ten- penny nail. A larger number indicates a longer nail
  33. Vampire who preys on a lonely young woman, and by Barney the Vampire, a lengthy, penny ,dreadful serial from the mid-Victorian period by James Malcolm Ryder. The image
  34. By setting the bimetallic relationship between gold coins and the silver, penny ,in favor of gold. This caused silver sterling coin to be melted and shipped
  35. Almanac, such as" A penny saved is twopence dear" ( often misquoted as" A, penny ,saved is a penny earned" ) and" Fish and visitors stink in three days "
  36. 3.3 piconewtons on the object being illuminated; thus, one could lift a U. S., penny ,with laser pointers, but doing so would require about 30 billion 1-mW laser
  37. And c.1065. These Manx coins were minted from an imported type 2 Hiberno-Norse, penny ,die from Dublin. Hiberno-Norse coins were first minted under Nitric, King of
  38. Like 49 or 99 cents, the cashier very probably had to open the till for the, penny ,change and thus announce the sale. Etymology In the form of chest, used to
  39. My profoundest sense of being, not of an incidental feeling. You did not care a, penny ,for the book. But, now and then as you read, you understood the pervading
  40. Douglas, and Jefferson Counties ** It is a 0.1 % retail sales and use tax (one, penny ,on every $10). ** According to the Colorado statute, the SCFD distributes the
  41. Of nature and often went walking in the woods around Vienna. He often brought, penny ,candy with him to hand out to children. To adults, Brahms was often brusque and
  42. Someone or put a crater in the pavement. The outcome was that, by the time the, penny ,hits the ground, it is going roughly (terminal velocity for an object of its
  43. Appeared as" essentially an action hero" in children's books and, penny ,dreadful such as The Boyhood Days of Guy Fawkes; or, The Conspirators of Old
  44. Buy, buy,buy, buy-- bu-u-uy! ” cries the butcher. “ Half-quire of paper for a, penny ,” bellows the street stationer. “ An ‘ Penny a lot guns. ”“ Twopence a
  45. Three pairs for a half penny , bootlaces. ”“ Now’s your time! Beautiful whelks,a, penny ,a lot. ”“ Here’s ha‘p‘oaths,” shouts the perambulating confectioner. “ Come
  46. At all, especially those with few or no legends, such as the Victorian bun, penny , Not all coins are round. The Australian 50 cent coin, for example, has twelve
  47. The main reasons for the uprising were the imposition of new taxes, the tenth, penny , and the religious persecution of Protestants by the Spanish Inquisition. The
  48. Ford wrote back:" If they want to elect me let them do so, but I won't make a, penny ,'s investment. " Ford did run, however,and came within 4,500 votes of winning
  49. And print it true, according to the copy, they are welcome to sell it for a, penny , if they please: the pence, indeed,is the end of their works. " The practice
  50. May add to one measure of value beyond almost all measure without adding one, penny ,to the other measure of value. In this way, one is able, Ricardo seems to show

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