Examples of the the word, mediation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mediation ), is the 5867 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This work—presented to the common patron of Resin and Vesalius—was a neutral, mediation ,between the feuding scholars, but it also set out Kepler's general views on
  2. Road between Belize City and Guatemala. At various times the issue has required, mediation ,by the United Kingdom, Caribbean Community heads of Government, the
  3. May have been the niece of King Theodoric and betrothed to Audion through the, mediation ,of Emperor Justinian. Like his father, Alboin was raised a pagan, although
  4. A brutal conflict ensued, and finally, in 1949,through United Nations, mediation , the Dutch East Indies achieved independence, becoming the new nation of
  5. To successfully manage these symptoms in a large portion of patients. Effective, mediation ,of these unpleasant and sometimes crippling symptoms results in increased
  6. That is, extrajudicial processes such as arbitration, collaborative law, and, mediation , used to resolve conflict and potential conflict between and among individuals
  7. All objects that are external to the mind are known indirectly through the, mediation ,of our mind. He offered a history of the concept of the" ideal" as "
  8. Partly in Italy, and partly with her brother Conrad, king of Burgundy, by whose, mediation ,she was ultimately reconciled to her son; in 983 Otto appointed her his viceroy
  9. As possible. However, confident of victory, many Israelis now resented the UN, mediation ,efforts, which would prevent further Israeli expansion and try to force them to
  10. Of Andrew's anger. Finally, Andrew made an agreement with his son with the, mediation ,of Pope Honors III and the junior king took over again the government of
  11. Congo-Brazzaville, Angola,and former Zaire. In December 1999,through the, mediation ,efforts of President Bongo, a peace accord was signed in Congo-Brazzaville
  12. Sages, blue is the color of God's Glory. Staring at this color aids in, mediation , bringing us a glimpse of the" pavement of sapphire, like the very sky for
  13. Up to the 1983 Fatah rebellion, during the Lebanese Civil War, the DFLP offered, mediation ,to prevent the Syrian-backed formation of a rival Fatah leadership under Said
  14. Of Urgell and the Count of Fix. The conflict was resolved in 1278 with the, mediation ,of Aragon by the signing of the first package which provided that Andorra's
  15. To be generated by the interaction of citizens, elites,experts, through the, mediation ,and facilitation of journalism. In this model, not just the government is
  16. And the potential for intervention, Gabon has been directly involved with, mediation ,efforts in Chad, Central African Republic, Congo-Brazzaville,Angola, and
  17. In the theoretic of Platinum, nous produces nature through intellectual, mediation , thus the intellectualizing gods are followed with a triad of psychic gods.
  18. Collapse of these pyramid schemes, alarmed the world and prompted international, mediation , The state institutions collapsed and an EU military mission led by Italy was
  19. Non-dotted letters ㅡㆍㅣ were chosen to represent the concepts of yin, yang,and, mediation ,: Earth, Heaven,and Human. (The letter ㆍ ə is now obsolete except in the EU
  20. Which lasted well into 1944. The White House became the ultimate site for labor, mediation , conciliation or arbitration. One particular battle royal occurred, between
  21. Unilaterally and decisively for the betterment of the league. His efforts in, mediation , negotiation, persuasion,marketing, and leadership assisted in football's
  22. Funds, a cooling-off period, termination and the resolution of disputes by, mediation , The federal government is currently considering recommended changes to the
  23. Of law – and to contribute to the prevention and resolution of conflict through, mediation , " On 4 December 2001,Marine de Klerk was found stabbed and violently
  24. In 1799. The Marshall Islands were claimed by Spain in 1874. Following papal, mediation ,and German compensation of $4.5 million, Spain recognized Germany's claim in
  25. Within the field of ADR. In the United States of America, many states now have, mediation ,or other ADR programs annexed to the courts, to facilitate settlement of
  26. Left on a trip to Scotland before the unrest peaked. In doing so, Carnegie left, mediation ,of the dispute in the hands of his associate and partner Henry Clay Brick.
  27. Whereby disputes between states may be resolved through arbitration or, mediation , When a country is recognized as de jure, it is an acknowledgment by the other
  28. Powell launched the talks on April 3,2001,and the negotiations continued with, mediation ,by the U. S., Russia,and France until April 6,2001. The Co-Chairs are
  29. Finally, the Real is the object of anxiety, insofar as it lacks any possible, mediation ,and is" the essential object which is not an object any longer, but this
  30. Courts; all those who come before him leave reconciled. This suggests skill in, mediation ,and is in contrast to his fellow god Tar, who " is not called a reconcile of
  31. By the work of Platinum, author of the Endears, probably through the, mediation ,of Porphyry and Victorious (as Pierre Hadst has argued). Although he later
  32. Signed in Baghdad fixed the borders of the countries. Through Algerian, mediation , Iran and Iraq agreed in March 1975 to normalize their relations, and three
  33. Organizations, particularly to encourage conflict resolution and, mediation ,programs that alleviate pressure on the still-overmatched judicial system. In
  34. Began to spread, and Cap-Haïtien,Haiti's second-largest city, was captured. A, mediation ,team of diplomats presented a plan to reduce Aristide's power while allowing
  35. To his daughter, Kunigunde married Albert. A war was prevented only through the, mediation ,of the Emperor's son, Maximilian. In some smaller matters, Frederick was quite
  36. Andrew had to flee to Austria. Finally, the two brothers made peace with the, mediation ,of the Papal Legate Gregory, and the king granted rule of Croatia and Dalmatia
  37. Catherine of Organza who had married King Charles II of England. English, mediation ,in 1661 saw the Netherlands acknowledge Portuguese rule of Brazil in return for
  38. Taliban-led shadow government began to form complete with their own version of, mediation ,court. In 2010,U. S. President Barack Obama deployed an additional 30,000
  39. His freedom. " However, they reconciled after a fashion with the informal, mediation ,of Roosevelt's adviser Louis McHenry Howe, and FDR promised never to see Lucy
  40. With disagreements over the Beagle Canal. The two countries agreed to papal, mediation ,over the canal. Chilean-Argentine relations remained bad, however,and Chile
  41. Began to form in many parts of the country complete with their own version of, mediation ,court. As a result of this and other reasons, U. S. President Barack Obama
  42. The main goal is to conciliate, most of the time by seeking concessions. In, mediation , the mediator tries to guide the discussion in a way that optimizes parties
  43. Or reprisals. When social identity and in group status are salient, computer, mediation , can decrease flaming because individuals focus their attention on the social
  44. Usually writes no decision, and makes no award. Conciliation differs from, mediation ,in that the main goal is to conciliate, most of the time by seeking concessions
  45. Determines the outcome. # Consensual processes, such as collaborative law, mediation , conciliation, or negotiation, in which the parties attempt to reach agreement.
  46. Held to the Pollination heresy. The two settled their differences under the, mediation ,of the Bishop of Heroes, Acacius, on April 12,433. In the following year
  47. Of derivations of some 2,000 words inherited from proto-Slavic through the, mediation ,of Old and Middle Bulgarian. Thus, the native lexical terms in Bulgarian
  48. Historical conciliation can utilize many methodologies, including, mediation , sustained dialogue, apologies,acknowledgement, support of public
  49. He died in 1694 and Zeno was appointed at his place. In 1699,thanks to English, mediation , the war ended with the peace of Karlowitz by which Venice retained possession
  50. Powell launched the talks on April 3,2001,and the negotiations continued with, mediation ,by the U. S., Russia,and France until April 6,2001. The Co-Chairs are

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