Examples of the the word, dumb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dumb ), is the 5872 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Protocol, characterized by a complex central network architecture and, dumb ,endpoints (traditional telephone handsets). SIP is a peer-to-peer protocol
  2. Modem are combined in one unit, the terminal node controller (TNC),with a, dumb ,terminal (or terminal emulator) used to input and display data. Increasingly
  3. Situation that I've ever gotten myself in ... and I've done some pretty, dumb ,things in my life ". He was sentenced to conditional release. Prior to the plea
  4. Role as Ellen Ripley in the Alien series, describing Tawny as" a stereotypical, dumb ,blonde" who fulfills a useless function in contrast to Ripley's dynamic
  5. Tries to capture is covered by the defined videotapes: * GRAPHIC to describe a, dumb ,graphics and text representation of displayable or printable information *
  6. DSA (Digital Storage Architecture – disks/tapes/controllers),and its ", dumb ,terminal" subsystems including VT100 and DEC server products. Final years In
  7. Teach that from a general perspective,85 % of the population are the" deaf, dumb ,and blind" masses of the people who" are easily led in the wrong direction
  8. The help of Singaporean technicians) * 57/77/122 mm rockets and up to 500 kg, dumb ,bombs for Air Force Burma's foreign relations with many states are strained
  9. Though more often criticism than praise of his exploits. Erasmus saw him as a, dumb ,brutal man preferring physical strength to wisdom. Erasmus's best-known work
  10. Interpretation made by Damian de Góis in 1540 derives Lapland from“ the, dumb ,and lazy land ”, because a land where no vegetables grow is lazy and does not
  11. this is the German New Wave actress Lisa Freezer placed her in the role of the, dumb ,Mignon in Wim Wenders' film The Wrong Move. In 1976, she had her first major
  12. Would be dumped into the ocean after use. This strategy is known as the" big, dumb ,booster" approach. This is somewhat similar to the approach some previous
  13. Try to make signs by moving our hands, head,and the rest of our body, just as, dumb ,people do at present? " It seems that groups of deaf people have used signed
  14. Station configuration A basic packet radio station consists of a computer or, dumb ,terminal, a modem, and a transceiver with an antenna. Traditionally, the
  15. Look original on the outside, while inside it was just recycling the same old, dumb ,formulas. I did not read the magazine, I plundered it for clues to the universe
  16. Stupid as B. A. Barracks, Mr. T observed quietly," It takes a smart guy to play, dumb , " His role in The A-Team led to him making an appearance in the long-running
  17. Also exists a common law precedent from the 18th century that the" deaf and, dumb ," are ineligible to sit in the Lower House; this precedent, however,has not
  18. Dangerous, not to mention difficult. Having first made their domestic livestock, dumb , and having carefully made sure that these docile creatures will not take a
  19. Original Does were (usually) modems. When electronic terminals (smart and, dumb ,) began to be used, they were often designed to be interchangeable with
  20. Not wish to hear about the 'general '; he knows that the general is deaf and, dumb ,- and that it is impossible to speak with it. 'But I would speak to the
  21. Signing. In 1680,George Calgary published Didascalocophus, or,The deaf and, dumb ,men tutor, in which he presented his own method of deaf education, including
  22. Were doing this. The dumb craftiness. " The Dictators, with a similar" playing, dumb ," concept, were recording their debut album. The Dictators Go Girl Crazy! Came
  23. Her at once. Artemis was furious and killed Chine with her arrow or struck her, dumb ,by shooting off her tongue. However, some versions of this myth say Apollo and
  24. If they feel they cannot vote for a pitcher. " It really made us all look very, dumb ,", said Buster Olney, then a sportswriter for the New York Times. " People were
  25. Did not entrust to Lentils, but he knew no Greek; Homer, Petrarch said," was, dumb ,to him, while he was deaf to Homer ". In 1345, he personally discovered a
  26. Is made to pander to his whims. While Mike is usually portrayed as simply, dumb ,(for example, in A Man of His Convictions in series 2 he writes a letter to
  27. Her own attractiveness. " Monroe's films of this period established her ", dumb ,blonde" persona and contributed to her popularity. In 1953 and 1954,she was
  28. Like it is makes one a Nazi, I say: Fine, better that than the spineless, deaf, dumb , numb and blind state exalted as Peruvian Secularism. I wouldn't even spit on
  29. Bundy (Christina Applegate)The older child of the Bundy clan; a stereotypical, dumb ,blond who is often derided as a slut and dates men who get under Al's skin to
  30. Folk etymologies or acronyms for kludge or kluge is from clumsy, lame,ugly, dumb , but good enough, or klutzy, lashup, under,going, engineering. Recapitulation
  31. Still have the data needed to complete the download. * Mainframe networks use, dumb ,terminals. All processing is completed on few central computers. This is a
  32. To Europe when he ran into a town where everyone was either" deaf" and ", dumb ," or only spoke languages he could not understand. After wandering around and
  33. Also carry several rocket pods, which include the S-13 and S-8 rockets. The ", dumb ," rocket pods could be upgraded to laser guided with the proposed Group system
  34. Slicing off switches to use on Jethro, mainly whenever he goes too far with his, dumb ,and idiotic schemes.: There are references to Granny growing up in the Smoky
  35. Abolished by Angeltheow a son of Off. Single combat Off is said to have been, dumb ,or silent during his early years. His aged and blind father, King Edmund
  36. Mary Barron later remembered," I couldn't believe people were doing this. The, dumb ,craftiness. " The Dictators, with a similar" playing dumb " concept, were
  37. In late 2003,Corolla stated on the air during Love line that Hawaiians are ", dumb , " Corolla further elaborated that Hawaiians are" stupid,"" in-bred," "
  38. A powerful graphics system for the computer, and allowed the printers to be ", dumb ," at a time when the cost of the laser engines was falling. In a production
  39. Essentially) human and possess attributes that are quite similar to those of, dumb ,animals ". Slaves were purchased or captured on the frontiers of the Islamic
  40. Text (English translations vary). In modern Hebrew golem is used to mean ", dumb ," or" helpless ". Similarly, its is often used today as a metaphor for a
  41. Affectless. This was mirrored by Warhol's own demeanor, as he often played ", dumb ," to the media, and refused to explain his work. The artist was famous for
  42. Canada (Island / ISC-69750) MC: TT / OTIS 102 #" The Party Trick" ( acting, dumb ,) – 0:36 #" The Special Act" ( adapted from the sex mix) – 7:46 #" The US
  43. Womb. File: John Baptist 16 Naming. JPG|John is named by Zachariah, who,being, dumb , is forced to communicate in writing. File: John Baptist 01 preaching
  44. Were well received. By 1953,Monroe had progressed to leading roles. Her ", dumb ,blonde" persona was used to comedic effect in such films as Gentlemen Prefer
  45. Impending birth is announced to his father, the priest Zachariah, who is struck, dumb , File: John Baptist 15 Visitation of Mary. JPG|Visitation of the Virgin Mary to
  46. Mental capacity was no more than that of a" wild beast" ( in the sense of a, dumb ,animal, rather than being frenzied). The first complete transcript of an
  47. The campaign lasted much longer, NATO would have had to revert to using ", dumb ," bombs for lack of anything better. The situation was not any better with the
  48. 8-bit CPU with 16K or 64K of memory could support multiple users, running, dumb , terminals in command line mode. (without any trace of a graphical user
  49. Enjoys most of them;" If I get pleasure from anything, I can't think of it as, dumb ,or myself as shallow ... I'll probably go late to that movie and go,'What the
  50. Punch. Over time, I/O systems such as magnetic tape,RS-232 and current loop, dumb ,terminals, punched card readers, and fixed-head disks were added. Toward the

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