Examples of the the word, classified , in a Sentence Context

The word ( classified ), is the 5857 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Babbage's Analytical Engine was indeed completed and had been deemed highly, classified ,by the British government. The characters of Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty had
  2. And it has many of the formal institutions of democracy, it remains, classified ,as" not free" ( on border with" partly free" ) in Freedom House's Freedom
  3. The alphabets of the Mediterranean region (Anatolia, Greece,Italy) are, classified ,as Phoenician-derived, adapted from around the 8th century BC, while those of
  4. Is 37 %. In the cities, a majority of families, well beyond those officially, classified ,as poor, have to adopt a variety of survival strategies. At the same time, in
  5. Nacional de Estatística has it that in the rural areas roughly 58 % must be, classified ,as" poor ", according to UN norms, but in the urban areas only 19 %, while the
  6. The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is a non-profit corporation (, classified ,as 501 (c) (3) in the United States) to support Apache software projects
  7. Be remotely controlled or self-controlled by onboard computers. Aircraft may be, classified ,by different criteria, such as lift type, propulsion,usage, and others.
  8. In June 2003,the U. S. Government announced that AES may be used to protect, classified ,information: The design and strength of all key lengths of the AES algorithm (
  9. It can also play a protective role. Elemental arsenic and arsenic compounds are, classified ,as" toxic" and" dangerous for the environment" in the European Union under
  10. Not be known until Dawn arrives in 2015. Classification Asteroids are commonly, classified ,according to two criteria: the characteristics of their orbits, and features of
  11. Stalking, assault,arson, and bombing. Anti-abortion violence has been, classified ,by governmental and scholarly sources as terrorism. Only a small fraction of
  12. PNG|thumb|300px|Catabolism of proteinogenic amino acids. Amino acids can be, classified ,according to the properties of their main products as either of the following:
  13. In the Middle Ages From the 9th century CE, the medieval Islamic world, classified ,Jews (and Christians) as shimmy, and allowed them to practice their religion
  14. A broad range of problems in many fields. By complexity Algorithms can be, classified ,by the amount of time they need to complete compared to their input size. There
  15. Is nothing else from which they logically follow (otherwise they would be, classified ,as theorems). Logical axioms are usually statements that are taken to be
  16. Are therefore referred to as beta or gamma amino acids. Amino acids are usually, classified ,by the properties of their side-chain into four groups. The side-chain can make
  17. Wings that provide some or all of the lift in forward flight. They are nowadays, classified ,as powered lift types and not as rotorcraft. Tilt rotor aircraft (such as the
  18. And what was reported to be the first commercial C compiler). The language was, classified ,as an assembler, because it worked with raw machine elements such as opcodes
  19. Forelimbs were small, and the body was balanced by a long, heavy tail. It is, classified ,as an allosaur, a type of carnosaurian theropod dinosaur. The genus has a
  20. And syllabifies, in which each character represents a syllable. Alphabets are, classified ,according to how they indicate vowels: * the same way as consonants, as in
  21. And is one of many carcinogens found in cigarette smoke). The EPA has, classified ,seven PAH compounds as probable human carcinogens: benzaanthracene
  22. Foam," interpreting it as" risen from the foam ". This has been widely, classified ,as a folk etymology, and numerous speculative etymologies, many of them
  23. Wide range of properties are used in engineering structures. Alloy systems are, classified ,by a number system (ANSI) or by names indicating their main alloying
  24. Not be classified in the same category by orthodox believers: they would be, classified ,as a heretical subset of antilegomenae, to distinguish them from now-canonical
  25. Of large lumps of amber of irregular form. Classification Amber can be, classified ,into several forms. Most fundamentally, there are two types of plant resin with
  26. At 16 through 20 weeks and 1.4 % at more than 21 weeks. 90.9 % of these were, classified ,as having been done by" curettage" ( suction-aspiration, Dilation and
  27. Laboratory use of anhydrous ammonia (gas or liquid) Anhydrous ammonia is, classified ,as toxic (T) and dangerous for the environment (N). The gas is flammable (
  28. Group is bonded to the 1st or 2nd carbon on the propane chain. Alcohols are, classified ,into primary, secondary,and tertiary, based upon the number of carbon atoms
  29. Concentrés, source: L'eat Du mode 2005 Compounds Antimony compounds are often, classified ,into those of Sb (III) and Sb (V). In the gas phase, this compound exists
  30. Atomic, molecular,and optical physics. Physics research groups are usually so, classified , Isolated atoms Atomic physics always considers atoms in isolation. Atomic
  31. Specific symbionts or live independently; accordingly, lichens are named and, classified ,as fungal species. The association is termed a morphogenesis because the lichen
  32. DKW brand because of its associations with two-stroke technology, and having, classified ,the model internally as the F103,sold it simply as the" Audi. " Later
  33. Or natives like Spanish people in Oran),as well as the native Algerian Jews (, classified ,as Sephardi Jews),became full French citizens. Formally Algeria as a French
  34. Above refers to the mouth, face,and throat. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is, classified ,under MND by Mesh, but not by ICD-10. Causes About 90 % of cases of MND are "
  35. A positively or negatively charged atom is known as an ion. An atom is, classified ,according to the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus: the number of
  36. Feeding and nesting sites for Loggerhead, Hawksbill and Green Turtles. It is, classified ,as an Important Bird Area and has 50,000 breeding pairs of various kinds of
  37. In size and performs only a small set of tasks. Examples of applications often, classified ,as applets are all the accessories bundled in Microsoft Windows (such as
  38. Some fetal deaths reported beyond 20 weeks may be natural deaths erroneously, classified ,as abortions if the removal of the fetus is accomplished by the same procedure
  39. Vertebrates in Frankenhaeuser-Huxley equations. Peripheral nerve fibers can be, classified ,based on atonal conduction velocity, mylenation, fiber size etc. For example
  40. His day (such as Edward Taylor),Morgan argued that human societies could be, classified ,into categories of cultural evolution on a scale of progression that ranged
  41. Stage, it wasn't clear what atoms were, although they could be described and, classified ,by their properties (in bulk) in a periodic table. The true beginning of
  42. Concentrations are highly toxic to aquatic animals, and for this reason it is, classified ,as dangerous for the environment. Storage information Similar to Propane
  43. To the Hebrews or Gnostic writings as apocryphal, because they would not be, classified ,in the same category by orthodox believers: they would be classified as a
  44. S total arable land amounted to 13,805,153 km², whereas 48,836,976 km² was, classified ,as" agricultural land ". Although constrained by land mass and topology, the
  45. A constitutionally limited government. Although her political views are often, classified ,as conservative or libertarian, she preferred the term" radical for capitalism
  46. Of the AES algorithm (i.e.,128,192 and 256) are sufficient to protect, classified ,information up to the SECRET level. TOP SECRET information will require use of
  47. Edible and widely cultivated seed of this tree. Within the genus Prunes, it is, classified ,with the peach in the subgenus Amygdala, distinguished from the other
  48. Since Riggs published his opinions have agreed that the two species should be, classified ,together in a single genus. According to the rules of the ICON (which governs
  49. From these remarkable solutions, much of the chemistry in liquid ammonia can be, classified ,by analogy with related reactions in aqueous solutions. Comparison of the
  50. Period, when art came to be seen as" a special faculty of the human mind to be, classified ,with religion and science ". Generally, art is made with the intention of

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