Examples of the the word, representatives , in a Sentence Context

The word ( representatives ), is the 5856 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Typically held one or two Senate seats in each state, as well as having some, representatives ,in state parliaments and local councils. Following the internal conflict over
  2. Support for his tottering empire. He visited Muslim principalities in Syria and, representatives ,of the Nestorian and Jacobite churches in Persia, finally delivering the papal
  3. Columbia University and Princeton University, and in Washington he accompanied, representatives ,of the National Academy of Science on a visit to the White House. On his return
  4. Had most at heart were the speedy admission of the Southern senators and, representatives ,to Congress and the relegation of the question of negro suffrage to the States
  5. After stepping down. Officeholders were the agents of the people, not their, representatives , Citizens active as office holders served in a quite different capacity from
  6. Under the agreement, AOL would no longer require its customer service, representatives ,to meet a minimum quota for customer retention in order to receive a bonus. On
  7. Convention in Philadelphia were only authorized to amend the Articles,the, representatives ,held secret, closed-door sessions and wrote a new constitution. The new
  8. Is synovial, consisting of three houses of laity (usually elected parish, representatives ,), clergy,and bishops. National, provincial,and diocesan synods maintain
  9. Were" in rebellion ", and the members of Congress were traitors. In 1776, representatives , from each of the original 13 states voted unanimously in the Second Continental
  10. Reconstructed, and John A. Winston would not take the oath of allegiance. All, representatives ,and senators listed represented Alabama except where noted. Living former
  11. Congresses. In 1774,the First Continental Congress convened, consisting of, representatives ,from each of the Provincial Congresses or their equivalents, to serve as a
  12. Process is accomplished through collaboration with and consent of ecclesial, representatives ,(see Ecclesiastical Commissioners). The monarch has no constitutional role in
  13. Late 1990s and generally stronger regulations. In 1999,governments, industry, representatives , and environmental organizations initiated a program aimed at developing and
  14. 1864. When Lincoln vetoed the bill, the Radicals retaliated by refusing to seat, representatives ,elected from Louisiana, Arkansas,and Tennessee. Lincoln's appointments were
  15. As part of the North-West Territories in 1882. As settlement increased, local, representatives , to the North-West Legislative Assembly were added. After a long campaign for
  16. Not granted this award. Cunningham was present to accept the medal, as were, representatives ,of his deceased crew members, and other Apollo astronauts including Neil
  17. Through the colonial assemblies such as the Stamp Act Congress, which included, representatives ,from across the colonies. In 1765,the Sons of Liberty were formed which used
  18. Were mixed in their support for the Federation of Australia. Some labor, representatives ,argued against the proposed constitution, claiming the Senate as proposed was
  19. Of the Cortes, a general assembly comprising the nobility, the middle class and, representatives ,of all municipalities. He also made laws intended to restrain the upper classes
  20. Following year, Kournikova and Fedora were married in Moscow. Kournikova's, representatives ,deny any marriage to Fedora; however,Sergei's agent Pat Frisson claims that
  21. In establishing diplomatic relations with six countries, sending diplomatic, representatives ,to Germany and Finland. The process of international recognition of Azerbaijan
  22. Haggard Transcontinental. Deign considers him the least bad of the government, representatives , since he does have some real knowledge on the running of trains. She notices
  23. Was also shut down. All customer service calls became handled by outsourced, representatives ,in Romania, the Philippines, and India. * On September 17, 2007,AOL announced
  24. Cherokees led by John Ridge negotiated the Treaty of New Echo ta with Jackson's, representatives , Ridge was not a recognized leader of the Cherokee Nation, and this document
  25. Have two alkyl substituent bound to N together with one hydrogen. Important, representatives ,include dimethylamine and methylethanolamine. In tertiary amines, all three
  26. British responded by sending combat troops to re-impose direct rule. Through, representatives ,sent in 1775 to the Second Continental Congress, the states joined together at
  27. Anywhere around the globe. ANSI accredits standards that are developed by, representatives ,of standards developing organizations, government agencies, consumer groups
  28. Well as Francis Ford Coppola, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Jack Valenti and other, representatives ,from the arts and academia. In addition, Ten Moments of Significance
  29. Vision for the time. Progressive measures taken during his kingship include:, representatives ,of the commons, besides the nobility and clergy, were involved in governance;
  30. They urged their urban sympathizers to vote for Labor candidates, as the, representatives ,of the urban working class. This type of farmer-labour co-operation became
  31. Are selected by the provincial governors. The provincial governors are, representatives ,of the central government in Kabul and are responsible for all administrative
  32. Leo XIII's Papal Encyclical Apostolic curve. Anglican and Roman Catholic, representatives ,declared that they had" substantial agreement on the doctrine of the Eucharist
  33. Romero and President Susan Herman. The national board of directors consists of, representatives ,elected by each state affiliate as well as at-large delegates elected by boards
  34. Open primarily to Dutch Calvinists (Arminians were excluded) with Calvinist, representatives ,from other countries, and in 1618 published a condemnation of Arminius and his
  35. Exert significant g-forces on a crew. A task force of contractors, NASA agency, representatives , and MSFC researchers concluded that the engines vibrated at a frequency
  36. In Rome, he dispatched senators to the provinces under his command as his, representatives ,to manage provincial affairs and ensure his orders were carried out. Augustus
  37. National Standards process involves: *consensus by a group that is open to, representatives ,from all interested parties *broad-based public review and comment on draft
  38. The same historic rights and obligations as subjects in Britain. Nevertheless, representatives ,of all 13 colonies protested vehemently, as popular leaders such as Patrick
  39. Of nuclear technology and weapons. The Australian Democrats were the first, representatives ,of green politics at the federal level in Australia. They played a key role in
  40. After seeing promotional filmstrips and listening to talks by company, representatives ,and successful distributors, they decided to pursue the Nutritive business
  41. With Great Britain, languished in Congress for months because several state, representatives ,failed to attend sessions of the national legislature to ratify it. Yet
  42. Launched in 2008. The AK100 Project aims to" expose young people who are the, representatives ,of the next generation, and all people everywhere, to the light and spirit of
  43. The Articles of Confederation in a" Grand Convention. " Although the states ', representatives ,to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia were only authorized to amend
  44. And the Federal Bureau of Investigation held a training program for about 100, representatives , of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan Republic, Republican
  45. AOL had instituted minimum retention or" save" percentages, which consumer, representatives ,were expected to meet. These bonusesand the minimum" save" rates
  46. And intriguing experiment in direct democracy where the people do not elect, representatives ,to vote on their behalf but vote on legislation and executive bills in their
  47. Would have created two legislative commissions made up of indirectly elected, representatives , had it not been repealed by his reactionary successor Alexander III.
  48. Civil Rights Bill he yielded not a jot to Congress. The moderate senators and, representatives ,(who constituted a majority of the Union party) asked him for only a slight
  49. Distributors they recruit. In 2006,Amway China had a reported 180,000 sales, representatives , 140 stores, and $2 billion in annual sales. In 2007 Amway Greater China and
  50. Depiction of an amoral universe. Delete also treated Lovecraft's Old Ones as, representatives ,of elemental forces, creating new fictional entities to flesh out this

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